volunroot - Remove Logical Storage Manager hooks for
bootable volumes
/usr/sbin/volunroot [-a | -A]
Specifies that all volumes on the system disk be converted
back to UNIX disk partitions, not just the root and swap
volumes, rootvol and swapvol. Forces removal of the private
region unless it is the last one in the system.
The volunroot script restores the accessibility of the
root, swap, and other file systems on the boot disk
directly through disk partitions instead of through volume
devices. The script also removes other changes that were
made to enable booting of the system from the root volume,
so that the system will boot with no dependency on the
Logical Storage Manager.
When used with no options, volunroot affects only the root
and swap volumes, rootvol and swapvol.
The volunroot command is not supported in a cluster.
For volunroot to work properly, only one plex must exist
for each of the affected volumes. This plex must be the
one created by volrootmir or the original plex created
when the root disk was encapsulated. This ensures that the
underlying subdisks will have equivalent partitions
defined for them on the disk.
If these conditions are not met, the volunroot operation
fails and none of the volumes are converted to disk partitions.
The unwanted plexes can be removed using either voledit or
Commands: volencap(8), voldiskadm(8), voledit(8), volintro(8), volplex(8), volrootmir(8)
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