rmfset - Removes a fileset or a clone fileset from an
AdvFS file domain
/sbin/rmfset [-f] domain fileset
Turns off the message prompt.
Specifies the name of an existing AdvFS file domain.
Specifies the name of the fileset to be removed from the
specified file domain.
The rmfset command removes a fileset (and all of its
files) from an existing AdvFS file domain. Unless you use
the -f option, you are prompted with the following request
before a fileset is removed: rmfset: remove fileset <filesetname>?
If you answer n, the fileset is not removed. If you
answer y, the fileset is removed.
The -f option is useful for scripts or when you do not
want to be queried about each fileset. If you choose the
-f option, no prompts are displayed. The rmfset command
operates as if you responded yes to the prompt.
Unmount a fileset before removing it with the rmfset command.
A fileset or clone fileset cannot be removed with this
command if it is mounted.
A fileset that has a clone fileset cannot be removed with
this command until the clone fileset has been removed.
You must be the root user to use this command. An rmfset
operation can hang if you attempt to remove a fileset and
the target AdvFS domain is experiencing heavy I/O. To
work around the restriction, avoid using the utility on
busy AdvFS domains.
The following example deletes the test_fset fileset from
the test_domain file domain. In this example, the
test_fset fileset is mounted on the /mnt3 directory: #
umount /mnt3 # rmfset test_domain test_fset rmfset: remove
fileset test_fset? [y/n] y #
Commands: mkfset(8), showfdmn(8), showfsets(8), mount(8)
Functions: advfs_rmfset(3)
File Formats: advfs(4)
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