setclock - Set value of system-wide clock
#include <sys/timers.h>
int setclock(
int clktyp,
struct timespec *val );
Standard C Library (libc)
Specifies a system-wide clock whose symbolic name must be
TIMEOFDAY. Points to the location where the value of the
time to set into the clock specified by the clktyp parameter
is stored.
The setclock() function sets a time value into the systemwide
clock whose symbolic name is specified by the clktyp
parameter, which must be TIMEOFDAY, defined in the
sys/timers.h header file.
The source of the current value of time set into the system-wide
time-of-day clock by this function is stored in
space reserved by a type timespec structure pointed to by
the val parameter. This time information is the amount of
time since the epoch. The epoch is referenced to 00:00:00
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 1 Jan 1970. The timespec structure,
which is also defined in the sys/timers.h header
file has the following members:
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