advfs_err - Lists and describes error messages
This following list provides the error number and a brief
description of the error: EHANDLE_OVF
Out of memory. EINVALID_HANDLE
The access structure handle is out of range.
This is an internal AdvFS error that occurs when an
AdvFS routine fails due to the domain already being
paniced. The error propagates to the user as E_IO.
The volume is already in use by a domain. EBAD_VDI
The specified volume index is not a valid index in
the domain. ENO_SUCH_DOMAIN
The specified domain does not exist. ENO_SUCH_TAG
The bitfile does not exist. ENO_MORE_DOMAINS
The maximum number of file domains are active; cannot
activate another file domain. EBAD_DOMAIN_HANDLE
The specified domain handle is not valid.
The specified file page is not allocated and does
not exist. ENO_XTNTS
An advfs internal error when opening a file causes
file storage to be inaccessible. EBAD_TAG
The file tag is not what was expected. EXTND_FAILURE
Out of extents to describe disk blocks.
The domain is out of disk space. ENOT_SUPPORTED
The requested function is not currently supported.
Invalid parameters were passed to the kernel. The
likely cause is that the command or utility belongs
to a previous version of the product, while the
system is running a later version. EBMTR_NOT_FOUND
The file metadata was not found. ETOO_MANY_SERVICE_CLASSES
Service class array overflow. EBAD_SERVICE_CLASS
The disk service class does not match the service
class array entry. ESERVICE_CLASS_NOT_FOUND
The requested service class does not exist. ESERVICE_CLASS_NOT_EMPTY
There is an attempt to delete a service class that
still has a disk in it. EBAD_FTX_AGENTH
Invalid transaction identification. EBAD_PAR_FTXH
Invalid parent transaction handle. EFTX_TOO_DEEP
Transactions are nested too deeply. EBAD_FTXH
Invalid transaction handle. EBAD_STO_DESC
The storage descriptor for the storage requested is
The file system (advfs) ran out of memory.
A file descriptor could not be allocated. The system
is most likely out of disk space. EALREADY_ALLOCATED
Attempt to add storage to a file at a specified
page offset and the page at that offset already
Too many threads are reading the transaction log.
There was a failure during log initialization.
The number of volumes in /etc/fdmns/domain_name
does not match the number of volumes in the BMT.
There are no transactions in the log. E_LOG_FULL
There is no more room for transactions in the log.
The log entry has an invalid LSN.
No such log entry exists. E_CANT_ACCESS_LOG
An error occurred while creating the file domain
transaction log, initializing the file domain
transaction log, or both. Since you cannot use the
file domain, you must recreate it.
The file domain is not active; it must be active to
perform the requested function.
Some thread is still accessing the domain during
Dirty buffers prevent the fileset from being dismounted.
The command or utility version does not match the
advfs kernel version. See EBAD_PARAMS (-1042).
The volume has the wrong domain ID.
There is an error in finding the end of the log.
A file's primary mcell has a nonzero linkSegment.
Some of the disks listed in fdmns directory for the
file domain do not belong to the file domain. The
fdmns directory entry for this file domain is
invalid. E_MUST_BE_ROOT
You must have root privilege to perform the
requested function. E_TAG_EXISTS
Specified tag to use next already is in use.
The specified file domain already exists.
The specified fileset does not exist.
The specified bitfile set handle is invalid.
The maximum number of filesets are mounted. Cannot
mount the fileset. E_TOO_MANY_ACCESSORS
The fileset is active (mounted). The fileset must
be inactive (unmounted) to perform the requested
There is no more room on the disks in the selected
service class. E_BAD_DEV
The file domain volume is an invalid device.
The file system (advfs) is not installed or it is
installed but the new kernel (vmunix) is not currently
running; in the latter case, you need to
reboot the system to complete the advfs installation.
The file set is read only. E_TOO_MANY_CLONES
The specified fileset has the maximum number of
clone filesets. You cannot create another clone
The clone file is no longer correct due to running
out of disk space during a copy on write.
The original fileset has a clone fileset. The
original fileset must not have a clone fileset to
perform the requested function. E_TOO_MANY_BITFILES
The number of files in the fileset has exceeded the
The number of disk blocks used by a fileset has
exceeded the quota. E_QUOTA_NOT_ENABLED
The quota type is not enabled. E_IO
I/O error detected. E_NO_MORE_DQUOTS
Out of memory. E_DUPLICATE_SET
The fileset already exists. E_CANT_CLONE_A_CLONE
You cannot create a clone fileset from a clone
Permission denied for the requested function.
During migration, a disk block offset in an extent
is not page aligned. E_CANT_MIGRATE_HOLE
An attempt to migrate a sparse file page range and
all the pages in the range do not exist.
The user, who is not the owner of the AdvFS
resource, has attempted an AdvFS operation, such as
changing an AdvFS fileset name.
An attempt to migrate a file failed because another
thread is already migrating the file. Only one
active migrate is allowed for a specified file.
The installed version of advfs is not compatible
with the on-disk file domain.
The on-disk file domain structures are invalid.
The page offset specified for the file is within a
sparse file hole. E_TOO_MANY_VIRTUAL_DISKS
The maximum number of volumes per domain has been
reached. ENO_NAME
The file system (advfs) cannot generate the path
name of a file because the original path name has
been deleted. EDIR_NOT_ADVFS
A trashcan operation was attempted on a non-advfs
A user attempted to use a non-advfs directory for a
A user attempted to attach a directory to itself as
a trashcan. EDIFF_FILE_SETS
A user attempted to attach a trashcan to a directory
in a different fileset. A trashcan must be in
the same fileset as the directory. E_BAD_MAGIC
The specified disks do not contain a valid advfs
file domain. E_BAD_PAGESIZE
An advfs internal error when opening a file causes
the file storage to be inaccessible. E_NO_DMN_VOLS
The file domain contains no volumes. E_BAD_TAGDIR
There is a corrupted page in the tag directory.
A request to switch log volumes was made to a
domain that is in the process of switching log volumes.
E_NO_UNDEL_DIR A user attempted to remove a
trashcan from a directory that has no trashcan.
E_QUOTA_NOT_MAINTAINED The quota type is not maintained.
An attempt to remove a volume failed because the
contents of the inode table could not be moved off
of the volume. E_ROOT_TAGDIR_ON_VOL
An attempt to remove a volume failed because the
root tag directory is located on the specified volume
and could not be moved off of the volume.
An attempt to remove a volume failed because the
log is located on the specified volume and could
not be moved off of the volume.
The selected disk is not in the requested service
The request call to lgr_flush_start would block.
An attempt to stripe a file that is already
striped. E_NO_CLONE_STG
An attempt to migrate a clone but the clone has no
storage of its own. E_BAD_PAGE_RANGE
The specified page range is not valid. E_INVOLUNTARY_ABORT
A migrate operation has been aborted by another
thread. For example, a remove volume operation can
cause a file's migrate to abort.
A remove volume operation on a volume in the specified
domain is already active. There can only be
one active remove volume operation per domain.
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