DXmSvnAddEntries - Opens new entries in the structure.
void DXmSvnAddEntries(
Widget widget,
int after,
int count,
int level,
XtPointer* tags(),
Boolean index );
The identifier (widget ID) of the SVN widget. An integer
that represents the entry number that the newly opened
positions are inserted after. (If you want to add an entry
before number 1, set this parameter to 0.) An integer
that represents the number of entries to add to the array.
An integer that represents the level number of the entries
being added. A level number of 0 indicates top-level
entries. A pointer to an array of longwords that contain
the tag values for each entry being added. If the tag
values are not being used, a Null pointer may be passed.
This value can also be changed with either the DXmSvnSetEntry
or DXmSvnSetEntryTag routine call. A Boolean value
that, when True, indicates that all of the entries being
added should appear in the scroll index window when the
user drags the slider. This value can be changed with
either the DXmSvnSetEntry or DXmSvnSetEntryIndexWindow
routine. Note that the index window is used only when the
DXmNliveScrolling resource is set to False.
The DXmSvnAddEntries routine enables an application to
process the expansion of an entry. The value supplied for
count determines how many entries the application should
open. The actual text of the entry is not passed.
The first time an entry is displayed to the user, the SVN
widget issues the DXmSvnNgetEntryCallback to obtain information
about the entry. If the user never positions the
window in an area where a particular entry is visible, the
callback will never be made. Make this call in your
application between calls to DXmSvnDisableDisplay and
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