curs_border, border, wborder, box, hline, whline, mvhline,
mvwhline, vline, wvline, mvvline, mvwvline - Create Curses
borders, and horizontal and vertical lines
#include <curses.h>
int border(
chtype ls,
chtype rs,
chtype ts,
chtype bs,
chtype tl,
chtype tr,
chtype bl,
chtype br ); int wborder(
WINDOW *win,
chtype ls,
chtype rs,
chtype ts,
chtype bs,
chtype tl,
chtype tr,
chtype bl,
chtype br ); int box(
WINDOW *win,
chtype verch,
chtype horch ); int hline(
chtype ch,
int n ); int whline(
WINDOW *win,
chtype ch,
int n ); int mvhline(
int y,
int x,
chtype ch,
int n ); int mvwhline(
WINDOW *win,
int y,
int x,
chtype ch,
int n ); int vline(
chtype ch,
int n ); int wvline(
WINDOW *win,
chtype ch,
int n ); int mvvline(
int y,
int x,
chtype ch,
int n ); int mvwvline(
WINDOW *win,
int y,
int x,
chtype ch,
int n );
Curses Library (libcurses)
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to
industry standards as follows:
border, wborder, box, hline, whline, mvhline, mvwhline,
vline, wvline, mvvline, mvwvline: XCURSES4.2
Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information
about industry standards and associated tags.
The border, wborder, and box routines draw a border around
the edges of the window. Each of the following arguments
contains both a character and attributes for a particular
part of the border: Left side Right side Top Bottom Top
left-hand corner Top right-hand corner Bottom left-hand
corner Bottom right-hand corner
If any of these arguments is zero, then the functions use
the following default values (which are defined in
The call box(win, verch, horch); is equivalent to the following
wborder(win, verch, verch, horch,
horch, 0, 0, 0, 0);
The hline, whline, mvhline, and mvwhline functions use ch
to draw a horizontal (left-to-right) line, starting at the
current or specified cursor position in the current or
specified window. The current cursor position is not
changed. The line is at most n characters long, or as many
characters as can fit into the window.
The vline, wvline, mvvline, and mvwvline functions use ch
to draw a vertical (top-to-bottom) line, starting at the
current or specified cursor position in the current or
specified window. The current cursor position is not
changed. The line is at most n characters long, or as many
characters as can fit into the window.
The header file <curses.h> automatically includes the
header file <stdio.h>.
Note that border and box may be macros.
All routines return OK on success or ERR on failure.
Functions: curses(3), curs_border_set(3), curs_outopts(3)
Others: standards(5)
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