rsvpstat - Display resource reservation status
/usr/sbin/rsvpstat [-nv46PT] [sess_num [phop_num |
/usr/sbin/rsvpstat [-nv46SRxl] [sess_num [phop_num |
tcs_num | snd_num | rcv_num]]
Displays network addresses in numeric form. Specifies
verbose mode. Displays information related to Internet
Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) sessions only. Displays information
related to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) sessions
only. Displays previous hop information. Displays
traffic control state information. Displays sender information.
Displays receiver information. Displays senders
and receivers for a given sess_num and phop_num or
tcs_num. Displays senders and receivers running on this
host. Specifies a session number. This is required with
the -x option. Specifies the number of a previous hop
(PHOP). Specifies a traffic control state number. Specifies
a sender number. Specifies a receiver number.
The rsvpstat utility displays the Resource ReSerVation
Protocol (RSVP) state on the local system. By default,
rsvpstat displays a list of all RSVP sessions. Alternatively,
you can specify either the -P, -T, -S, or -R
option to list the previous hop, traffic control state,
sender, or receiver information, respectively.
If you specify the -v option in conjunction with -P, -T,
-S, or -R option, rsvpstat displays the content of all the
associated RSVP objects or Integrated Services objects.
If you specify the -4 or -6 option, rsvpstat displays
information pertaining to IPv4 or IPv6 sessions, respectively,
You can restrict the amount of information displayed further
if you specify the -l or -x option and up to two
additional arguments described in the OPTIONS section.
You can also specify up to two arguments without specifying
the options.
When no rsvpd daemon is running on the system, rsvpstat
returns the following error message: rsvpstat: cannot connect
to RSVP daemon
In the following examples, the values for the sess_nr,
hop_nr, tcs_nr, rcv_nr, and snd_nr fields are identification
numbers assigned by the RSVP daemon, and are not significant
to the RSVP protocol. To display session information,
enter: % rsvpstat
IPv4 sessions sess_nr dest prot
2 UDP 9999 1
Each entry lists the session address, IP protocol,
port number, and the number of PATH and RESV states
for the given session. To display verbose previous
hop information, enter: % rsvpstat -Pv
IPv4 phops hop_nr prev_hop_addr
lih rsvp_hop
--- sess_nr 1 to UDP port 9999
2 7
rsvp hop lih 7
refresh period 30000ms
style FF
flowspec (28 bytes of parameters)
controlled load svc: <tb_tspec r=137000 b=4000
p=137000 m=528 M=548>
filterspec IPv4 addr port 1745
A previous hop is an RSVP-capable system from which
PATH messages are received. Previous hops are displayed
by session, with a session header preceding
the associated list of previous hops. The hop_nr
value is relative to the session.
Information for each previous hop includes its
hop_nr, address, and logical interface handle, and
rsvp_hop information. If rsvp_hop value is yes,
the hop is a direct neighbor; if no, rsvpstat
detected an automatic tunnel.
In verbose mode, rsvpstat displays the contents of
the RSVP RESV message that is sent back to the previous
hop. It is the result of merging all relevant
reservations for the previous hop. To display
traffic control state information, enter: % rsvpstat
IPv4 Traffic Control State tcs_nr rhandle
if options ===================================
--- sess_nr 2 to UDP port 9999
1 0xfffffc00037b4500 1
A traffic control state (TCS) is created as a
result of accepting one or more reservation
requests. Traffic control states are displayed by
session, with a session header preceding the associated
list of TCSs. The tcs_nr is relative to the
For each TCS, rsvpstat displays the tcs_nr, rhandle,
interface index, and policing options (see RFC
2205 for more information). When the rhandle is
non-zero, the interface is traffic control capable
and a reservation is in place. You can use the
iftcntl command to obtain more information about
the reservation.
In verbose mode, rsvpstat displays the flowspec and
tspec used to install the reservation. They are
the result of merging flowspecs and tspecs of all
associated RESV messages. To display receiver
information, enter: % rsvpstat -R
IPv4 receivers rcv_nr next_hop_addr
lih if tcs_nr
--- sess_nr 1 to UDP port 9999
1 7 1
Receiver information is displayed by session, with
a session header preceding the associated list of
receiver information. The rcv_nr is relative to
the session. RESV messages containing more than
one filterspec are split up and a different rcv_nr
is created for each filterspec.
For each rcv_nr, rsvpstat displays the contents of
the RSVP HOP message (next_hop_addr and logical
interface handle) received as part of the RESV message,
the interface on which the RESV message has
been received, and the tcs_nr of the associated
traffic control state.
In verbose mode, rsvpstat displays all the other
contents of the RESV message from which this
receiver information has been derived. To display
verbose sender information, enter: % rsvpstat -Sv
IPv4 senders snd_nr src
port ttl
--- sess_nr 1 to UDP port 9999
2 1745 29
rsvp hop lih 7
refresh period 30000ms
tspec (28 bytes of parameters)
general info: <tb_tspec r=137000 b=4000
p=137000 m=528 M=548>
adspec (40 bytes of parameters)
general info: hop_cnt=1 path_bw=625000
min_latency=-1 composed_mtu=1500
controlled load svc:
Sender information is displayed by session, with a
session header preceding the associated list of
sender information. The snd_nr is relative to the
For each sender, rsvpstat displays the source
address, port number (or IPv6 flowlabel), and IPv4
ttl / IPv6 hop limit value.
In verbose mode, rsvpstat displays all the other
contents of the PATH message that corresponds to
this sender.
Commands: iftcntl(8)
Daemons: rsvpd(8)
RFC 2205, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1
Functional Specification
RFC 2210, The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated Services
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