dpp(1M) dpp(1M)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
dpp - dedicated ports parser used by DDFA software
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
dpp dp_file [-c] [-k] [-l log_file] [-p ocd_program]
The Dedicated Ports Parser command (dpp) is part of the Data
Communications and Terminal Controller (DTC) Device File Access (DDFA)
software. It parses the Dedicated Ports file (dp) and spawns an
Outbound Connection Daemon (ocd) for each valid entry in the dp file.
dpp can be run from the shell or it can be included in a system
initialization script to automatically run the DDFA software each time
the system is booted.
See ddfa(7) for more information on how to configure the DDFA software
and for an explanation of how it works.
Options and Arguments [Toc] [Back]
dpp recognizes the following options and arguments:
dp_file It must be the first argument. The dp file
(dp_file) defines the link between a terminal
server port and the device file used by
applications to access the port. Its contents
must meet the specifications given in dp(4).
If it is modified, dpp must be run again to
activate the changes.
-c Specify that the dp file should be parsed and
that all incorrect entries should be logged
without invoking any ocd processes. This
option is useful for debugging the dp file
before running it properly. The -p option is
ignored if the -c option is used.
-k Specify that the device file corresponding to
each valid entry in the dp file should be
removed before launching ocd for each valid
entry. Removing the device file eventually
causes an ocd process (if any is running) to
shutdown. If this option is omitted, no device
files will be removed and, therefore, only
newly added valid entries in the dp file will
have ocd launched.
ocd normally creates and removes devices files.
However, if the process is killed incorrectly,
such as with kill -9, the device file may
remain. If the system is rebooted, the -k
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dpp(1M) dpp(1M)
option can be specified to restart all dp file
entries correctly.
If a corresponding ocd no longer exists, the
device file is removed by any following
invocation of ocd that requires the same device
In order to shutdown every ocd running without
restarting them, the following command can be
kill -15 `ps -e | grep ocd | awk '{print $1}'`
-llog_file Specify where to log error messages. If this
option is omitted, all error messages are
logged to standard output.
If the specified file does not already exist,
it is created. The file must be nonexecutable
and readable by dpp.
-pocd_program Specify the path for an outbound connection
daemon. The default path for is /usr/sbin/ocd.
The daemon must be executable.
Error messages are logged for bad arguments, bad file entries, and ocd
creation errors. By default, they are logged to standard output. If
the -l option is used, they are appended to the specified log file.
(0) ERROR: dp file is mandatory
(1) ERROR: dp file must be the first argument
(2) ERROR: Cannot read dp file (filename)
The dp file either does not exist or cannot be accessed with the
current access privileges.
(3) ERROR: No log file defined (-l option)
(4) ERROR: Cannot create log file (-l filename)
The log file cannot be created, either because of an invalid path
or because of insufficient access privileges.
(5) ERROR: Cannot access log file (-l filename)
The log file cannot be accessed, either because of an invalid
path or because of insufficient access privileges. The log file
must be readable by everyone.
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(6) ERROR: No ocd file defined in program option
(7) ERROR: Cannot execute ocd program (-p pathname)
The ocd program specified in the -p option either does not exist
or is not an executable file with the current access privileges.
(8) ERROR: Cannot purge device file (/dev/filename)
The -k option has been specified and the device file exists, but
it cannot be purged because of insufficient access privileges.
(9) ERROR: Cannot execute default program (/usr/sbin/ocd)
The default ocd cannot be executed, either because of
insufficient access privileges or because it has not been
correctly installed.
(10) ERROR: Entry ignored (Bad IP address)
The dp file entry specified does not have a valid IP address.
(11) ERROR: Entry ignored (no port/board info)
(12) ERROR: Entry ignored (Bad port number)
The port specified is either not a decimal value or a string
composed of x or X characters.
(13) ERROR: Entry ignored (Bad board number)
The board specified is either not a decimal value or a string
composed of x or X characters.
(14) ERROR: No more processes available on system
The ocd program specified cannot be started because there are no
processes available on the system.
(15) ERROR: Entry ignored (no device_name)
(16) ERROR: Entry ignored (Bad device_name)
The device file specified cannot be created, either because of an
invalid path or because of insufficient access privileges.
(17) ERROR: Entry ignored (Bad config name)
The specified configuration file cannot be read, either because
of an invalid path or because of insufficient access privileges.
(18) ERROR: Entry ignored (Invalid log level)
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The specified logging level is not in the range 0 to 3.
(19) ERROR: Entry ignored (Bad node name)
The specified node name does not exist or does not have an entry
in a name database.
WARNINGS [Toc] [Back]
To ensure that commands (such as ps) display the correct device file
name (that is, the pseudonym), all pseudonyms should be placed into
the directory /dev/telnet. If pseudonyms are not specified for
placement in this directory, the correct display of device file names
with many commands is not guaranteed.
In addition, to ensure that commands (such as w, passwd, finger, and
wall) work correctly, each pseudonym must be unique in its first 17
characters (including the directory prefix /dev/telnet/). If
pseudonyms are not unique in their first 17 characters, the correct
functioning of many commands is not guaranteed.
Also, in order to reliably handle timing mark negotiations (and ensure
that files printing on a printer attached to a terminal server have
been completely flushed to that printer), the following line must be
added near the end of each printer interface script for printers
attached to a terminal server:
stty exta <&1 2>/dev/null
The printer interface scripts reside in the directory
/etc/lp/interface. The line must be added just prior to the final
'exit' command in each printer interface script.
If this line is not added as specified, the printing reliability of
printers attached to a terminal server is not guaranteed.
Finally, ocd should be killed using kill -15. Do not use kill -9 for
this purpose as it does not remove the device file. ocd verifies the
validity of an existing pseudonym before trying to use it. dpp and
ocd use data stored in the file /var/adm/utmp.dfa to verify whether a
process still owns a pseudonym before taking it over. If ocd finds an
unowned pseudonym, it uses it.
FILES [Toc] [Back]
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dpp(1M) dpp(1M)
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
ocd(1M), ocdebug(1M), dp(4), pcf(4), ddfa(7).
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