aview(1) aview(1)
aview, ArrayView - array status monitor for the X Window System
ArrayView [options...]
aview [options...]
The ArrayView command (also known by its synonym aview) is used to
display status information about the various machines in an array.
The ArrayView window is made up of two sections. In the top section, a
brief summary of the overall system utilization of each machine is
displayed. In the bottom section, a separate pane for each machine is
used to display more detail about some aspect of the system, such as
logged-in users or the most active processes. The relative size of the
upper and lower sections can be controlled by dragging the "sash" button
on the right hand side of the separator line between them.
The type of information displayed in the lower section of the ArrayView
window is controlled from the View menu. There are several options:
CPU Hogs [Toc] [Back]
Displays information about the most active processes on each
machine, according to their CPU utilization sampled over a period
of several seconds.
Processes [Toc] [Back]
Displays information about all active processes on each machine.
Users Displays a list of all users logged in to each machine.
In the CPU Hogs and Processes views, it is possible to select an
individual array session by clicking on a process belonging to that array
session with the left mouse button. Once an array session has been
selected, various actions can be performed on it from the Actions menu.
These include:
Kill Session [Toc] [Back]
Kill the array session by sending a TERM signal to all of the
processes in the array session.
Suspend Session [Toc] [Back]
Temporarily suspend the array session by sending a TSTP signal to
all of the processes in the array session.
Resume Session [Toc] [Back]
Resume a suspended array session by sending a CONT signal to all
of the processes in the array session.
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In addition, a popup menu containing these actions will be displayed when
the right mouse button is clicked on a process.
The Launch menu can be used to launch programs that use the MPI or PVM
message passing libraries. The MPI Job... item will invoke the mpiview
program if it has been installed. If the MPIRUN_DIR environment variable
was set when ArrayView was invoked, its value will be passed along to
mpiview as well (note, however, that no other environment variables are
passed along). Similarly, the PVM Job... item will invoke the xpvm
program if it has been installed. If the PVM_ROOT environment variable
was set when ArrayView was invoked, its value will be passed along to
xpvm. If mpiview or xpvm are not installed, selecting the corresponding
menu item will cause an error dialog box to be displayed.
The Options menu is used to control some of the details of operating
Array Selection [Toc] [Back]
The Array... item of the Options menu brings up the Array Selection
dialog box, which consists mostly of a list of the arrays known to the
currently selected array services daemon. The array currently being
displayed will be highlighted. To switch to a different array, simply
select it from the list and click OK. Selecting <default> will cause the
array services daemon's default array to be chosen.
Refresh Settings [Toc] [Back]
The Refresh... item of the Options menu brings up the Refresh Settings
dialog box. This is used to control how the screen and data are
refreshed. When the Auto refresh option is turned on, the screen will be
refreshed periodically with the latest available information. The
interval (in seconds) between automatic refreshes is controlled by the
Screen refresh field of the dialog box. When Auto refresh is off, data
can be refreshed manually by selecting the Refresh now item on the View
If the Freeze on select option of the Refresh Settings dialog is chosen,
then automatic refresh will be suspended temporarily whenever an array
session has been selected. Auto-refresh will resume ("thaw") when an
action is performed on the array session or when the array session is
deselected by clicking on it a second time. If Freeze on select is not
chosen, it is possible that a selection may be lost if the screen is
refreshed before an action is performed.
The Refresh on thaw option causes the screen to be refreshed immediately
after resuming auto-refresh. This can be useful if the screen refresh
interval is large.
The Collection sample length interval is used to specify the length in
seconds of the sample interval used by the CPU Hogs view. It has no
effect on the other views. The Pause between samples interval controls
the length (in seconds) of the pause between the time that one batch of
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data is received from the array services daemon and the time that the
next one is requested. Notice that this is separate from the screen
refresh interval, because screen refresh is asynchronous with data
collection. If the screen refresh interval is large, it may be useful to
increase the pause interval as well to avoid unnecessary overhead.
Server Information [Toc] [Back]
The Server... item of the Options menu brings up the Server Information
dialog box. Ordinarily, it is only necessary to change this information
if you wish to use an alternate array services daemon. The Hostname and
Port number fields of this dialog box are used to select the location of
the array services daemon to be contacted for status information. The
Forward requests via local server option is used to route all array
services requests via the local array services daemon, even if they are
destined for a different machine. It is generally only necessary to do
this when array services authentication is being used and you do not wish
to manually set the authentication keys. If you wish for array services
requests to be sent directly to the target servers even though
authentication is in use, it is necessary to specify the local and remote
authentication keys in the appropriate fields of the Authentication
section of the dialog box. Contact your system administrator for these
keys, or see arrayd(1m) and arrayd.conf(4) for more information.
Valid options include:
-array arrayname
Specifies the name of the array to be monitored. If not specified,
the array services daemon's default destination will be used.
Indicates that array services requests destined for remote servers
should be sent directly to those servers, rather than being
forwarded to them by the local array services daemon. This will
fail on systems that use array services authentication unless the
-Kl and -Kr options are also specified. -direct is the default
behavior under normal circumstances (but see the description of the
ARRAYD_FORWARD variable, below). Specifying -direct is equivalent
to turning off the Forward requests via local server option in the
Server Information dialog.
Start ArrayView in "demo mode". This causes the actions in Action
menu to be displayed in a dialog box, but not actually performed.
If demo mode has been enabled by default (see X Resources, below),
then -nodemo will disable it.
-forward (or -F)
Indicates that array services requests destined for remote servers
should be forwarded to those servers via the local array services
daemon, rather than being sent directly to them. This is useful
when array services authentication is in use. -forward is the
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default behavior if the value of the ARRAYD_FORWARD environment
variable begins with the letter "Y" (as in "yes"; it may be in
either upper or lower case).
-Kl key
Use key for the local authentication key when communicating directly
with a remote array services daemon. key is an unsigned 64-bit
value. The default local key is obtained from the environment
variable ARRAYD_LOCALKEY; if that does not exist, no key is used.
The actual role played by key depends on the authentication method
used by array services in a particular configuration. In general,
it is not used when communicating with an array services daemon on
the local machine.
-Kr key
Use key for the remote authentication key when communicating
directly with a remote array services daemon. key is an unsigned
64-bit value. The default remote key is obtained from the
environment variable ARRAYD_REMOTEKEY; if that does not exist, no
key is used. The actual role played by key depends on the
authentication method used by array services in a particular
configuration. In general, it is not used when communicating with
an array services daemon on the local machine.
-mode view
Starts ArrayView in view view, which may be "cpuhogs", "processes"
or "users" (case is not significant).
-pause #secs
Specifies the Pause between samples interval (see "Refresh
-port port (or -p port)
Specifies the port address of the array services daemon. Defaults
to the value of the "ARRAYD_PORT" environment variable if present,
or the standard port number of the "sgi-arrayd" service otherwise.
-refresh #secs
Specifies the Screen refresh interval (see "Refresh Settings").
-sample #secs
Specifies the Collection sample length interval (see "Refresh
Settings"). -server server Specifies the hostname or IP address of
the array services daemon. Defaults to the value of the "ARRAYD"
environment variable if present, or "localhost" otherwise.
Indicates that any process belong to array session 0 (typically
system processes) should be omitted from the display. If this
option has been enabled by default (see "X Resources"), it can be
disabled with -noskip0.
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Many of the options that can be set in dialog boxes or from the command
line can also be set with X resources. The class name for ArrayView is
Aview. Valid resources include:
autoRefresh (boolean, default TRUE)
Specifies the initial setting of the Auto refresh option.
demoMode (boolean, default FALSE)
Specifies the default setting of demo mode.
forwardRequests (boolean)
Specifies a default setting for the Forward requests via local
server option. If this resource is not specified, a default
setting is obtained from the environment variable
freezeOnSelect (boolean, default TRUE)
Specifies the default setting of the Freeze on select option.
localKey (string)
Specifies a default local authentication key. If this resource
is not specified, a default key is obtained from the
environment variable ARRAYD_LOCALKEY.
pauseInterval (integer)
Specifies the default Pause between samples interval.
port (integer)
Specifies the default IP port number for the array services
daemon. If this resource is not specified, a default port
number is obtained from the environment variable ARRAYD_PORT,
or the "sgi-arrayd" service.
refreshInterval (integer)
Specifies the default Screen refresh interval.
refreshOnThaw (boolean, default TRUE)
Specifies the default setting of the Refresh on thaw option.
remoteKey (string)
Specifies a default remote authentication key. If this
resource is not specified, a default key is obtained from the
environment variable ARRAYD_REMOTEKEY.
sampleInterval (integer)
Specifies the default Collection sample length interval.
server (string)
Specifies the default hostname for the array services daemon to
be used for most array services requests. If this resource is
not specified, a default hostname is obtained from the
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environment variable ARRAYD.
skipASHZero (boolean, default TRUE)
If true, indicates that any process belong to array session 0
(typically system processes) should be omitted from the
viewMode (string)
Specifies the default view mode. See the -mode command line
option for valid values.
The array services daemon (arrayd(1M)) should be running on all machines
that are to be monitored. It does not necessarily have to be running on
the machine that executes ArrayView if an alternate server was specified
in some way.
arrayd(1M), mpiview(1), arrayd.conf(4).
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666 [ Back ]