shar(1) -- make a shell archive package
The shar command bundles the named files and directories into a single distribution package suitable for mailing or moving. The files can contain any data, including executables. The resulting package, written to standard output, is a shell script file that can be edited (to add messages at the beginning, etc.). To unpack package, use the sh command with the package name as an argument as follows:... |
shl(1) -- shell layer manager
shl provides a means for interacting with more than one shell from a single terminal by using shell layers. A layer is a shell that is bound to a virtual device. The virtual device can be manipulated like an actual terminal by using stty and ioctl() (see stty(1) and ioctl(2)). Each layer has its own process group ID. The user controls these layers by using the commands described below. The current... |
show(1m) -- Displays current information about the DTS entity
The show command displays the names and values of the specified attributes or attribute groups. For attribute groups, if you do not supply a group name with the all argument, all characteristics and their values are displayed. The following sections list names of individual attributes, categorized by group. Note that the attributes displayed by the show command might be different, depending upon w... |
showmount(1m) -- show all remote mounts
showmount lists all clients that have remotely mounted a filesystem from host. This information is maintained by the mountd server on host (see mountd(1M)). The default value for host is the value returned by hostname (see hostname(1)). |
show_cached_clearinghouse(1m) -- Displays current information about the specified cached clearinghouse
The show cached clearinghouse command displays all the names and values of the attributes in the specified cached clearinghouse. The following are valid attributes: |
show_cached_server(1m) -- Displays address information of a server in the local clerk's cache
The show cached server command displays address information of a server in the local clerk's cache. The following list describes the valid attributes: Name The directory cell name Towers The protocol sequence and network address of the server node |
show_cdscp_confidence(1m) -- Displays the current confidence level of clerk calls resulting from CDS control program commands
The show cdscp confidence command displays the current confidence level of clerk calls. A low confidence level means the clerk obtains information from caches or the most convenient server. A medium level means the clerk obtains information directly from a server. A high level means the clerk obtains information only at master replicas. You must use this command within the CDS control program. Exi... |
show_cdscp_preferred_clearinghouse(1m) -- Displays the preferred clearinghouse for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program command
The show cdscp preferred clearinghouse command displays the preferred clearinghouse for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands. You can only read attribute values for entries stored in the specified clearinghouse. You must use this command within the CDS control program. Exiting from the CDS control program removes the preferred clearinghouse setting. You must reset... |
show_cell(1m) -- Displays the information you need to create a cell entry in either DNS or GDS
The show cell command displays the information you need to create a cell entry in either the Domain Name System (DNS) or the Global Directory Service (GDS). DCE does not support cells registered simultaneously in GDS and DNS. If you want to define a cell in DNS, you can use this command to produce a preformatted set of resource records. You can then edit the appropriate DNS data file and copy the ... |
show_child(1m) -- Displays attribute information about the specified child pointer
The show child command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to child pointers whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the ... |
show_clearinghouse(1m) -- Displays attribute information about the specified clearinghouse
The show clearinghouse command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to clearinghouses whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must... |
show_clerk(1m) -- Displays attribute information about the CDS clerk on the local system
The show clerk command displays all the names and values of the clerk attributes on the local system. The clerk must be enabled when you use this command. The following are valid attributes: |
show_directory(1m) -- Displays attribute information about the specified directory
The show directory command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to directories whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must preced... |
show_link(1m) -- Displays attribute information about the specified soft link
The show link command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to soft links whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and ... |
show_object(1m) -- Displays attribute information about the specified object entry
The show object command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to object entries whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. If you do not supply any attributes... |