This reference page lists and describes attributes for the AF_UNIX interprocess communication (uipc) kernel subsystem. Refer to the sys_attrs(5) reference page for an introduction to the topic of kern...
This reference page lists and describes attributes for the following Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) kernel subsystems: Base ATM support (atm) ATM Forum Integrated Layer Management Interface (atmilmi...
This reference page describes system attributes for the Virtual File System (vfs) kernel subsystem. See sys_attrs(5) for general guidelines about changing system attributes. Some subsystem attributes ...
The Video Graphics Adapter (vga) kernel subsystem has no attributes that you should ever modify. Refer to the sys_attrs(5) reference page for an introduction to the topic of kernel subsystem attribute...
This reference page lists and describes attributes for the virtual LAN (vlan) kernel subsystem. Refer to the sys_attrs(5) reference page for an introduction to the topic of kernel subsystem attributes...
This reference page describes system attributes for the Virtual Memory (vm) kernel subsystem. See sys_attrs(5) for general guidelines about changing system attributes. In the following list, an asteri...
The TACTIS (Thai API Consortium/Thai Industrial Standard) codeset consists of the following two character sets: ASCII (ISO 646-1983) TIS 620-2533 These characters are 8-bit coded, ranging from 00 to F...
The TACTIS (Thai API Consortium/Thai Industrial Standard) codeset consists of the following two character sets: ASCII (ISO 646-1983) TIS 620-2533 These characters are 8-bit coded, ranging from 00 to F...
The Telecode codeset (called Mitac Telex in early versions of the operating system) consists of 2 character planes. Each character plane has 8836 character positions. In plane 1, standard characters o...
TIS 620-2533 is the Thai national standard that defines a primary set of graphic characters for information interchange. The operating system supports this standard with coded character set (codeset),...
TIS 620-2533 is the Thai national standard that defines a primary set of graphic characters for information interchange. The operating system supports this standard with coded character set (codeset),...
Atom's Thread* routines help you write thread-safe analysis routines, for applications that use pthread_create and other POSIX thread services. See FILES below for a working example of a tool that us...
Atom's Thread* routines help you write thread-safe analysis routines, for applications that use pthread_create and other POSIX thread services. See FILES below for a working example of a tool that us...
Atom's Thread* routines help you write thread-safe analysis routines, for applications that use pthread_create and other POSIX thread services. See FILES below for a working example of a tool that us...