nshmget - Returns (or creates) the ID for a shared memory
region (libnuma library)
#include <numa.h> #include <sys/shm.h>
int nshmget(
key_t key,
size_t size,
int shmflg,
memalloc_attr_t *attr );
Specifies the key that identifies the shared memory
region. The value for the key parameter can be IPC_PRIVATE
or a random number other than zero (0). If the value of
key is IPC_PRIVATE, it can be used to assure the return of
a new, unused shared memory region. Specifies the minimum
number of bytes to allocate for the region. Specifies the
creation flags. See shmget(2) for a description of these
flags. Points to a memory allocation policy and
attributes structure. If the specified key does not exist,
and a shared memory region is created, these attributes
will be assigned to the memory object created to manage
the shared memory region.
If the attr argument is NULL, the nshmget() function
behaves identically to the shmget() function.
If the attr argument is non-NULL, it points to a memory
allocation policy and attributes structure that specifies
where the pages should be allocated for a newly created
shared memory region. To change the policy of an existing
shared memory region, use the nmadvise() function.
If the mattr_policy member of the structure pointed to by
attr is MPOL_DIRECTED and the mattr_rad member is
RAD_NONE, the system will choose the Resource Affinity
Domain (RAD) where the pages of the shared memory region
will be allocated from among the RADs specified in the
mattr_radset member of *attr. If the mattr_radset member
is the empty set, the system will select a RAD for the
memory object from among all of the RADs in the caller's
partition, and the overflow set will be the empty set.
Success. Failure. In this case, errno is set to indicate
the error.
The nshmget() function returns errors for all the conditions
that are documented for the shmget() function. In
addition, the nshmget() function sets errno for the following:
A non-NULL attr argument points to an invalid
address. The structure pointed to by the attr argument
contains an invalid memory allocation policy or an invalid
RAD number. (The RAD number is less than 0 or greater than
nrads.) This error can also occur if the memory allocation
policy is MPOL_STRIPED, but the specified stride (stripe
width) is 0 pages.
Functions: shmget(2), nmadvise(3), numa_intro(3)
Files: numa_types(4), shmid_ds(4)
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