hwmgr_show - Displays information from kernel-based hardware
/sbin/hwmgr show [component | fibre | name | scsi] [subsystem-specific-options]
Displays hardware component information from the hardware
component subsystem. This includes all hardware components,
including those that the system registered on previous
boots, but are not currently connected to your system.
The show component command displays a FLAGS field
as part of the output. The FLAGS field is a series
of characters that provide information about the
state of a hardware component. The following characters
are used: The component is currently registered
with hardware management. The component has
device special files associated with it. The component
has a clusterwide unique name. The component
has saved attributes associated with it in the
on-disk hardware database. This component has an
inconsistency in the hardware component database.
You can specify the following additional options
with the hwmgr show command to control the output:
Shows all hardware components that are currently
registered with hardware management. Shows all
hardware components that are not currently registered
with hardware management. These components
were previously registered. Shows all hardware
components that are cluster shared. A cluster
shared hardware component is a hardware component
that has a name that is guaranteed to be unique
anywhere in the cluster. Shows all hardware components
that are NOT cluster shared. See the -cshared
option for a definition of cluster shared. Shows
all hardware components that have device special
files associated with them. Shows all hardware
components that do not have device special files
associated with them. Shows all hardware components
that have saved attributes. See the hwmgr get
command option for a description of saved
attributes. Shows all hardware components that do
not have saved attributes. See the hwmgr get command
option for a description of saved attributes.
Shows all hardware components that have software
inconsistencies in the hardware component database.
An inconsistency is a possible internal error with
the component database. Use the show -full command
option to obtain detailed information about possible
This command does not fix database inconsistencies;
it only detects inconsistencies. One possible fix
might be to reboot the system. Shows all hardware
components with no software inconsistencies. Shows
detailed information about the hardware component.
Displays output from the show command option in an
alternate format. The tcl format is the only alternate
format supported in this release. Specifies a
cluster member on which you want to perform the
hwmgr show operation. Specifies that the operation
be performed on every member of the cluster. This
option is valid only when the local system is a
cluster member. Specifies the hardware identifier
(HWID) of the component on which you want to perform
the show operation.
If no member ID is specified and the -cluster
option was not used, the show operation defaults to
all components on the local system. Displays
information from the Fibre Channel (emx) subsystem.
When you enter the hwmgr show fibre command without
any options, the following information is returned
for all adapters: The hardware identifier for this
Fibre Channel component. The name and instance of
the specified Fibre Channel component. Use the
hwmgr show name command to determine adapter names,
such as emx0. The current state of the adapter's
link connection to the fabric (switch), loop to the
hub, or adjacent ports in the loop. Possible states
are as follows: up - The link is connected and
available for I/O. down - The link is not available.
This adapter has no visibility into the fabric
or loop and cannot transfer any I/O to storage
devices. paused - The link is in a temporary state
between up and down. A link condition was detected.
If the link comes back quickly, it does not change
to the down state. The link type and mode, which
is independent of the fabric connection. The link
can be one of the following types: point-to-point -
The adapter is connected directly to another port.
loop - The adapter is connected in a loop. Either
it is connected directly to an upstream port and a
downstream port, or the cable pair is plugged into
a hub (switch), creating a loop out of all ports
connected to the hub. Whether the adapter is
logged into an F_PORT (switch port). This field
can either be attached or blank (null).
An attached state can exist under either point-topoint
or loop link types. Under point-to-point it
indicates that the adapter is directly plugged into
a switch port (F_Port). Under loop it indicates
that at least one of the ports connected in the
loop is an F_Port. However, there might be several
other loop ports between the adapter and the F_Port
that are in loop mode.
(Fabric loop attach from a host adapter is not supported
in Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B). The SCSI bus
name of the bus that is supporting this connection.
Use the hwmgr view hierarchy command to determine
the location of the bus in the system hardware
hierarchy. The model number and revision type of
the Fibre Channel device.
Specify the following additional options to control
the output: Specifies the hardware identifier
(HWID) of a specific Fibre Channel component such
as a host bus adapter (HBA). Use the hwmgr view
hierarchy command to obtain a component's HWID.
Specifies a component name, such as adapter emx1.
Use the hwmgr show name command to determine
adapter names, such as emx0. Displays additional
information for all Fibre Channel adapters. This
option provides the following information: Revisions:
driver 2.01 firmware 3.03A1 FC
Address: 0x21300 TARGET: -1 WWPN/WWNN:
1000-0000-c922-2f6b 2000-0000-c922-2f6b
The additional information fields are defined as
follows: Revisions: - The loaded versions of the
driver software and component firmware. FC
Address: - The component's Fibre Channel device
identifier (DID) address in hexadecimal. This
address is either self-determined in a loop topology
or assigned by the fabric in a point-to-point
fabric configuration. TARGET: - A field that is
provided for backwards compatibility with output
from the retiring emxmgr command. A valid SCSI target
ID is no longer assigned to the host bus
adapter; its value is always -1. WWPN/WWNN: - The
Fibre Channel worldwide port name and worldwide
node name. The combination of these values is the
worldwide name which is a 64-bit unique identifier
assigned to a Fibre Channel entity. (This identifier
is similar to the concept of the MAC address
assigned to an Ethernet network adapter.) Displays
the port mapping information for all links in the
fabric. This option provides the same link state
information that is displayed when you use the
hwmgr show fibre -id and hwmgr show fibre -name
commands. In addition, the following mapping information
is displayed:
FC DID - A field that contains the same information
the FC Address, which is the device's Fibre Channel
device identifier (did) address in hexadecimal.
TARGET - The SCSI target ID assigned to this particular
N_Port. A value of -1 indicates that the
remote port is a special fabric port that provides
a fabric service. A value of -2 indicates that
this is a remote N_Port that does not provide SCSI
target mode service. This indicates that the N_Port
is probably another host bus adapter. WWPN - The
Fibre Channel worldwide port name. WWNN - The
Fibre Channel worldwide node name. lfd - A flags
field providing the following port information: l -
The adapter is logged in to the port as a Fibre
Channel device. f - The port is an F_Port (switch
port). d - The port is a fabric directory server.
LSIT - A flags field that provides the following
SCSI information: L (logged in) - The adapter is
logged in to the port as FCP (SCSI). S (suspended)
- The FCP login is currently suspended. I (initiator)
- The port is an FCP (SCSI) initiator. T
(target) - The port is an FCP (SCSI) target. Specifies
a cluster member on which you want to perform
the hwmgr show fibre operation.
Use the hwmgr view hierarchy and hwmgr show component
commands to display configuration information
about the Fibre Channel devices. Use the hwmgr get
attribute and hwmgr set attribute commands to
return the attributes (device characteristics or
properties) associated with the Fibre Channel
device. Displays information from the name subsystem,
which maintains an on-disk database that
preserves the names of most hardware components.
Typical names are pci0 (PCI bus) and tu3 (Tulip, a
type of network card). Use the view hierarchy command
option to obtain the component type that is
associated with a name.
This operation defaults to the local system if you
do not specify a cluster member. Specifies a cluster
member on which to perform the show operation.
Displays information from the SCSI subsystem, which
maintains information about SCSI devices, and does
not include SCSI adapters. You can specify the following
options with the hwmgr show scsi command:
Shows SCSI information for only the component specified
by the hardware component identifier. Shows
SCSI information for the component specified by the
SCSI device identifier (did). The did is a specific
identifier used by the SCSI subsystem, and
differs from the hardware identifier (HWID). Shows
SCSI entries with a path (valid or stale) at the
specified bus. A stale path occurs when a component
that was previously seen at a path is no longer
accessible at that path. Shows SCSI entries at the
specified target. Shows SCSI entries at the specified
lun (logical unit number). Specifies a cluster
member on which to perfom the show operation.
This operation defaults to the local system if no
cluster member identifier is specified. Specifies
a SCSI device type, such as disk or tape. SCSI
device types are: disk, tape, printer, processor;
worm, cdrom, scanner, optical, changer, raid,
enclosure, unknown. Specifies that only SCSI components
with valid paths be displayed. If the system
can access a component through a path, the path
is valid. Specifies that only SCSI components with
stale paths be displayed. A path becomes stale when
a component that was previously seen at a path is
no longer accessible at that path. Specifies that
the command output includes detailed information,
if available.
The commands described in this reference page are a subset
of the command options available from the hwmgr utility.
Refer to hwmgr(8) for more information.
Hardware subsystems maintain on-disk databases that contain
information about hardware components. You use the
hwmgr show command options to display information from the
following hardware subsystems: The component subsystem
maintains information on all hardware components specified
in the /etc/dec_hwc_ldb and /etc/dec_hwc_cdb binary
databases. These databases contain information on most
devices that are connected to the system. The fibre subsystem
maintains information on all fibre channel components
specified in the /etc/emx_db binary database. The
name subsystem maintains information on all hardware components
in the /etc/dec_hw_db binary database, often
referred to as the hardware topology. The database contains
hardware name persistence information that is maintained
by the kernel driver framework and includes information
about most buses, controllers, and devices. The
scsi subsystem maintains information on all SCSI devices
in the /etc/dec_scsi_db binary database.
When managing the system hardware, you typically use the
show option to obtain information on components that you
need to manage. (For example, a component's HWID (hardware
identifier) or name. You can then specify this information
as a command parameter with hwmgr operational commands.
Refer to the following reference pages for information
on related commands: hwmgr_view(8) - Describes commands
that enable you to display information about the
status of the system and its hardware components.
hwmgr_get(8) - Describes commands that enable you to display
(get) or configure (set) component attributes such as
the capacity of a hard disk or the speed of a CPU. You can
also display component category names. hwmgr_ops(8) -
Describes commands that enable you to perform administrative
tasks on hardware components, such as scanning buses,
locating components, powering off components, and deleting
See the Hardware Management manual for more information
about components, device special files, and a definitive
list of the supported device names. This manual provides
further examples of hwmgr command usage and common procedures.
You can run some hwmgr commands directly from the SysMan
Menu. You can also monitor many properties and attributes
of components by using the SysMan Station GUI. See the
System Administration manual for information about these
The following notes and restrictions apply: When working
on a cluster, if you do not specify an optional member
name the operation defaults to the local member. (Some
command options require that you specify a member name.)
Currently the locate component -id command is implemented
only for some SCSI disks, using the disk's activity indicator
light (LED). The following operations on the name
subsystem are not supported by all drivers: reload name
unconfigure name unload name
The command returns an int with an errorno from <errno.h>.
These examples have been reformatted for ease of reference.
The actual formatted output from commands is
slightly different. Use the following command to display
SCSI information for all the disks in your system:
# /sbin/hwmgr show scsi -type disk
32: 0 cymro disk none 2 1
dsk0 [0/0/0]
34: 2 cymro disk none 0 1
dsk1 [0/5/0]
35: 3 cymro disk none 0 1
dsk2 [0/6/0]
36: 4 cymro disk none 2 1
dsk3 [0/8/0]
Use the following command to display the hardware
persistence entries from the name subsystem:
# /sbin/hwmgr show name
59: aha0 psychlo BUS eisa0
slot 3
52: isp1 psychlo BUS pci0
slot 13
14: isp0 psychlo BUS pci0
slot 5
5: pci0 psychlo BUS nexus
53: scsi1 psychlo CONTROLLER isp1
slot 0
15: scsi0 psychlo CONTROLLER isp0
slot 0
42: tu1 psychlo CONTROLLER pci0
slot 12
30: tu0 psychlo CONTROLLER pci0
slot 11 The following command displays the components
that have associated device special files.
This information comes from the component subsystem:
# /sbin/hwmgr show component -devnodes
3: pmoba r-d-- none kevm
20: pmoba r-d-- none tty00
22: pmoba r-d-- none tty01
24: pmoba r-d-- none lp0
27: pmoba r-d-- iomap FDI-fdi0-unit-0
35: pmoba rcd-- iomap SCSI-WWID:0410004c:"DEC
RZ28 0034766791"
36: pmoba rcd-- iomap SCSI-WWID:04100024:"DEC
RZ25F 14295981"
37: pmoba r-d-- iomap SCSI-WWID:0710002c:"DEC
RRD43 6l00000"
38: pmoba r-d-- iomap SCSI-WWID:0710002c:"DEC
TLZ06 04l00000"
40: pmoba --d-- iomap SCSI-WWID:0710002c:"DEC
RX26 0l00000"
42: pmoba rcd-- iomap SCSI-WWID:0410004c:"DEC
RZ26L 574435"
43: pmoba rcds- iomap SCSI-WWID:0410003a:"DEC
RZ26L 2191192"
To see more information on the device special file,
such as the dev_t information, you can use the
-full option with the show component command, as
# /sbin/hwmgr -show component -id 120 -full HWID:
--------------------------------------------- 120:
failte rcd-- iomap SCSIWWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-0005-d760-0009-0041-7910-019d
0 40 42 cdisk dsk33 disk
ID LBdevT LCdevT CBdevT CCdevT BFlags
CFlags Class Suffix L3B L3C
0 5100980 5100980 1300223 1300224 0xa61
0xa61 0x0 a block char
1 5100981 5100981 1300225 1300226 0xa61
0xa61 0x1 b block char
2 5100982 5100982 1300227 1300228 0xa61
0xa61 0x2 c block char
3 5100983 5100983 1300229 130022a 0xa61
0xa61 0x3 d block char
4 5100984 5100984 130022b 130022c 0xa61
0xa61 0x4 e block char
5 5100985 5100985 130022d 130022e 0xa61
0xa61 0x5 f block char
6 5100986 5100986 130022f 1300230 0xa61
0xa61 0x6 g block char
7 5100987 5100987 1300231 1300232 0xa61
0xa61 0x7 h block char
8 814401 814401 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
9 814401 814401 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
10 814403 814403 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
11 814403 814403 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
12 814405 814405 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
13 814405 814405 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
14 814407 814407 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
15 814407 814407 0 0 0x843
0x843 0x0 (null) block char
This example shows the full component information
for the disk that has the HWID of 120 (dsk33). Use
the following command to display information from
the SCSI subsystem:
# /sbin/hwmgr show scsi
22: 0 ftiwod disk none 2 1 dsk0
23: 1 ftiwod cdrom none 0 1
cdrom0 [0/4/0]
24: 2 ftiwod disk none 0 1 dsk1
25: 3 ftiwod disk none 0 1 dsk2
29: 4 ftiwod disk none 0 1 scp2
To view all the paths to a particular SCSI device
you can use the hwmgr show scsi -full command, as
# /sbin/hwmgr show scsi -full -id 43
--------- 43: 7 pmoba disk none 0
2 dsk3 [0/2/0]
WWID:0410003a:"DEC RZ26L (C) DECPCB= ;
1 2 0 stale
0 2 0 valid
The following command displays the link state of a
specific Fibre Channel device: # hwmgr show fibre
-id 50
50: emx0 up point-to-point attached
scsi4 KGPSA-BC
The following command displays the link state and
identifiers of all Fibre Channel components (where
more than one Fibre Channel component is
installed): # hwmgr show fibre -adapter
46: emx0 up point-to-point attached
scsi1 KGPSA-CA
Revisions: driver 2.03
firmware 3.81X1
FC Address: 0x11000
WWPN/WWNN: 1000-0000-c922-47cd
50: emx0 up point-to-point attached
scsi4 KGPSA-BC
Revisions: driver 2.01
firmware 3.03A1
FC Address: 0x21300
WWPN/WWNN: 1000-0000-c922-2f6b
The following command displays the Fibre Channel NPorts
that are visible to the adapter, for all components
attached to the system # hwmgr show fibre
46: emx0 up point-to-point attached
scsi1 KGPSA-CA
0x011100 0 5000-1fe1-0006-3f13
5000-1fe1-0006-3f10 l-- L--T
0x011200 -2 1000-0000-c924-4b7b
2000-0000-c924-4b7b l-- L-I0x011300
2 5000-1fe1-0006-3f14
5000-1fe1-0006-3f10 l-- L--T
0x011400 -2 1000-0000-c922-4aac
2000-0000-c922-4aac l-- L-I0x011500
1 5000-1fe1-0006-3f11
5000-1fe1-0006-3f10 l-- L--T
0x011600 -2 1000-0000-c922-473d
2000-0000-c922-473d l-- L-I0x011700
3 5000-1fe1-0006-3f12
5000-1fe1-0006-3f10 l-- L--T
0xfffffc -1 20fc-0060-6920-383d
1000-0060-6920-383d l-d ----
0xfffffe -1 2000-0060-6920-383d
1000-0060-6920-383d lf- ----
See hwmgr(8) for a list of data files.
Commands: dop(8) ,dsfmgr(8), hwmgr_view(8), hwmgr_get(8),
hwmgr_ops(8), sysman(8), sysman_station(8)
Files: olar_config(4)
Misc: OLAR_intro(5)
Hardware Management, Managing Online Addition and Removal,
System Administration.
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