Contents |
TP_CertGroupConstruct, CSSM_TP_CertGroupConstruct - Construct
credential (CDSA)
# include <cdsa/cssm.h>
const void *ConstructParams, const CSSM_CERTGROUP *CertGroupFrag,
CSSMTPI TP_CertGroupConstruct (CSSM_TP_HANDLE TPHandle,
CSSM_DL_DB_LIST *DBList, const void *ConstructParams,
Common Security Services Manager library (libcssm.so)
The handle to the trust policy module to perform this
operation. The handle to the certificate library module
that can be used to manipulate and parse values in stored
in the certgroup certificates. If no certificate library
module is specified, the TP module uses an assumed CL module.
A handle specifying the Cryptographic Service
Provider to be used to verify certificates as the certificate
group is constructed. If the a CSP handle is not
specified, the trust policy module can assume a default
CSP. If the module cannot assume a default, or the default
CSP is not available on the local system, an error occurs.
A list of handle pairs specifying a data storage library
module and a data store, identifying certificate databases
containing certificates (and possibly other security
objects) that are managed by that module. certificates
(and possibly other security objects). The data stores
should be searched to complete construction of a semantically-related
certificate group. A pointer to data that
can be used by the add-in trust policy module in constructing
the CertGroup.Thesemanticsofthisparameteraredefinedby
the trust policy and the credential model supported
by that policy. The input parameter can consist of
a set of values, each guiding some aspect of the construction
process. Parameter values can: Limit the certificates
that are added to the constructed set. Identify other
sources of certificates for inclusion in the constructed
set. A list of certificates that form a possibly incomplete
set of certificates. The first certificate in the
group represents the target certificate for which a group
of semantically related certificates will be assembled.
Subsequent intermediate certificates can be supplied by
the caller. They need not be in any particular order. A
pointer to a complete certificate group based on the original
subset of certificates and the certificate data
stores. The CSSM_CERTGROUP and its sub-structure is allocated
by the service provider and must be deallocated by
the application.
This function builds a collection of certificates that
together make up a meaningful credential for a given trust
domain. For example, in a hierarchical trust domain, a
certificate group is a chain of certificates from an end
entity to a top level certification authority. The constructed
certificate group format (such as ordering) is
implementation specific. However, the subject or endentity
is always the first certificate in the group.
A partially constructed certificate group is specified in
CertGroupFrag. The first certificate is interpreted to be
the subject or end-entity certificate. Subsequent certificates
in the CertGroupFrag structure may be used during
the construction of a certificate group in conjunction
with certificates found in the data stores specified in
DBList. The trust policy defines the certificates that
will be included in the resulting set.
The output set is a sequence of certificates ordered by
the relationship among them. The result set can be augmented
by adding semantically-related certificates
obtained by searching the certificate data stores specified
in DBList. The data stores are searched in order of
appearance in DBList. If the TP supports a hierarchical
model of certificates, the function output is an uninterrupted,
ordered chain of certificates based on the first
certificate as the leaf of the certificate chain. If the
certificate is multiply-signed, then the ordered chain
will follow the first signing certificate. The function
should also detect cross-certificate pairs and should
include both certificates without duplicating either certificate.
Extraneous certificates in the CertGroupFrag fragment or
contained in the DBList data stores are ignored. The certificate
group returned by this function can be used as
input to the function CSSM_TP_CertGroupVerify() (CSSM
API), or TP_CertGroupVerify() (TP SPI).
The constructed certificate group can be consistent
locally or globally. Consistency can be limited to the
local system if locally-defined points of trust are
inserted into the group.
A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a
particular error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates
success. All other values represent an error condition.
Errors are described in the CDSA technical standard. See
Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide (see
Reference Pages [Toc] [Back]
Functions for the CSSM API:
CSSM_TP_CertGroupPrune(3), CSSM_TP_CertGroupVerify(3)
Functions for the TP SPI:
TP_CertGroupPrune(3), TP_CertGroupVerify(3)
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