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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      XmDisplay - The Display widget class

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      #include <Xm/Display.h>

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The XmDisplay object is used by the Motif widgets to store information
      that is specific to a display. It also allows the toolkit to access
      certain information on widget hierarchies that would otherwise be
      unavailable. Each client has one XmDisplay object for each display it

      An XmDisplay object is automatically created when the application
      creates the first shell on a display (usually accomplished by a call
      to XtAppInitialize or XtAppCreateShell).  It is not necessary to
      create an XmDisplay object by any other means.  An application can use
      the function XmGetXmDisplay to obtain the widget ID of the XmDisplay
      object for a given display.

      An application cannot supply initial values for XmDisplay resources as
      arguments to a call to any function that creates widgets.  The
      application or user can supply initial values in a resource file.
      After creating the first shell on the display, the application can use
      XmGetXmDisplay to obtain the widget ID of the XmDisplay object and
      then call XtSetValues to set the XmDisplay resources.

      XmDisplay resources specify the drag protocol style for a client
      participating in drag and drop transactions. The two basic protocol
      types are preregister and dynamic. When a preregister protocol is
      used, the toolkit handles any communication between the initiator and
      receiver clients and displays the appropriate drag-over and drag-under
      visual effects. A client registers its drop sites in advance and this
      information is stored in a property for each top-level window. When
      the drag pointer enters a top-level window, the drop site information
      is read by the initiator. A dynamic protocol allows the source and
      destination clients to dynamically communicate drag and drop state
      information between each other, and to update their respective visuals
      accordingly. The toolkit provides drop site information as the pointer
      passes over any given drop site.  In this mode, a receiver can supply
      a procedure to generate its own drag-under effects.

    Classes    [Toc]    [Back]
      Display inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, Shell,
      WMShell, VendorShell, TopLevelShell, and ApplicationShell classes.

      The class pointer is xmDisplayClass.

      The class name is XmDisplay.

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

    New Resources    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the
      programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource
      values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.
      To reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file,
      remove the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters.  To
      specify one of the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file,
      remove the Xm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either
      lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words).
      The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be
      set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by
      using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).

                                                    XmDisplay Resource Set
       Name                            Class                           Type             Default                  Access
       XmNdefaultButtonEmphasis        XmCDefaultButtonEmphasis        XtEnum           XmEXTERNAL_HIGHLIGHT     C
       XmNdefaultVirtualBindings       XmCDefaultVirtualBindings       String           dynamic                  C
       XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle   XmCDragInitiatorProtocolStyle   unsigned char    XmDRAG_PREFER_RECEIVER   CG
       XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle    XmCDragReceiverProtocolStyle    unsigned char    XmDRAG_PREFER_DYNAMIC    CG
       XmNdragStartCallback            XmCCallback                     XtCallbackList   NULL                     C
       XmNenableBtn1Transfer           XmCEnableBtn1Transfer           XtEnum           XmOFF                    C
       XmNenableButtonTab              XmCEnableButtonTab              Boolean          False                    C
       XmNenableDragIcon               XmCEnableDragIcon               Boolean          False                    C
       XmNenableEtchedInMenu           XmCEnableEtchedInMenu           Boolean          False                    C
       XmNenableToggleColor            XmCEnableToggleColor            Boolean          False                    C
       XmNenableToggleVisual           XmCEnableToggleVisual           Boolean          False                    C
       XmNenableUnselectableDrag       XmCEnableUnselectableDrag       Boolean          True                     C
       XmNenableWarp                   XmCEnableWarp                   XtEnum           True                     CSG
       XmNmotifVersion                 XmCMotifVersion                 int              XmVERSION                CSG
       XmNnoFontCallback               XmCCallback                     XtCallbackList   NULL                     C
       XmNnoRenditionCallback          XmCCallback                     XtCallbackList   NULL                     C
       XmNuserData                     XmCUserData                     XtPointer        NULL                     CSG

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

      |                              |                               |                |                        |        |
      XmNdefaultButtonEmphasis       |                               |                |                        |        |
      |         Specifies whether to change the look of the PushButton                |                        |        |
      |         widget and gadget that have the XmNshowAsDefault resource             |                        |        |
      |         set. When the PushButton is the default, it has an etched             |                        |        |
      |         out button which is enclosed with another etched in border.           |                        |        |
      |         The XmNdefaultButtonEmphasis has the follow possible values,          |                        |        |
      |         which affect the location cursor:                    |                |                        |        |
      |                              |                               |                |                        |        |
      |         XmINTERNAL_HIGHLIGHT |                               |                |                        |        |
      |                   Causes the location cursor to appear in between             |                        |        |
      |                   the two etched borders to minimize the space                |                        |        |
      |                   required.  |                               |                |                        |        |
                                     |                               |                |                        |
                XmEXTERNAL_HIGHLIGHT |                               |                |                        |
                          Causes the PushButton to draw the location cursor
                          outside the second border.

      XmNdefaultVirtualBindings    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the default virtual bindings for the display.
                Following is an example of a specification for the
                defaultVirtualBindings resource in a resource file:

      *defaultVirtualBindings: \
              osfBackSpace:       <Key>BackSpace       \n\
              osfInsert:       <Key>InsertChar      \n\
              osfDelete:       <Key>DeleteChar      \n\
              osfLeft:       <Key>left, Ctrl<Key>H

      XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the drag and drop protocol requirements or
                preference when the client is an initiator. The possible
                values are

                XmDRAG_PREREGISTER    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As an initiator, this client does not use the
                          dynamic protocol and can only arrange visual
                          effects with receivers who provide preregistered

                XmDRAG_DYNAMIC    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As an initiator, this client does not make use of
                          any preregistered drop site information made
                          available by other clients, and can only arrange
                          visual effects with receivers who use the dynamic

                XmDRAG_NONE    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Specifies that drag and drop is disabled for this

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)


                XmDRAG_DROP_ONLY    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As an initiator, this client does not use either
                          the preregistered drop site information or the
                          dynamic protocol. It supports dragging, and any
                          time the cursor is over a client that supports
                          drag and drop, valid feedback is provided. There
                          are no other visual effects.

                XmDRAG_PREFER_DYNAMIC    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As an initiator, this client can support both the
                          preregister and dynamic protocols, but prefers to
                          use dynamic protocols whenever possible in order
                          to provide high-quality drag-under feedback.

                XmDRAG_PREFER_PREREGISTER    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As an initiator, this client can support both the
                          preregister and dynamic protocols, but prefers to
                          use the preregister protocol whenever possible in
                          order to accommodate performance needs or to
                          provide consistent drag-over feedback.

                XmDRAG_PREFER_RECEIVER    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Indicates that this client can support both
                          preregister and dynamic protocols, but will defer
                          to the preference of the receiver client.  This
                          value is valid only for the
                          XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle resource, and is its
                          default value.

      XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the drag and drop protocol requirements or
                preference when this client is a receiver. The values are

                XmDRAG_PREREGISTER    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As a receiver, this client preregisters drop site
                          information and does not use the dynamic protocol.
                          It can only arrange visual effects with initiators
                          who make use of the preregistered information.

                XmDRAG_DYNAMIC    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As a receiver, this client uses the dynamic
                          protocol and does not preregister drop site
                          information. It can only arrange visual effects
                          with initiators who use the dynamic protocol.

                XmDRAG_NONE    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Specifies that drag and drop is disabled for this

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

                XmDRAG_DROP_ONLY    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As a receiver, this client neither uses the
                          dynamic protocol nor preregisters drop site
                          information. It supports dropping, and when
                          dragging over this client, valid feedback is
                          always provided, but there are no other visual

                XmDRAG_PREFER_DYNAMIC    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As a receiver, this client can support both the
                          preregister and dynamic protocols, but prefers to
                          use the dynamic protocol whenever possible in
                          order to provide high-quality drag-under feedback.

                XmDRAG_PREFER_PREREGISTER    [Toc]    [Back]
                          As a receiver, this client can support both the
                          preregister and dynamic protocols, but prefers to
                          use the preregister protocol whenever possible in
                          order to accommodate performance needs.

                The default value of this resource is dependent on the
                capabilities of the display. If the display supports the
                shape extension, allowing the dynamic protocol to use
                arbitrarily sized drag cursors, the default of this resource
                is XmDRAG_PREFER_DYNAMIC, otherwise the default is

                The actual protocol used between an initiator and a receiver
                is based on the protocol style of the receiver and
                initiator. The decision matrix is described in the following
                |               |                                                                                    |
                |               | Drag Receiver Protocol Style                                                       |
                |               |______________________________|____________________|________________|_______________|
                |               | Preregister                  | Prefer Preregister | Prefer Dynamic | Dynamic       |
                |               |______________________________|____________________|________________|_______________|
                |               | Preregister                  | Preregister        | Preregister    | Drop Only     |
                |               |______________________________|____________________|________________|_______________|
                |Drag Initiator | Preregister                  | Preregister        | Preregister    | Dynamic       |
                |               |______________________________|____________________|________________|_______________|
                |               | Preregister                  | Preregister        | Dynamic        | Dynamic       |
                |               |______________________________|____________________|________________|_______________|
                |               | Preregister                  | Dynamic            | Dynamic        | Dynamic       |
                |               |______________________________|____________________|________________|_______________|
                |               | Drop Only                    | Dynamic            | Dynamic        | Dynamic       |

                The value XmDRAG_NONE does not appear in the matrix. When
                specified for either the initiator or receiver side,
                XmDRAG_NONE implies that drag and drop transactions are not

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

                supported. A value of XmDRAG_DROP_ONLY (Drop Only) results
                when an initiator and receiver cannot compromise protocol
                styles, that is, one client requires dynamic mode while the
                other can only support preregister mode, or if either
                explicitly has specified XmDRAG_DROP_ONLY.

      XmNdragStartCallback    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the list of callbacks that are invoked when the
                XmDragStart function is called. The type of structure whose
                address is passed to this callback is
                XmDragStartCallbackStruct.  The callback reason is

      XmNenableBtn1Transfer    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies if selection and transfer actions are integrated
                on Btn1 and extend actions are activated on Btn2. This
                resource can take the following values:

                XmOFF     Disables integration and selection activation on

                XmBUTTON2_TRANSFER    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Enables integration and selection activation on
                          Btn1 and transfer on Btn2.

                XmBUTTON2_ADJUST    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Enables integration and selection activation on
                          Btn1 and adjust on Btn2.

                This resource affects the actions of Text, TextField, List,
                and Container.

      XmNenableButtonTab    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies if the action for the <Tab> key (KNextField and
                KPrevField actions) is to be modified.  A value of True
                modifies the key to move as an arrow key until the boundary
                of a tab group is reached. Then, at the boundary of the tab
                group, KNextField and KPrevField will move to the next or
                previous tab group, respectively. A value of False does not
                cause modification.

      XmNenableDragIcon    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies which set of icons are to be used for system
                default cursors during drag and drop operations. A value of
                False specifies that earlier versions of Motif release icons
                are used, a value of True specifies that alternate icons are
                used. This resource affects both the 16x16 and the 32x32
                icons that the system defaults for each of the Screen
                objects associated with this display.

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

      XmNenableEtchedInMenu    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the shadowing of the button widgets and gadgets in
                menus when the control is activated. A value of True causes
                the selected menu to be drawn with the shadow etched in;
                this shadow style is consistent with the selected appearance
                of other button widgets outside of menus. A value of False
                causes the selected menu to be draw with the shadow etched
                out. This resource affects the actions of PushButton,
                ToggleButton, and CascadeButton widgets and gadgets when
                they are children of Menu.

                When this resource is set, the background of a button in a
                menu uses the XmNselectColor (derived from the
                XmNselectPixel) when armed as a default. A PushButton uses
                the XmNarmColor if it is defined. A ToggleButton uses the
                XmNselectColor if XmNindicatorOn is False and
                XmNfillOnSelect is True.

      XmNenableToggleColor    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies how to determine the default value of the
                XmNselectColor resource of ToggleButton and
                ToggleButtonGadget.  A value of True causes the default
                value of XmNselectColor to be set to the value of
                XmNhighlightColor.  A value of False causes the default
                value of XmNselectColor to be set to the value of
                XmNbackground.  This resource only affects the appearance of
                ToggleButton widgets and gadgets that are in XmONE_OF_MANY
                or XmONE_OF_MANY_ROUND mode. In addition,
                XmNenableToggleColor only influences the default value of
                XmNselectColor. That is, if the user or application sets a
                value for XmNselectColor, then XmNenableToggleColor is

      XmNenableToggleVisual    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the visual appearance of the ToggleButton widget
                and/or gadget. This resource affects the default value of
                the ToggleButton[Gadget] XmNindicatorType and XmNindicatorOn
                resources. When the ToggleButton is in a RadioBox, a value
                of True causes the XmONE_OF_MANY_ROUND (a shadowed circle)
                to be the default.  Otherwise, when this resource is True,
                the ToggleButton XmNindicatorOn resource causes a default of
                XmN_OF_MANY, which will be a shadowed square with a check
                mark (check box).

                A value of False causes the following:

                XmONE_OF_MANY    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Is a shadowed diamond.

                XmN_OF_MANY    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Is a shadowed square.

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

      XmNenableUnselectableDrag    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies whether or not it is possible to drag from Label
                and Scale.  A value of True enables the drag; a value of
                False disables it.

      XmNenableWarp    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies if an application is allowed to warp the pointer
                from the user. A value of True enables warping, a value of
                False does not.

      XmNmotifVersion    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the current version of Motif that the current
                implementation is supposed to behave like. By default, this
                resource gets its value from release values in Xm.h.

      XmNnoFontCallback    [Toc]    [Back]
                This callback is called whenever a rendition attempts to
                load a font or fontset and fails. This can happen on
                creation if the font is specified as XmLOAD_IMMEDIATE or
                when an attempt is made to render an XmString using a font
                specified as XmLOAD_DEFERRED. An application can have this
                callback attempt to remedy this problem by calling
                XmRenditionUpdate on the input rendition to provide a font
                for the widget to use. This may be done by either providing
                an an alternative font name to be loaded using the
                XmNfontName and XmNfontType resources or with an already
                loaded font using the XmNfont resource. The callback reason
                is XmCR_NO_FONT. This callback uses the
                XmDisplayCallbackStruct structure.

      XmNnoRenditionCallback    [Toc]    [Back]
                This callback is called whenever an attempt is made to
                render a segment with a RENDITION tag which does not match
                any renditions in a given render table. The callback reason
                is XmCR_NO_RENDITION. This callback uses the
                XmDisplayCallbackStruct structure.

                An application can have this callback attempt to remedy this
                problem by creating a new rendition with the given tag and
                adding it to render_table.

                The XmNnoRenditionCallback should deallocate the render
                table passed in in the render_table field of the callback
                structure. Note that the table will automatically be
                deallocated if the XmRenderTableAddRenditions function is
                called on it. The callback should NOT deallocate the
                modified render table that is passed back to Motif in the
                render_table field. If the application wishes to manipulate
                this render table further, it should make a copy with the
                XmRenderTableCopy function before returning from the

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

      XmNuserData    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies a client data pointer for applications. An
                internally unused resource.

    Inherited Resources    [Toc]    [Back]
      All of the superclass resources inherited by XmDisplay are designated
      N/A (not applicable).

    Callback Information    [Toc]    [Back]
      A pointer to the following structure is passed to the
      XmNdragStartCallback callback:

      typedef struct
              int reason;
              XEvent  *event;
              Widget timeStamp;
              Boolean doit;

      reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked

      event     Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback

      widget    Indicates the ID of the widget from which the drag was

      doit      Is an IN/OUT member that allows the callback to determine
                whether to continue with the drag or cancel. Setting doit to
                False will cancel the drag. The default value is NULL.

      A pointer to the following structure is passed to the
      XmNnoFontCallback and XmNnoRenditionCallback callbacks:

      typedef struct
              int reason;
              XEvent *event;
              XmRendition rendition;
              char *font_name;
              XmRenderTable render_table;
              XmStringTag tag;

      reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked.

      event     Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be

      rendition Specifies the rendition with the missing font.

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 XmDisplay(library call)                             XmDisplay(library call)

      font_name Specifies the name of the font or font set which could not
                be loaded.

                Specifies the render table with the missing rendition.

      tag       Specifies the tag of the missing rendition.

      The following table describes the reasons for which the individual
      callback structure fields are valid.
      |Reason            | Valid Fields         |
      |XmCR_NO_FONT      | rendition, font_name |
      |XmCR_NO_RENDITION | render_table, tag    |

 RELATED    [Toc]    [Back]
      ApplicationShell(3), Composite(3), Core(3), TopLevelShell(3),
      VendorShell(3), WMShell(3), XmGetXmDisplay(3), and XmScreen(3).

                                   - 10 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005
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