devswmgr - utility to manage the device switch database
/sbin/devswmgr [-option [parameter]]
Displays the following information about the device switch
Whether a device switch database was read from the
primary file or from a backup file
The number of entries that are in the device switch
table Displays the major numbers that have been
reserved by all drivers, a named driver, or an
instance of a named driver.
A driver that requires more than one entry in the
device switch table uses a unique instance number
to reference each of its device switch table
entries. Displays help for the devswmgr command.
Releases all the major numbers for a device driver
if just the driver name is specified. Releases one
major number for a device driver if the NAME and
the INSTANCENUM of the driver are specified.
The devswmgr command helps you manage the device switch
table by displaying information about the devices drivers
in the table.
You can also use the command to release device switch
table entries. Typically, you release the entries for a
driver after you have unloaded the driver and do not plan
to reload it later. Releasing the entries frees them for
use by other device drivers.
The following example shows that a device switch table was
loaded from the primary device and that there are 70
entries in it: % /sbin/devswmgr -display Device switch
device switch database read from primary file
device switch table has 70 entries The following example
shows the major numbers in the device switch table that
have been reserved for the driver named cam_disk: %
/sbin/devswmgr -getnum driver=cam_disk
Device switch reservation list
(*=entry in use)
driver name instance major
------------------------------- -------- -----
cam_disk 1 8*
The file that manages the device switch databases The primary
device switch database file The backup device switch
database file
Commands: hwmgr(8)
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