nfsconfig - Launches the SysMan Menu at the Network File
System Configuration (NFS) level, where you can configure
a system as an NFS server or as an NFS client
/usr/sbin/sysman nfs
The NFS Configuration section of SysMan Menu is used by
the System Administrator or the UNIX system manager to
manage NFS configuration issues.
It allows the system to be configured as an NFS server (to
make its file systems available to remote machines), or as
an NFS client (to mount remote file systems).
Before using nfsconfig, be sure to configure Network
Interfaces using the Network Configuration section of the
SysMan menu.
You can configure your system as an NFS Server, an NFS
Client, or both. However, if the Network Interfaces are
down, the following daemons will not start: nfsd, pcnfsd,
proplistd, mountd, automountd, and autofsd.
Use nfsconfig to do the following: Manage the configuration
of the system as an NFS server. You can only configure
your system as an NFS server if the NFS Server option
is built into the kernel. Manage the configuration of the
system as client-only system Specify file systems to be
mounted or exported Start and stop the NFS daemons
Online Help:
Online help is available for the NFS dialog boxes. You can
get help by selecting the Help button on any dialog box.
You must be root or have the appropriate privileges to run
this application.
Specifies the environment variables that define the nfsconfig
configuration on your system
Commands: X(1X), autofsd(8), automount(8), mountd(8),
nfsd(8), nfsiod(8), pcnfsd(8), proplistd(8), rpc.lockd(8),
rpc.statd(8), dxfileshare(8)
Files: nfs_intro(4), rc.config(8)
Networking: tcp(7), udp(7)
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