Contents |
RegisterDispatchTable - Provide the EMM with CSSM function
pointers (CDSA)
# include <cdsa/cssm.h>
CSSM_RETURN CSSMAPI RegisterDispatchTable
Common Security Services Manager library (libcssm.so)
A table of function pointers for the set of CSSM-defined
functions the elective module manager can use to query and
control the state of an attach-session between an application
and a service provider managed by the module manager.
This EMM-defined function is invoked by CSSM once for each
CSSM_ModuleAttach(), operation requesting a service
provider of the type managed by the EMM. CSSM uses this
function to provide the EMM with a set of CSSM function
pointers. The EMM invokes these functions at anytime during
the life cycle of the attach-session to obtain information
about the current state and to modify the current
state of the attach session.
When the attach-session is terminated, CSSM informs the
module manager by invoking the EMM function DeregisterDispatchTable().
The corresponding set of CSSM state functions
become invalid at that time.
A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a
particular error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates
success. All other values represent an error condition.
Errors are described in the CDSA technical standard. See
Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide (see
Reference Pages [Toc] [Back]
Functions: DeregisterDispatchTable(3)
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