CSSM_CSP_CreateAsymmetricContext - Create an asymmetric
encryption cryptographic context (CDSA)
# include <cdsa/cssm.h>
*Key, CSSM_PADDING Padding, CSSM_CC_HANDLE *NewContextHandle)
Common Security Services Manager library (libcssm.so)
The handle that describes the add-in cryptographic service
provider module used to perform this function. If a NULL
handle is specified, CSSM returns an error. The algorithm
identification number for the algorithm used for asymmetric
encryption. A pointer to the set of one or more credentials
required to unlock the private key. The credentials
structure can contain an immediate value for the
credential, such as a passphrase, or the caller can specify
a callback function the CSP can use to obtain one or
more credentials. Credentials can be required for encryption
and decryption operations. The key used for asymmetric
encryption. The caller passes a pointer to a CSSM_KEY
structure containing the key. When the context is used for
a sign operation, AccessCredentials is required to access
the private key used for signing. When the context is used
for a verify operation, the public key is used to verify
the signature. When the context is used for a wrapkey
operation, the public key can be used as the wrapping key.
When the context is used for an unwrap operation, AccessCredentials
is required to access the private key used to
perform the unwrapping. The method for padding. Typically
specified for ciphers that pad. Cryptographic context
This function creates an asymmetric encryption cryptographic
context, given a handle of a CSP, an algorithm
identification number, a key, and padding. The cryptographic
context handle is returned. The cryptographic context
handle can be used to call asymmetric encryption
functions and cryptographic wrap or unwrap functions.
A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a
particular error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates
success. All other values represent an error condition.
Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide (see
Reference Pages [Toc] [Back]
Functions: CSSM_DecryptData(3), CSSM_DecryptDataInit(3),
CSSM_DecryptDataUpdate(3), CSSM_DecryptDataFinal(3),
CSSM_DeleteContext(3), CSSM_EncryptData(3), CSSM_EncryptDataInit(3), CSSM_EncryptDataUpdate(3), CSSM_EncryptDataFinal(3), CSSM_GetContext(3), CSSM_GetContextAttribute(3),
CSSM_QuerySize(3), CSSM_SetContext(3), CSSM_UpdateContextAttributes(3)
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