reltimer - Establishe timeout intervals of a per-process
#include <sys/timers.h>
int reltimer(
timer_t tmrid,
struct itimerspec *val,
struct itimerspec *oval );
Standard C Library (libc)
Specifies the per-process timer to access. Points to a
type itimerspec structure containing the values of the
initial and offset timeout intervals. Points to a type
itimerspec structure where the current value of the timer
timeout interval and the time-to-go are to be stored.
The reltimer() function establishes initial and offset
timeout intervals of a per-process timer specified by the
tmrid parameter. Initial and offset timeout interval
information is stored in an itimerspec structure pointed
to by the val parameter. When the per-process timer specified
by the tmrid parameter is active, after timeout of
the initial time interval, all subsequent timeouts are
controlled by the offset timeout value; as long as tmrid
continues to operate, the offset values pointed to by the
val parameter are used as the per-process timeout interval.
The current timeout interval and the time-to-go are
returned to the location pointed to by the oval parameter.
Initial and offset time information for the per-process
timer is stored in space reserved by a type itimerspec
structure pointed to by the val parameter. A type itimerspec
structure is also used to store returned time information
specified by the oval parameter. The itimerspec
structure is defined in the sys/timers.h include file.
Time values smaller than the resolution of the specified
timer are rounded up to the resolution value. Time values
larger than the maximum timeout value of the specified
per-process timer are rounded down to that maximum value.
Trial use
Upon successful completion, the reltimer() function
returns 0 (zero). Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is
set to indicate the error.
If the reltimer() function fails, errno may be set to the
following value: The timerid parameter does not specify an
allocated per-process timer, or the val parameter points
to a nanosecond value less than zero or greater than or
equal to 1000 million.
Functions: alarm(3), getclock(3), gettimer(3), mktimer(3)
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