volclonedg - Creates a copy of an LSM disk group whose
underlying disks have been cloned via hardware.
/usr/sbin/volclonedg -c diskgroup [-n clonedg_name] [-d
volsavedir] [-r] [-l] clone_disk_name...
Specifies the name of an LSM disk group to clone (the parent
diskgroup). Specifies a name other than the default
(parentdg_clone) as the name of the clone disk group. Must
be a unique disk group name. Specifies the name of the
directory containing the appropriate volsave data that
volclonedg uses to create the LSM configuration for the
cloned disk group. This option is needed only if you create
the clone disk group on a different system. Specifies
that LSM should not perform recovery on mirrored volumes
in the clone disk group. Clears the lock that prevents
multiple invocations of volclonedg on the same system or
on multiple nodes in a cluster. In a cluster, after the
lock is cleared, it is taken out on behalf of the initiating
node. Use this option with caution--concurrent volclonedg
operations can have unintended results.
Specifies the name of the cloned disk(s). Must specify the
entire disk, not a disk partition.
The volclonedg command allows you to create a copy of a
disk group using disks that have been cloned via hardware.
This command is available on both standalone systems and
clusters. LSM must be installed and running before you can
use volclonedg.
All of the disks in a disk group must be cloned in hardware
before running this command. After execution, a new
disk group is created containing the same configuration as
the parent disk group. The volclonedg command uses the
volsave and volrestore functionality to save the configuration
of the parent disk group (if necessary) and create
the same configuration in the clone disk group.
The volclonedg command attempts to start all volumes in
the clone disk group and automatically performs background
recovery on mirrored volumes in the clone disk group by
default. If any plexes were detached in the parent disk
group, they are not used for recovery in the clone disk
group. Instead, an enabled plex is used to recover the
If you specify no recovery (with the -r option), mirrored
volumes in the clone disk group are put in the active
state immediately, with no recovery taking place. In this
case, if any plexes were detached in the parent disk
group, they are also detached in the clone disk group, to
avoid data integrity issues.
To create a clone disk group on a different system from
the parent disk group, first run the volsave command on
the parent system. The resulting volsave information is
saved in a timestamped directory in /usr/var/lsm/db, by
default (see volsave(8)). Copy that directory to the target
system, and then run the volclonedg command with the
-d volsavedir option on the target system to make sure the
proper description set is used. See EXAMPLES.
If the disk clones exist on the same system or cluster as
the disk group to clone, you need only run the volclonedg
LSM will initially reject disk clones. You must run the
volclonedg command to allow LSM to accept these clones and
their resulting LSM configuration. Before you execute the
volclonedg command, the following warning may appear when
starting LSM or running certain LSM commands: WARNING:
Disk dsk10: Disk rejected as clone.
To ascertain which disks are LSM disk clones, run the
voldisk list command. The output from this command indicates
cloned disks with a status of online aliased.
If LSM has not been made aware of the cloned disks and the
autoconfiguration feature is enabled (this is the default;
see vold(8) for more information), run the voldctl enable
command before running voldisk list.
You do not need to run voldctl enable before running volclonedg.
You must be the root user to run this command. You cannot
create a clone diskgroup that has the name rootdg, even if
you move the hardware disk clones to another system and
run the volclonedg command on that system. There can be
only one rootdg disk group on a system. The LSM disk
group to be cloned cannot include nopriv disks. All the
disks in the parent disk group must be cloned in hardware
before you run the volclonedg command.
The following examples create a clone disk group on the
same system as the parent disk group: Display the disks in
the disk group to be cloned: # voldisk -g dg1 list DEVICE
sliced disk01 dg1 online dsk7
sliced disk02 dg1 online dsk8
sliced disk03 dg1 online dsk9
sliced disk04 dg1 online Clone the disks
in hardware using the appropriate hardware controller commands.
See your hardware documentation for more information.
Run the hwmgr command to make the system aware of
the cloned disks. See hwmgr(8) for more information.
For this example, assume the disk clones are named
dsk10, dsk11, dsk12, and dsk13. Use the names of
the disk clones to clone the disk group dg1: To
create a clone of disk group dg1 with the default
name of dg1_clone, enter: # volclonedg -c dg1 dsk10
dsk11 dsk12 dsk13 To create a clone of disk group
dg1 with a different name (for example, temp_dg),
enter: # volclonedg -c dg1 -n temp_dg dsk10 dsk11
dsk12 dsk13
The following example creates a clone of disk group dg1 on
a different system from the one hosting the parent disk
group: On the parent disk group system, enter: # volsave
-d /usr/tmp/volsavedir Copy /usr/tmp/volsavedir from the
parent disk group system to the target system. Ensure
that the cloned disks are accessible to the target system.
On the target system, enter: # volclonedg -d /usr/tmp/volsavedir
-c dg1 dsk10 dsk11 dsk12 dsk13
Specifies the command path. Specifies the default directory
for the information saved by the volsave command.
Commands: voldisk(8), volsave(8), volrestore(8)
Cluster Administration, Cluster Installation, Logical
Storage Manager
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