DXmCreateScrolledCSText - Creates a compound string text
widget with scroll bars.
Widget DXmCreateScrolledCSText(
Widget parent,
char *name,
Args *args,
Cardinal num_args );
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent widget. The name
of the created widget. The application override argument
list. The number of arguments in the application override
argument list.
The DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine creates a compound
string text widget with scroll bars. The routine uses the
same arguments and resources as the DXmCreateCSText routine
to create a compound string text widget but uses the
following resources to create horizontal and vertical
scroll bars for the widget as well:
Resource Description
XmNscrollHorizontal Controls whether a scroll bar that allows
the user to scroll through text horizontally
is added to the compound string text
XmNscrollTopSide Controls whether the horizontal scroll bar
is positioned at the top of the compound
string text window.
XmNscrollVertical Controls whether a scroll bar that allows
the user to scroll through text vertically
is added to the compound string text window.
XmNscrollLeftSide Controls whether the vertical scroll bar is
placed on the left side of the compound
string text window.
Inherited Resources [Toc] [Back]
The DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine inherits behaviour and
resources from the following superclasses:
Core Resource Set XmPrimitive Resource Set DXmScrolledCSText
Resource Set
The identifier (widget ID) of the created compound string
text widget.
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