Xau, XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth,
XauWriteAuth, XauGetAuthByAddr, XauGetBestAuthByAddr - X
authority database routines
#include <X11/Xauth.h> typedef struct xauth {
unsigned short family;
unsigned short address_length;
char *address;
unsigned short number_length;
char *number;
unsigned short name_length;
char *name;
unsigned short data_length;
char *data; } Xauth;
char *XauFileName()
Xauth *XauReadAuth (auth_file)
FILE *auth_file;
int XauWriteAuth (auth_file, auth)
FILE *auth_file;
Xauth *auth;
Xauth *XauGetAuthByAddr (family, address_length, address,
number_length, number)
unsigned short family;
unsigned short address_length;
char *address;
unsigned short number_length;
char *number;
Xauth *XauGetBestAuthByAddr (family, address_length,
address, number_length, number, types_length, types,
unsigned short family;
unsigned short address_length;
char *address;
unsigned short number_length;
char *number;
int types_length;
char **types;
int *type_lengths;
int XauLockAuth (file_name, retries, timeout, dead)
char *file_name;
int retries;
int timeout;
long dead;
int XauUnlockAuth (file_name)
char *file_name;
XauDisposeAuth (auth)
Xauth *auth;
XauFileName generates the default authorization file name
by first checking the XAUTHORITY environment variable if
set, else it returns $HOME/.Xauthority. This name is
statically allocated and should not be freed.
XauReadAuth reads the next entry from auth_file. The
entry is not statically allocated and should be freed by
calling XauDisposeAuth.
XuWriteAuth writes an authorization entry to auth_file.
It returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
XauGetAuthByAddr searches for an entry which matches the
given network address/display number pair. The entry is
not statically allocated and should be freed by calling
XauGetBestAuthByAddr is similar to XauGetAuthByAddr,
except that a list of acceptable authentication methods is
specified. Xau will choose the file entry which matches
the earliest entry in this list (for example, the most
secure authentication method). The types argument is an
array of strings, one string for each authentication
method. types_length specifies how many elements are in
the types array. types_lengths is an array of integers
representing the length of each string.
XauLockAuth does the work necessary to synchronously
update an authorization file. First it makes two file
names, one with -c appended to file_name, the other with
-l appended. If the -c file already exists and is more
than dead seconds old, XauLockAuth removes it and the
associated -l file. To prevent possible synchronization
troubles with NFS, a dead value of zero forces the files
to be removed. XauLockAuth makes retries attempts to create
and link the file names, pausing timeout seconds
between each attempt. XauLockAuth returns a collection of
values depending on the results: A system error occurred,
either a file_name which is too long, or an unexpected
failure from a system call. errno may prove useful. gretries
attempts failed. The lock succeeded.
XauUnlockAuth undoes the work of XauLockAuth by unlinking
both the -c and -l file names.
XauDisposeAuth frees storage allocated to hold an authorization
xauth(1X), xdm(1X)
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium
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