envconfig - Configures the Environmental Monitoring daemon
/usr/sbin/envconfig -c var=value
/usr/sbin/envconfig start | stop
/usr/sbin/envconfig -q
Environmental Monitoring provides a means of detecting
system threshold conditions, that if exceeded, could
result in a loss of data or damage to the system itself.
To detect and notify users of critical conditions, the
envmond daemon is used. This utility, envconfig, is used
to customize the envmond daemon. This section describes
the envconfig options you can use to configure the daemon.
Sets the variables that specify how the system environment
is monitored. These variables are stored in the
/etc/rc.config file and are read by the envmond daemon at
system start-up. If a variable is not set, the default
value of that variable is assumed. Specifies the state of
Environmental Monitoring. If this variable is set to zero
(0), the Environmental Monitoring package is not started
during the system boot. If this variable is set to 1, and
Environmental Monitoring is supported by that platform, it
is started during the system boot. The default value is
zero (0). Specifies the time (in minutes) that can elapse
between the detection of a high temperature condition and
the shutdown of the system. The default value is 15 minutes.
Specifies the threshold level that can be encountered
before the envmond daemon broadcasts a warning and
suggested action.
The -c option with this value does not apply to
computer systems that feature multiple sensors for
environmental monitoring (and that use the hwmgr
utility to set and evaluate sensors and to apply
actions). Instead, use the hwmgr utility with its
-set option to set the warning_threshold and
fault_threshold sensor attributes accordingly.
Specifies the frequency (in seconds) between
queries of the system sensors by the envmond daemon.
The default value is 60 seconds.
Attempts to query all or most of the sensors in a
computer system that feature multiple sensors for
environmental monitoring (and that use the hwmgr
utility to set and evaluate sensors and to apply
actions) may result in performance problems if
insufficient time is given between queries. The
time required is based on the number of sensors
present in your machine. Use the following command
to determine the actual number of sensors in one of
these computer systems: # /usr/sbin/hwmgr -view
hier | /bin/grep sensor | /bin/wc -l
A good rule of thumb to determine the value for the
ENVMON_MONITOR_PERIOD value is one minute for each
sixty sensors (or any remainder under sixty). For
example, if your computer system has ninety sensors,
the division of 90/60 yields 1.5 minutes,
which you round up to two minutes. The ENVMON_MONITOR_PERIOD
is given in seconds, so multiply two
minutes by 60 for the final result of 120 seconds.
Specifies the path of a user-defined script that
you want the envmond daemon to execute when a high
threshold level is encountered. The envmond daemon
continues to check the environment after the script
has executed and proceeds as needed should the high
threshold levels persist.
If you set this variable, the envmond daemon
directs output from the script to /dev/console.
Output is not displayed on standard output or written
to a file as this is not the behavior of the
daemon. To display on standard output, explicitly
specify the logger command within the user defined
The -c option with this value does not apply to
computer systems that feature multiple sensors for
environmental monitoring (and that use the hwmgr
utility to set and evaluate sensors and to apply
actions). Instead, use the hwmgr utility with its
-set option to set the warning_action and
fault_action sensor attributes for the appropriate
actions. Specifies the path of a user-defined
script that you want the envmond daemon to execute
when a shutdown condition is encountered. The
envmond daemon executes this script instead of
/sbin/shutdown. You must execute /sbin/shutdown
within your configured ENVMON_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT to
shut down the system. If you do not specify anything
for ENVMON_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT, envmond runs
/sbin/shutdown by default when a shutdown condition
is encountered.
If you set this variable, the envmond daemon
directs output from the script to /dev/console.
Output is not displayed on standard output or written
to a file as this is not the behavior of the
daemon. To display on standard output, explicitly
specify the logger command within the user defined
The -c option with this value does not apply to
computer systems that feature multiple sensors for
environmental monitoring (and that use the hwmgr
utility to set and evaluate sensors and to apply
actions). Instead, use the hwmgr utility with its
-set option to set the warning_action and
fault_action sensor attributes for the appropriate
actions. Turns the envmond daemon on or off after
system start-up. Displays the values of
specified in the /etc/rc.config file. If a specified
entry is not found, the environmental variable
is not displayed.
The envconfig utility is used to customize the envmond
daemon. You must have root privileges to use this utility.
Using this utility, you can: Specify whether or not
Environmental Monitoring is turned on or off at system
start-up. Specify how much time can elapse between the
envmond daemon encountering a critical condition and the
daemon initiating an orderly shutdown of the system.
Specify how frequently the envmond daemon queries the system
for information. Start and stop the envmond after
Environmental Monitoring has been turned on at system
start-up. Display the settings of the environment variables
as specified in the /etc/rc.config file.
Note that the feature that you want to monitor must be
supported on a given platform. For example, some computer
systems support reporting of power supply and fan status,
the current system temperature, and the maximum allowed
system temperature.
The following procedure describes how you test for and
start the environmental monitoring subsystem In multiuser
mode, check the status of the environmental monitoring
subsystem as follows: # /usr/sbin/envconfig -q
If the value of ENVMON_CONFIGURED is 0, configure the
envmond daemon and reboot the system using either of the
following methods: At the command prompt, enter the following
command: # /usr/sbin/envconfig -c ENVMON_CONFIGURED=1
Use the rcmgr command as follows: # rcmgr set
This command will enable the envmond daemon and
export the variable, creating the following two
lines in the /etc/rc.config file: ENVMON_CONFIGURED="1"
You can use the /usr/sbin/envconfig command to view the
system environment at any time. The envmond daemon will
print warning messages in the event of a power supply
failure, abnormality, or high temperatures. Error logs are
logged in /var/adm/syslog.dated/current/daemon.log.
In the following example, the system shuts down in 10 minutes
if the temperature does not fall below the critical
threshold. /usr/sbin/envconfig -c ENVMON_GRACE_PERIOD=10
Databases that contains the values of the environment monitoring
variables. Note that you must use the rcmgr comand
to update the rc.config* files, particularly on clustered
Commands: envmond(8), hwmgr(8), rcmgr(8)
Best Practice: Environmental Monitoring using the hwmgr
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