what - Displays identifying information for Source Code
Control System (SCCS) files
what [-s] file...
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to
industry standards as follows:
what: XCU5.0
Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information
about industry standards and associated tags.
Searches for just the first occurrence of @(#).
Pathname of the file to search.
The what command searches the named files for all occurrences
of the pattern that get(1) substitutes for the %Z%
keyletter, and writes to standard output whatever follows
the pattern up to, but not including, the first " (double
quote), > (redirection symbol), newline character, \
(backslash), or null character.
By convention, the value substituted by get(1) for the %Z%
keyletter is @(#). (See the get(1) command or the prs(1)
command for a description of identification keywords.)
If you specify more than one file, each line of output is
preceded by the name of the file it is read from; otherwise,
the file name is not displayed. If no file is specified,
what reads from standard input.
The what command is intended for use in conjunction with
the get command, which automatically inserts the identifying
information. You can also use the what command on
files where the information is inserted manually.
The following exit values are returned: Matches were
found. No matches were found.
Suppose that the file test.c contains a C program that
includes either of the following lines:
char ident[ ] = "@(#)Test Program"; #pragma ident
"@(#)Test Program"
If you compile test.c to produce test.o and a.out, you
could then enter the following command: what test.c test.o
This command would produce the following displays: test.c:
Test Program test.o: Test Program a.out:
Test Program
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES [Toc] [Back] The following environment variables affect the execution
of what: Provides a default value for the internationalization
variables that are unset or null. If LANG is unset
or null, the corresponding value from the default locale
is used. If any of the internationalization variables
contain an invalid setting, the utility behaves as if none
of the variables had been defined. If set to a non-empty
string value, overrides the values of all the other internationalization
variables. Determines the locale for the
interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as characters
(for example, single-byte as opposed to multibyte
characters in arguments and input files). Determines the
locale for the format and contents of diagnostic messages
written to standard error. Determines the location of
message catalogues for the processing of LC_MESSAGES.
Commands: admin(1), cdc(1), comb(1), delta(1), get(1),
prs(1), rmdel(1), sact(1), sccs(1), sccsdiff(1), sccshelp(1), unget(1), val(1)
Files: sccsfile(4)
Standards: standards(5)
Programming Support Tools
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