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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

       curs_bkgd,  bkgd, wbkgd, bkgdset, wbkgdset, getbkgd - Routines
 for manipulating the background in a Curses window

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

       #include <curses.h>

       int bkgd(
               chtype ch ); int wbkgd(
               WINDOW *win,
               chtype ch ); void bkgdset(
               chtype ch ); voidwbkgdset(
               WINDOW *win,
               chtype ch ); chtypegetbkgd(
               WINDOW *win );

LIBRARY    [Toc]    [Back]

       Curses Library (libcurses)

STANDARDS    [Toc]    [Back]

       Interfaces documented on this reference  page  conform  to
       industry standards as follows:

       bkgd, wbkgd, bkgdset, wbkgdset, getbkgd:  XCURSES4.2

       Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information
 about industry standards and associated tags.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

       The bkgdset and wbkgdset  routines  manipulate  the  background
  of  the  named  window.  Background  is defined as
       chtype and consists of any combination of attributes and a
       character.   The  attribute part of the background is combined
 (by using an inclusive OR operation) with  all  nonblank
  characters that waddch writes into the window. Both
       the character and attribute parts of  the  background  are
       combined with the blank characters. The background becomes
       a property of the character and moves with  the  character
       through  any  scrolling  and  insert/delete line/character
       operations. To the extent possible on a particular  terminal,
  the attribute part of the background is displayed as
       the graphic rendition of the character put on the  screen.

       The  bkgd  and  wbkgd  routines combine the new background
       with every position in the window. Background is any  combination
 of attributes and a character. Only the attribute
       part is used to set the background of nonblank characters,
       while  both  character  and  attributes are used for blank
       positions. To the extent possible on a  particular  terminal,
  the attribute part of the background is displayed as
       the graphic rendition of the character put on the  screen.

       The  getbkgd  routine returns the background character and
       attributes, encoded in a  chtype  data  element,  for  the
       specified window.

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

       The  header  file  <curses.h>  automatically  includes the
       header file <stdio.h>.

       Note that bkgdset and bkgd may be macros.

RETURN VALUES    [Toc]    [Back]

       The bkgd and wbkgd routines return OK on success or ERR on

       The wbkgdset and wbkgdset routines have no return value.

       The  getbkgd  routine returns the background character and
       its rendition on success or ERR on failure.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

       Functions:   curses(3),   curs_addch(3),   curs_bkgrnd(3),

       Others: standards(5)

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