feedback - Generate an optimization feedback file using
pixie and prof
feedback [prof-options] [-o feedback-file] [-v] objfile
The feedback command accepts the following prof(1) options
and any unambiguous abbreviations: -asm, -clock megahertz,
-{e|E}xclude procedure_name, -feedback filename, -heavy,
-invocations, -lines, -merge filename, -numbers, -{o|O}nly
procedure_name, -procedures, -quit n, -testcoverage,
-truecycles [0,1,2], -zero.
The feedback command ignores all other options in
order to provide compatiblility with older versions
of the feedback command. An option argument following
an option not recognized by this or older
versions of the feedback command will be treated as
the objfile argument. Specifies the name of the
feedback file. This can also be specified by the
-feedback option of prof. You should use only one
of these options to specify a feedback file, not
both. Causes the pixie, application, and prof commands
to be printed as they are invoked.
Specifies the executable of the application for which a
feedback file is to be generated. A pixie-instrumented
version of this executable will be executed with the current
working directory and environment variables. The
feedback file that is generated will reflect the behavior
of one execution of the instrumented objfile. Specify the
arguments that will cause the behavior that you want to
have optimized when the compiler uses the feedback file.
The feedback command invokes pixie to add profiling code
to an object file. The object file generated by pixie is
executed to obtain profiling information. The feedback
command then invokes prof to analyze the profiling information.
If the output of objfile needs to be redirected, but not
the output of the feedback utility, the redirection characters
need to have sh(1) syntax and be within quotes. If
objfile is multi-threaded, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable needs to include the current working directory.
Send the profiling information to the standard output: $
feedback myprog Write a binary formatted performance profile
to the file, which then helps a subsequent
recompilation optimize the program: $ feedback
-feedback myprog $ cc -O -feedback -o myprog myprog.c
Object with profiling code. Generated by pixie. Basic
block addresses. Generated by pixie. Basic block counts.
Generated by myprog.pixie.
Note: Run pixie and prof independently if alternative
names are needed.
cc(1), pixie(5), prof(1)
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