kconfig(1M) kconfig(1M)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
kconfig - manage kernel configurations
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
kconfig -DSw
kconfig [-av] [-P fields] [config...]
kconfig -c [-C comment] src dest
kconfig -d [-C comment] config
kconfig -e [-C comment] [config] filename
kconfig -H [-C comment]
kconfig -i [-C comment] [-fhBKV] [config] filename
kconfig -l [-C comment] [-fBK] config
kconfig -n [-C comment] [-fBK] config
kconfig -r [-C comment] old new
kconfig -s [-C comment] [-f] config
kconfig -t [-C comment] config title
kconfig is the administrative command for HP-UX kernel configurations.
In the first form, kconfig will give summary information about the
currently running kernel configuration. In the second form, kconfig
will give information about saved kernel configurations. (If
configuration names are listed on the command line, the output is
restricted to those configurations.) In the other forms, kconfig
supports various administrative tasks on kernel configurations. See
kconfig(5) for more information about kernel configurations.
Super-user permissions are required when specifying the -c, -d, -H, -
i, -l, -n, -N, -r, -s, or -t options.
Options [Toc] [Back]
-a Includes detailed information about each kernel
configuration in the output listing (see -v, below).
In addition, the information about each configuration
will be followed by the outputs of:
kcmodule -a -v
kctune -v
for the configuration, so as to include all
configuration data. (Note: if additional configuration
data are available in future releases of HP-UX, they
will be included as well.)
-B Forces a backup of the currently running configuration
before making the requested change. For more
information on backup configurations, see kconfig(5).
-c src dest kconfig will make a copy of the saved kernel
configuration named src. The copy will be named dest.
dest may not already exist.
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kconfig(1M) kconfig(1M)
-C comment The specified comment will be included in the kernel
configuration log file entry made for this invocation
of kconfig. For more details on the kernel
configuration log file, see kclog(1M). Note that it
will usually be necessary to quote the comment in order
to avoid interpretation by the shell.
-d config kconfig will delete the saved kernel configuration
named config, and any files associated with it. (Some
files are shared between saved configurations; these
files are not deleted until all of the saved
configurations using them have been deleted.)
-D kconfig will display all changes to the current kernel
configuration that are being held for next boot. In
other words, it will execute
kcmodule -D
kctune -D
(If any additional kernel configuration data become
available in future HP-UX releases, changes to them
will be included as well.) The return value of kconfig
will be 1 if there are any such changes; see RETURN
VALUE, below. Not valid in combination with any other
-e [config] filename
kconfig will export the saved kernel configuration
named config to a system file named filename, replacing
the file if it already exists. If no config is
specified, the currently running kernel configuration
will be exported, including any changes to it that are
being held for next boot. The exported file can be
later imported using kconfig -i on this system or any
other system with compatible HP-UX software. See
kconfig(5) and system(4) for more information about
system files.
-f Tells kconfig to proceed with the requested operation
despite its potentially dangerous nature. (When
kconfig is asked to make a change that could result in
unintended data loss, it will ask for confirmation if
being run interactively, or print an error message and
stop otherwise. The change can be made, and the
interactive confirmation bypassed, by running the
kconfig command with the -f option.)
-h Tells kconfig to hold the requested changes until the
next boot, even if they could be applied immediately.
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kconfig(1M) kconfig(1M)
-H Discards all changes being held pending for next boot.
The currently running configuration will be used at
next boot.
-i [config] filename
kconfig will import a kernel configuration from the
system file named filename, which may have been created
by an invocation of kconfig -e (on any system). If
config is specified, the resulting kernel configuration
will be saved under that name. Otherwise, the
resulting kernel configuration will be applied to the
currently running system, overwriting any changes that
were being held for next boot. (The new configuration
changes will be held until next boot if they cannot be
applied immediately, or if the -h option is specified.)
A kernel configuration may not be imported successfully
unless the running system has all of the necessary
kernel software installed. If the importing system is
missing kernel software components that were in use on
the exporting system, the import will fail. See the -V
option, below.
-K Prevents a backup of the currently running
configuration before making the requested change. For
more information on backup configurations, see
-l config kconfig will load the saved kernel configuration named
config, overwriting any changes that were being held
for next boot. The state of the currently running
system will be changed to match the saved
configuration. (If the changes cannot be applied
without a reboot, they will be marked to take effect at
next boot.)
-n config The saved kernel configuration named config will be
marked for use at next boot. Any changes to the
currently running configuration that are being held for
next boot are discarded.
-P fields Tells kconfig to include only the specified fields in
its output, and to print them in the machine-readable
form described in kconfig(5). See the Developers Note,
below. Not valid in combination with -v.
-r old new The saved kernel configuration named old will be
renamed new. The name new must not already be in use.
-s config kconfig will save the running kernel configuration
under the name config.
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kconfig(1M) kconfig(1M)
-S kconfig will display all settings of the currently
running configuration that are not at their default
value. In other words, it will execute
kcmodule -S
kctune -S
(If any additional kernel configuration data become
available in future HP-UX releases, settings of them
will be included as well.) Not valid in combination
with any other flags.
-t config title
kconfig will change the title of the saved kernel
configuration named config to the given title. title
will usually need to be quoted to avoid interpretation
by the shell.
-v Includes verbose information about each saved kernel
configuration in the output listing. The information
includes the name and title of the configuration, the
pathname of the associated kernel, the creation date
and time, etc.
-V Requests strict version checking. With this option, an
import operation will only succeed if the kernel
components installed on the importing system are the
exact same versions as those installed on the exporting
-w Prints information about the original source of the
currently running configuration. Specifically, it
describes the source of the most recent complete kernel
configuration operation (load, boot, or import). Also,
if a saved configuration is marked for use at next
boot, this option will identify it.
Note that this source information does not imply that
the currently running configuration matches its
original source. kconfig -w may say that the
currently running configuration was loaded from the
saved configuration foo, but that does not mean that
the two are identical. Either one may have been
changed since the load occurred.
Developer's Note
The layout and content of kconfig's output may change without notice,
except when -P fields is specified. Scripts or applications that need
to parse the output of kconfig are expected to use the -P fields
option. See kconfig(5) for details.
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kconfig(1M) kconfig(1M)
The fields supported in a kconfig request are:
name The name of the saved kernel configuration.
title The title for the saved kernel configuration.
If the configuration does not have a title, this
field will be empty.
savetime The date and time of the last save (kconfig -s)
of the configuration, in the format returned by
modifytime The date and time of the last change to the
saved configuration, in the format returned by
kernel The pathname of the corresponding kernel
The special field name ALL may be specified to indicate that all
defined fields should be included in the output. The output may
include fields not listed in this man page. The fields will be listed
in unspecified order.
Additional fields may be added in future releases or in patches.
kconfig returns one of the following values:
0 The requested operation was successful. If -D was specified,
this return value indicates that there are no configuration
changes being held for next boot.
1 The requested operation could not be performed immediately as
requested, and is being held pending until the next boot. If -D
was specified, this return value indicates that there are
configuration changes being held for next boot.
2 The requested operation failed. A diagnostic message is printed.
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
To save the current kernel configuration to "myconfig":
$ kconfig -s myconfig
To delete the saved configuration "useless":
$ kconfig -d useless
To export the current kernel configuration:
$ kconfig -e /tmp/myconfig.system
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kconfig(1M) kconfig(1M)
To import a kernel configuration:
$ kconfig -i /tmp/myconfig.system
To rename a configuration:
$ kconfig -r myconfig savedconfig
To load the "nighttime" configuration and apply it immediately:
$ kconfig -l nighttime
To use the "approved" configuration at next boot:
$ kconfig -n approved
To discard changes being held pending for next boot:
$ kconfig -H
To add a description to a configuration:
$ kconfig -t approved "Changes approved by management"
To get a list of all saved configurations:
$ kconfig
To get details of a saved configuration:
$ kconfig -v myconfig
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
kconfig(5), kclog(1M), kcmodule(1M), kcpath(1M), kctune(1M),
mk_kernel(1M), system(4).
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