st_is_alternate_entry, st_proc_addr, st_proc_sym,
st_proc_name, st_proc_to_file, st_proc_start_line,
st_proc_end_line, st_outer_proc_end_line,
st_check_proc_line_range, st_proc_sort,
st_proc_sorted_start, st_proc_sorted_next, st_foreach_proc,
st_foreach_obj_proc, st_foreach_proc_sorted -
access information about the procedures in an object
#include <st.h>
st_status_t st_is_alternate_entry(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_bool_t *alt ); st_status_t st_proc_addr(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_addr_t *proc_addr ); st_status_t st_proc_sym(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_sym_t *sym ); st_status_t st_proc_name(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
char **name ); st_status_t st_proc_to_file(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_file_t *file ); st_status_t st_proc_start_line(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_line_t *sline ); st_status_t st_proc_end_line(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_line_t *eline ); st_status_t
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_line_t *eline ); st_status_t
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
unsigned long line,
st_proc_t *oproc ); st_status_t st_proc_sort(
st_obj_t *obj ); st_status_t st_proc_sorted_start(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t *pstart ); st_status_t
st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc,
st_proc_t *result ); st_status_t st_foreach_proc(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_file_t file,
st_status_t (*routine) __((st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc, st_any_t data, st_any_t *result)),
st_any_t data,
st_any_t *result ); st_status_t st_foreach_obj_proc(
st_obj_t *obj,
st_status_t (*routine) __((st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc, st_any_t data, st_any_t *result)),
st_any_t data,
st_any_t *result ); st_status_t
st_obj_t *obj,
st_status_t (*routine) __((st_obj_t *obj,
st_proc_t proc, st_any_t data, st_any_t *result)),
st_any_t data,
st_any_t *result );
Symbol Table and Object File Access Library (libst.a)
Specifies an object handle, as returned by the
st_obj_open() function. Specifies a procedure handle, as
returned by a function such as st_obj_proc_start(). Specifies
an address to which st_is_alternate_entry() returns
a Boolean value of TRUE if the specified procedure is an
alternate entry or a nested routine. Specifies an address
to which st_proc_addr() returns the starting address of
the procedure as it would reside in memory when the object
is executing. Specifies an address to which st_proc_sym()
returns the symbol handle for the specified procedure.
Specifies an address to which st_proc_name() returns the
null-terminated string of the procedure name. Specifies
an address to which st_proc_to_file() returns the handle
of the file that contains the specified procedure, or a
file handle that st_foreach_proc() uses to locate procedures
for which to run the specified routine. Specifies
an address to which st_proc_start_line() writes the starting
line number for the specified procedure. This number
identifies the line in the source file at which the procedure
is defined. Specifies an address to which
st_proc_end_line() writes the ending line number for the
specified procedure. This number identifies the line in
the source file at which the procedure ends. If the specified
procedure is an alternate entry or a nested procedure,
st_outer_proc_end_line() returns the ending line of
the procedure containing the specified procedure to this
location. Specifies a line number that
st_check_proc_line_range() is to determine is within the
range of lines within the specified procedure. Specifies
an address to which st_check_proc_line_range() returns a
procedure handle if the specified line number is within
the range of lines in the specified procedure, or -1 if it
is not. Specifies an address to which
st_proc_sorted_start() the handle of the first procedure
in the sorted procedure table created by its implicit call
of (or prior explicit call to) st_proc_sort(). For the
st_proc_sorted_next function, specifies an address to
which the function returns the procedure that follows proc
in the sorted procedure table. For the st_foreach_proc(),
st_foreach_obj_proc(), and st_foreach_obj_proc_sorted()
functions, specifies an address to receive the return
value from the specified routine. The called routine must
be written to return 0 to terminate its execution within
the procedure list, and ST_FOREACH_CONTINUE to continue to
the next procedure. Specifies a routine to be called for
each procedure in the specified file (st_foreach_proc()),
object (st_foreach_obj_proc()), or sorted procedure table
(st_foreach_obj_proc_sorted()). Specifies data to be
input to or output from the routine to be called for each
object in the specified file (st_foreach_proc()), object
(st_foreach_obj_proc()), or sorted procedure table
These functions return information about a procedure or
perform operations on the procedures in an object or file:
Determines whether the specified procedure is an alternate
entry or nested routine. Returns the starting address of
the procedure as it would reside in memory when the object
is executing. Returns the symbol handle for the specified
procedure. Returns the null-terminated string of the procedure
name. Because the returned procedure name is for
read-access only, the calling program should make any modifications
to a copy of this string. Returns the handle
of the file that contains the specified procedure. Return
the numbers of the line in the source file at which the
procedure is defined and the line at which the procedure
ends, respectively. The st_outer_proc_end_line() function
returns the ending line number of the procedure that contains
the specified procedure, and is used for procedures
that are alternate entries or nested procedures. If the
specified procedure is neither an alternate entry or a
nested procedure, st_outer_proc_end_line() returns the
line at which the specified procedure ends. Determines
whether the specified line number is within the range of
lines in the specified procedure. If the line number is
within range, the function returns the procedure handle.
If not, it returns -1 to the location to which oproc
points. Use st_check_proc_line_range() when calling
st_foreach_proc(), st_foreach_obj_proc(), st_foreach_obj_proc_sorted()
to operate on all the procedures in
a given file, object, or sorted procedure list. The line
parameter is defined as unsigned long to allow it to be
used for this purpose. The st_proc_sort() function creates
a table of procedures sorted by increasing address
order. It includes all procedures in the specified object
in the sorted procedure table. The sorted procedure table
enables faster search operations on the procedure
addresses by other routines. Any libst routines that
require a sorted procedure table implicitly call
st_proc_sort() if the table does not already exist. The
st_proc_sorted_start() function returns the handle of the
first procedure in the sorted procedure table. The
st_proc_sorted_next() function returns the handle of the
procedure that follows proc in the sorted procedure table.
Use the st_obj_proc_start() and st_obj_proc_next()
functions to access procedures in the order that
they appear in the object, that is, in their link
order. Use the st_proc_sorted_start() and
st_proc_sorted_next() functions to access procedures
in ascending address order.
Note that some objects may have multiple procedures
at the same address. Determines the number of procedures
in an object or sorted procedure table.
Provide a means of calling a routine once for each
procedure in the specified file, object, or sorted
procedure table. You must write the called routine
so that it returns 0 to terminate its execution
within the procedure list, and ST_FOREACH_CONTINUE
to continue to the next procedure.
All functions indicate success by returning a value of 0
(zero). A positive return value is an errno value from a
system call. A negative return value is a library error or
informational code. The library codes are documented in
Return parameters are set to 0 or -1 when an error occurs.
Address parameters are set to 0 while file and procedure
handles are set to -1. An exception to this is if a NULL
pointer for the object or other return parameter is input.
In these cases, the return parameters will be unchanged. A
nonzero return status is the recommended method for
detecting an error return from a libst function.
The st_foreach_proc(), st_foreach_obj_proc(), and st_foreach_obj_proc_sorted()
functions return ST_E_NULL_ARGUMENT
if a null object handle or routine pointer are supplied.
It returns a value of 0 (zero) when the called routine
returns 0 to it. Otherwise, it returns ST_OBJ_END to indicate
that it has reached the end of the procedures without
a successful return from the called routine.
Header file that contains all definitions and function
prototypes for libst.a functions Header file that controls
name-demangling operations for C++ objects
Commands: atom(1)
Functions: libst_intro(3), st_addr_to_file(3),
st_file_lang(3), st_obj_open(3), st_obj_file_start(3),
st_objlist_append(3), st_sym_value(3)
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