setacl - Changes the specified access control list (ACL)
on a file or directory
setacl [-a] [-d] [-D] [-b] [-E] [-k] [-K] [-x entries] [-X
file1] [-u entries] [-U file2] filename...
Specifies that the operation applies to the access ACL.
This option is implied if none of -a, -d, or -D is supplied.
Delete the access ACL on the specified file or
directory. The permission bits are not removed or changed
in this operation, and the permission bits are considered
to be the "base" entries of an ACL, so this can be considered
equivalent to resetting the access ACL to just the
base entries (u::, g::, o::). The operation applies to
the default access ACL. Default ACLs can only be set on
directories, an error is returned if this operation
applies to a file instead of a directory. Default ACLs
must contain at least the 3 base entries entries of the
directory's access ACL (or the directory's permission bits
if it does not have an access ACL). You should specify
values for the 3 base entries if the current value in the
access ACL is not appropriate.
The -d option is not defined by POSIX. [Tru64
UNIX] The operation applies to the default directory
ACL. Default ACLs can only be set on directories,
an error is returned if this operation
applies to a file instead of a directory. Default
ACLs must contain at least the 3 base entries (the
entries that correspond to the permission bits).
When you first create a default ACL, if you do not
specify these 3 entries they default to the current
value of the 3 base entries of the directory's
access ACL (or the directory's permission bits if
it does not have an access ACL). You should specify
values for the 3 base entries if the current value
in the access ACL is not appropriate.
The -D option is not defined by POSIX. [Tru64
UNIX] Invoke the character cell ACL editor.
Delete the default access ACL for the designated
directory. No error is returned if the designated
directory does not have a default access ACL. An
error is returned if this operation is applied to a
file instead of a directory. If the -k option is
specified and the -d option is not specified, all
the other options apply to the access ACL, not the
default access ACL. [Tru64 UNIX] Delete the
default directory ACL for the designated directory.
No error is returned if the designated directory
does not have a default directory ACL. An error is
returned if this operation is applied to a file
instead of a directory. If the -K option is specified
and the -d option is not specified, all the
other options apply to the access ACL, not the
default directory ACL. Removes the ACL entries
listed in file1 from the specified ACL of the designated
file or directory. Removes the specifed
entries from the specified ACL of the designated
file or directory. Updates the ACL with the specified
entries. Matching entries are modified or
overwritten, new entries are added. An entry is
considered matching if the tag type and tag qualifier
are the same. See the Format of an ACL Entry
section for a description of the format of ACL
entries and how they are modified. Updates the ACL
with the entries specified in file2. Matching
entries are modified or overwritten, new entries
are added. An entry is considered matching if the
tag type and tag qualifier are the same. See the
Format of an ACL Entry section for a description of
the format of ACL entries and how they are modified.
The -a, -d, and -D options are not mutually exclusive;
they can all be specified, and all are set. If none are
specified the -a option is assumed. The -d and -D options
only apply to directories.
The -b option is applied before any of the -u, -U, -x, or
-X options
Multiple -u, -U, -x, and -X options are all applied to the
ACL in the order listed on the command line. All of
options are applied to a temporary copy of the ACL before
the ACL is applied to the files. It is not an error for an
intermediate version of the ACL to be ill formed, as long
as the ACL is well formed by the time it is applied.
Several options accept arguments of the following types:
The ACL entries used to perform the requested operation.
Multiple ACL entries are separated by commas. There is no
required ordering of entries. A file containing ACL
entries to use to perform the requested operation. Each
entry should be on a separate line. There is no required
ordering of entries. If a line contains the comment character,
#, setacl ignores the line.
ACLs may be set on files and directories if ACLs are disabled
on the system, but ACL access checks and ACL inheritance
won't take place. The setacl command will print a
warning if ACLs are disabled on the system.
Not all types of filesystems support ACLs. The setacl
command will fail if ACLs are not supported on the
This command is based on Draft 13 of the POSIX P1003.6
The setacl command is used to add, modify, and remove
access control lists (ACL) and individual ACL entries on
files and directories.
Files only have one ACL, an access ACL. Directories may
have up to 3 ACLs, an access ACL, a default access ACL,
and a default directory ACL. The default ACLs are used to
specify ACLs to be inherited by new files and subdirectories
created within the directory. See the acl(4) reference
page and the Security guide for more information on
ACL types and ACL inheritance.
Format of an ACL Entry [Toc] [Back]
The external representation of an ACL entry consists of
three colon (:) separated fields. The first field is a tag
type, the second field contains optional qualifiers whose
meaning depend on the tag type, and the third field is a
list of the permissions. The following examples are typical:
user::rwx user:jdoe:rw- user:mightymouse:r--
user:bsmith:rwx group::r-- other::---
The tag types and associated qualifiers are: If the qualifier
field is empty, the user tag type defines the permissions
for the user who owns the file or directory. This
entry should be considered exactly the same as the owning
user permission bits. Setting this entry will cause the
appropriate change in the permission bits. The user tag
type with a username or uid as a tag qualifier defines the
permissions for the given user. If a numeric user name
exists in the user database, the uid associated with that
user name will be used as the entry uid. For example if
there is a user name "39456" with uid 420, a user name
"fred" with uid 39456, and you create the entry
"user:39456:rwx"; the uid 420 will be associated with the
ACL entry, not the uid 39456. If the qualifier field is
empty, the group tag type defines the permissions of users
who are members of the group associated with the file or
directory. This entry should be considered exactly the
same as the owning group permission bits. Setting this
entry will cause the appropriate change in the permission
bits. The group tag type with a groupname or gid as a tag
qualifier defines the permissions for members of the given
group. If a numeric group name exists in the group
database, the gid associated with that group name will be
used as the entry gid. For example if there is a group
name "521" with gid 40, a group name "mygroup" with gid
521, and you create the entry "group:521:r--"; the gid 40
will be associated with the ACL entry, not the gid 521.
No qualifiers are allowed for the other tag type. The
other tag type defines the permissions for users who are
not covered by any other ACL entries. This entry should be
considered exactly the same as the other permission bits.
Setting this entry will cause the appropriate change in
the permission bits.
The third field specifies the discretionary access permissions.
They are:
r 4 Read access
w 2 Write access
x 1 Execute/Search across
- 0 No access
A set of permissions in an ACL entry is internally represented
in three bits. The permissions are displayed as a
character string, similar to the way that ls -l displays
The set of permissions can be specified in three ways: As
a single octal digit. Add the numbers shown above to
determine the permissions. The value 0 (zero), for example,
specifies no permissions, and the value 7 specifies
all permissions. As an absolute character string. An
absolute character string contains three characters. The
first specifies read permission, the second write permission,
and the third specifies execute/search permission.
To grant all permissions, specify rwx in that order. To
deny one or more permissions, use the character - in the
appropriate positions. For example, the entry r-x grants
read and execute/search permissions and denies write permission.
As a relative character string. A relative character
string adds or removes permissions from the existing
set. To add permissions, specify a + followed by one or
more permission letters. For example, +r adds read permission
to the existing set. To remove permissions, specify a
^ followed by one or more permission letters. For example,
^x removes execute/search permission. Some shells
consider ^ as a special character. You may need to escape
the character by preceeding it with a back slash (\) or
surrounding it with double quotes ("^").
Both octal digits and absolute character strings set the
permissions to the specified values. One of these forms
should be used for new entries.
Relative permissions modify an existing ACL entry (options
-u and -U) with an input entry that matches in tag type
and tag qualifier. If setacl adds an entry to an ACL, a +
prefix is ignored and the set of permissions is entered as
an absolute string; if the prefix is ^, the permissions
field is set to no access. If an entry is to be removed
from an ACL, input permissions are ignored altogether.
Suppose an ACL entry is specified with relative permissions,
group:dec:\^wx (remove wx permissions)
to be applied to a matching entry with permissions r-x.
The matching entry will have a new set of permissions as
group:dec:r-- (read only)
Format of an ACL [Toc] [Back]
An ACL contains at least three base tag type entries: A
user entry with no qualifiers A group entry with no qualifiers
An other entry
In an access ACL, these three entries are equivalent to
the permission bits of the file or directory.
An ACL also has one or more user or group entries with
qualifiers, for example:
user::rw group::rw- user:user1:r-x group:dec:--x
The entry group::rw- is the file group owner and specifies
the read and write permissions.
To change or remove the ACL of a file or directory, the
user must either own the file or directory or be privileged
If setacl is invoked incorrectly or cannot decipher the
specified ACL, it returns an exit status of 1. The setacl
command returns an exit status of 0 (zero) if all files
are changed.
The setacl command displays an error message explaining
why the ACL could not be changed.
Assume that the ACL on a file named shared contains the
following minimum entries:
user::rwx group::r-x other::---
The following command updates and adds entries: $
setacl -u group::r--,user:alpha:-w- shared
The resulting ACL entries are:
user::rwx user:alpha:-w- group::r-- other::---
The owning group entry on the command line matches
the existing group entry, so the permission set is
reduced to read only. The user entry on the command
line does not match an existing entry and is
added. Assume that the ACL on a file named shared
contains the following entries:
user::rwx user:user1:-w- group::-w- group:dec:-wx
Apply the setacl -u command (update) to the shared
file as follows: $ setacl -u user:user1:-wx shared
The resulting ACL entries are:
user::rwx user:user1:-wx- group::-w- group:dec:-wx
other::--- Assume that the directory foo contains
no default ACLs, and the following command is
issued: $ setacl -d -u
user::rw-,group::r--,other::r--,user:dec:rw- foo
Any file or directory that is created within the
directory foo now inherits the following ACL as the
access ACL:
user::rw- user:dec:r-- group::r-- other::r--
Any directory also inherits the same ACL as the
default access ACL. Assume that the directory foo
contains no default ACLs, and the following command
is issued: $ setacl -D -u
user::rwx,group::r-x,other::---,user:dec:r-x foo
Any directory that is created within the directory
foo now inherits the following ACL as the access
ACL, as well as its default directory ACL:
user::rwx user:dec:r-x group::r-x other::---
Any file does not inherit an ACL. File permissions
are set in the same way as they are without ACLs.
Assume that the directory foo contains no default
ACLs, the 3 base entries of the access ACL on
directory foo are u::rwx, group::r-x, other::r-x,
and the following commands are issued: $ setacl -D
-u user:dec:r-- foo $ setacl -d -u
user::rw-,group::r--,other::---,user:alpha:r-- foo
Any directory that is created within the directory
foo now inherits the default directory ACL of foo
as its access ACL as well as its default directory
user::rwx user:dec:r-- group::r-x other::r-x
In addition, any directory that is created within
the directory foo inherits the default access ACL
of foo as its default access ACL:
user::rw- user:alpha:r-- group::r-- other::r--
Any file created in directory foo inherits the
default access ACL of foo as its access ACL:
user::rw- user:alpha:r-- group::r-- other::r--
Commands: getacl(1)
Files: acl(4)
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