fs_config_data - Describes the configuration data for an
AdvFS domain.
The output of fs_save_config contains the AdvFS domain
configuration that is used as input to the fs_restore_config
function. The configuration data file entities consist
of domains, volumes, filesets, mount points, disk
groups and disk group disks, all specified in XML markup.
The fs_restore_config function requires that you provide a
configuration remapping data file as input to the function.
The remapping data specifies how entities on the
original system are remapped to the new system.
For use of these functions, see their respective manpages.
Leading and trailing white spaces in the value of an element
are ignored.
A character data element must have a non-blank value. For
example, <domain_name> </domain_name> is not acceptable.
This is true for both mandatory elements and optional elements.
If no value is to be specified with optional elements,
then there is no need to include their tags.
Current implementation supports processing one AdvFS
domain at a time.
The following are examples of configuration and remapping
definitions that are the same for any type of domain configuration.
The first line is XML specific information,
and must always be included. The following shows saved
configuration data from a domain without LSM volumes. This
data can be used as input to a remap. <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE stor_config [
<!ELEMENT stor_config (hostinfo, advfs_domains,
lsm_config?)> <!-- stor_config is the root element
<!ELEMENT hostinfo (hostname, hostid)> <!ELEMENT
hostname (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT hostid (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT advfs_domains (advfs_domain*)> <!-- 0
to n domains may be specified. -->
<!ELEMENT advfs_domain (domain_id, domain_name,
domain_name_new?, vfast_attr?, advfs_volumes,
advfs_filesets)> <!-- domain_name_new is optional
--> <!-- vfast_attr is optional -->
<!ELEMENT domain_id (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
domain_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT domain_name_new
<!ELEMENT vfast_attr (defragment, balance,
top_io_balance, domain_status)>
<!ELEMENT defragment (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT balance
(#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT top_io_balance (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT domain_status (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT advfs_volumes (advfs_volume+)> <!-- At
least one volume is required in a domain -->
<!ELEMENT advfs_volume (vol_name, vol_name_new?)>
<!-- vol_name_new is optional. -->
vol_name_new (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT advfs_filesets (advfs_fileset*)> <!--
0 to n filesets in a domain. -->
<!ELEMENT advfs_fileset (fset_name, fset_name_new?,
is_mounted, mnt_point?, mnt_point_new?,
fstab_attr?, quotas)> <!-- fset_name_new,
mnt_point, fstab_attr are optional. -->
<!ELEMENT fset_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
fset_name_new (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT is_mounted
mnt_point_new (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT fstab_attr (mnt_options, backup, fsck)>
<!ELEMENT mnt_options (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
backup (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT fsck (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT quotas (blk_hlimit, blk_slimit,
file_hlimit, file_slimit)>
<!ELEMENT blk_hlimit (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
blk_slimit (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT file_hlimit
(#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT file_slimit (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lsm_config (volsave_header, volsave_volboot,
volsave_voldisk, lsm_diskgroups)>
<!ELEMENT volsave_header (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
volsave_volboot (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT volsave_voldisk
<!ELEMENT lsm_diskgroups (lsm_diskgroup+)>
<!-- At least one diskgroup is required. -->
<!-- If no diskgroup is involved, -->
<!-- leave out completely lsm_config. -->
<!ELEMENT lsm_diskgroup (volsave_allvol, dg_name,
dg_name_new?, dg_disks)>
<!-- dg_name_new is optional. -->
<!ELEMENT volsave_allvol (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
dg_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT dg_name_new (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT dg_disks (dg_disk+)>
<!-- At least one disk is required in a disk group. -->
<!ELEMENT dg_disk (dg_disk_name, dg_disk_name_new?)>
<!-- dg_disk_name_new is optional. -->
<!ELEMENT dg_disk_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
dg_disk_name_new (#PCDATA)> ]>
<!-- The actual configuration data begins here. -->
<stor_config> <hostinfo> <hostname>anyhost.zso.cpqcorp.net</hostname>
<hostid>274149518</hostid> </hostinfo>
<advfs_domains> <advfs_domain>
<domain_name>usr</domain_name> <advfs_volumes>
</advfs_volume> <advfs_volume>
</advfs_volume> </advfs_volumes>
<advfs_filesets> <advfs_fileset>
<backup>1</backup> <fsck>2</fsck>
</fstab_attr> <quotas>
<file_slimit>7000</file_slimit> </quotas>
</advfs_fileset> <advfs_fileset>
<backup>1</backup> <fsck>2</fsck>
</fstab_attr> <quotas>
<file_slimit>0</file_slimit> </quotas>
</advfs_fileset> </advfs_filesets>
</advfs_domain> </advfs_domains>
</stor_config> The following is an example of configuration
data that can be used to remap a domain with LSM
volumes. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE stor_config_changes [
<!ELEMENT stor_config_changes (hostinfo,
advfs_domains, lsm_config?)>
<!-- stor_config_changes is the root element -->
<!-- lsm_config is optional. -->
<!ELEMENT hostinfo (hostname, hostid)> <!ELEMENT
hostname (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT hostid (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT advfs_domains (advfs_domain*)> <!-- 0
to n domains may have remapping data. -->
<!ELEMENT advfs_domain (domain_name,
advfs_volumes, advfs_filesets)>
<!-- original domain_name needed for identification.
--> <!-- domain_name_new is optional. -->
<!ELEMENT domain_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
domain_name_new (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT advfs_volumes (advfs_volume*)> <!-- 0
to n volumes may have remapping data. -->
<!ELEMENT advfs_volume (vol_name, vol_name_new)>
<!-- original vol_name needed for identification. -->
vol_name_new (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT advfs_filesets (advfs_fileset*)> <!--
0 to n filesets may have remapping data.-->
<!ELEMENT advfs_fileset (fset_name, fset_name_new?,
mnt_point_new?)> <!-- original
fset_name needed for identification. -->
<!ELEMENT fset_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
fset_name_new (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT mnt_point_new
<!ELEMENT lsm_config (lsm_diskgroups)> <!ELEMENT
lsm_diskgroups (lsm_diskgroup+)>
<!-- At least one diskgroup is required. -->
<!-- If no diskgroup is involved, -->
<!-- leave out completely lsm_config. -->
<!ELEMENT lsm_diskgroup (dg_name, dg_name_new?,
dg_disks)> <!-- original dg_name is required for
identification. --> <!-- dg_name_new is optional. -->
dg_name_new (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT dg_disks (dg_disk*)> <!-- 0 to n
diskgroup disks may have remapping data. -->
<!ELEMENT dg_disk (dg_disk_name, dg_disk_name_new)>
<!-- original dg_disk_name is required for --> <!-- identification.
--> <!-- leave out dg_disk for dg disk that
have no new name. -->
<!ELEMENT dg_disk_name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT
dg_disk_name_new (#PCDATA)> ]>
<!-- The actual remapping data begins here. -->
<stor_config_changes> <hostinfo> <hostname>anyhost.zso.cpqcorp.net</hostname>
<hostid>274149518</hostid> </hostinfo>
<advfs_domains> <advfs_domain>
<advfs_volumes> <advfs_volume>
</advfs_volume> <advfs_volume>
</advfs_volume> <advfs_volume>
</advfs_volume> </advfs_volumes>
<advfs_filesets> <advfs_fileset>
</advfs_fileset> <advfs_fileset>
</advfs_fileset> </advfs_filesets>
</advfs_domain> </advfs_domains>
<lsm_config> <lsm_diskgroups>
<lsm_diskgroup> <dg_name>rootdg</dg_name>
<dg_disks> <dg_disk>
</dg_disk> <dg_disk>
</dg_disk> </dg_disks>
</lsm_diskgroup> </lsm_diskgroups> </lsm_config>
Functions: fs_get_dom_list(3), fs_config_get_devs(3),
fs_save_config(3), fs_get_fset_list(3), fs_restore_config(3)
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