timezone - Sets timezone information
/usr/sbin/timezone [-d]
The timezone command is an interactive program for setting
and changing the timezone for users running in the SVID 2
habitat. The program prompts you for specific information
regarding the timezone for your area and outputs the settings
of both the TZ and TZC environment variables to the
/etc/svid2_tZ file. If you specify the -d option, the
timezone command outputs only the setting of the TZC environment
You must execute this command if you are using the SVID 2
habitat. After it runs, it does not need to be run again
unless the operating system is reinstalled.
You must have superuser privileges to use the timezone
Refer to the System V Compatibility User's Guide for
information on the System V Habitat.
Functions: timezone(3) settz(8)
System V Compatibility User's Guide
System Administration
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