XmScrollBarSetValues - A ScrollBar function that changes
ScrollBar's increment values and the slider's size and
#include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
void XmScrollBarSetValues (widget, value, slider_size,
increment, page_increment, notify)
Widget widget;
int value;
int slider_size;
int increment;
int page_increment;
Boolean notify;
XmSetScrollBarValues changes the ScrollBar's increment
values and the slider's size and position. The scroll
region is overlaid with a slider bar that is adjusted in
size and position using the main ScrollBar or set slider
function attributes. Specifies the ScrollBar widget ID.
Specifies the ScrollBar's slider position between XmNminimum
and XmNmaximum. The resource name associated with
this argument is XmNvalue. Specifies the size of the
slider as a value between zero and the absolute value of
XmNmaximum minus XmNminimum. The size of the slider
varies, depending on how much of the slider scroll area it
represents. This sets the XmNsliderSize resource associated
with ScrollBar. Specifies the amount of button
increment and decrement. If this argument is not zero,
the ScrollBar widget automatically adjusts the slider when
an increment or decrement action occurs. This sets the
XmNincrement resource associated with ScrollBar. Specifies
the amount of page increment and decrement. If this
argument is not zero, the ScrollBar widget automatically
adjusts the slider when an increment or decrement action
occurs. This sets the XmNpageIncrement resource associated
with ScrollBar. Specifies a Boolean value that when
True, indicates a change in the ScrollBar value and also
specifies that the ScrollBar widget automatically activates
the XmNvalueChangedCallback with the recent change.
If False, specifies any change that has occurred in the
ScrollBar's value, but XmNvalueChangedCallback is not
For a complete definition of ScrollBar and its associated
resources, see XmScrollBar(3X).
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