su(1) -- switch user
The su (set user or superuser) command allows one user to become another user without logging out. username is the name of a user defined in the /etc/passwd file (see passwd(4)). The default name is root (that is, superuser). To use su, the appropriate password must be supplied unless the current user is superuser and is not using the -d option. If a valid password is entered, su executes a new sh... |
sum(1) -- print checksum and block or byte count of file(s)
sum calculates and prints to standard output a checksum for each named file, and also prints the size of the file in 512 byte blocks, rounded up. The default algorithm is a 16-bit sum of the bytes in which overflow is ignored. Alternate algorithms can be selected with the -r and -p options. Standard input is used if no file names are given. sum is typically used to verify data integrity when copyi... |
svcdumplog(1) -- Prints contents of a binary serviceability log file
The svcdumplog program will print the contents of a binary log file. DCE components log important information about their activities and state via the DCE serviceability interface. The log messages can be routed as desired via the dcecp log object. The messages can also be written in either binary or in text format (information about specifying message format can be found in svcroute(5)). When bin... |
swacl(1m) -- view or modify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) which protect software products
The swacl command displays or modifies the Access Control Lists (ACLs) which: + Protect the specified target_selections (hosts, software depots or root filesystems). + Protect the specified software_selections on each of the specified target_selections (software depots only). All root filesystems, software depots, and products in software depots are protected by ACLs. The SD commands permit or pre... |
swagent(1m) -- serve local or remote SD software management tasks, daemon that invokes swagent, respectively
The roles of UNIX target and source systems require two processes known as the daemon and agent. For most purposes, the distinction between these two processes is invisible to the user and they can be viewed as a single process. Each SD command interacts with the daemon and agent to perform its requested tasks. The swagentd daemon process must be scheduled before a UNIX system is available as a ta... |
swagentd(1m) -- serve local or remote SD software management tasks, daemon that invokes swagent, respectively
The roles of UNIX target and source systems require two processes known as the daemon and agent. For most purposes, the distinction between these two processes is invisible to the user and they can be viewed as a single process. Each SD command interacts with the daemon and agent to perform its requested tasks. The swagentd daemon process must be scheduled before a UNIX system is available as a ta... |
swapinfo(1m) -- system paging space information
swapinfo prints information about device and file system paging space. (Note: the term `swap' refers to an obsolete implementation of virtual memory; HP-UX actually implements virtual memory by way of paging rather than swapping. This command and others retain names derived from `swap' for historical reasons.) By default, swapinfo prints to standard output a two line header as shown here, follow... |
swapon(1m) -- enable device or file system for paging
The swapon command enables devices or file systems on which paging is to take place. (NOTE: the term `swap' refers to an obsolete implementation of virtual memory; HP-UX actually implements virtual memory by way of paging rather than swapping. This command and others retain names derived from `swap' for historical reasons.) By enabling a device for paging, the device can be accessed directly (wi... |
swask(1m) -- ask for user response
The swask command runs interactive software request scripts for the software objects selected to one or more targets specified by target_selections. These scripts store the responses in a response file (named response) for later use by the swinstall and swconfig commands. The swinstall and swconfig commands can also run the interactive request scripts directly, using the ask option. If the -s opti... |
swconfig(1m) -- configure, unconfigure, or reconfigure installed software
The swconfig command configures, unconfigures, or reconfigures installed software products for execution on the specified targets. The swconfig command transitions software between INSTALLED and CONFIGURED states. Although software is automatically configured as part of the swinstall command and unconfigured as part of the swremove command, swconfig lets you configure or unconfigure software indep... |
swcopy(1m) -- install and configure software products; software products for subsequent installation or distribution; respec
The swinstall command installs the software_selections from a software source to either the local host or, in the case of the HP OpenView Software Distributor product, to one or more target_selections (root filesystems). By default, the software is configured for use on the target after it is installed. (The software is not configured when installed into an alternate root directory.) The swcopy co... |
swinstall(1m) -- install and configure software products; software products for subsequent installation or distribution; respec
The swinstall command installs the software_selections from a software source to either the local host or, in the case of the HP OpenView Software Distributor product, to one or more target_selections (root filesystems). By default, the software is configured for use on the target after it is installed. (The software is not configured when installed into an alternate root directory.) The swcopy co... |
swjob(1m) -- display and monitor job information and create and remove jobs; invoke graphical user interface to display and
The swjob command displays job information and removes jobs. It supports these features: + Display the current install jobs, copy jobs, and other SD jobs initiated by the SD commands. + Specify a specific job to list or remove. + Display the command logfile for a specific job. + Display the target logfile for a specific target. |
swlist(1m) -- display information about software products
The swlist command displays information about software products installed at or available from the specified target_selections. It supports these features: + Specify bundles, products, subproducts, and/or filesets to list. + Display the files contained in each fileset. + Display a table of contents from a software source. + Specify the attributes to display for each software object. + Display all ... |
swmodify(1m) -- modify software products in a target root or depot
The swmodify command modifies the definitions of software objects installed into a primary or alternate root, or available from a software depot. It supports the following features: + adding new objects - The user can add new bundles, products, subproducts, filesets, control files, and files to existing objects (which will contain them). + deleting existing objects - The user can delete existing b... |