evminfo - Provides information about EVM
evminfo -lc | -vp | -verify verify_option [-file verify_file]
Reads the EVM channel configuration file, /etc/evmchannel.conf,
and writes a list of all the configured event
channels. You can review the events available for
retrieval through a particular set of channels by invoking
evmget with the -C option. Writes a string that can be
used as the first two components (by convention the vendor
and product components) of a system event name. This
option enables script writers to refer to system events in
a way that is independent of the host system. You should
use this facility if you are writing a script that in the
future may be used on other platforms that support EVM,
and whose system events may have a different prefix.
Checks the syntax of the EVM configuration file specified
by verify_option. Valid values for verify_option are auth,
daemon, logger or chmgr, to verify the EVM authorization,
the EVM daemon, the EVM logger or the EVM channel configuration
files respectively. If a verify_file is specified
the named file is checked instead of the component's standard
configuration file.
The evminfo command writes selected information about the
EVM environment to its standard out stream. The options
determine the information to be displayed.
The following exit values are returned: Successful completion.
An error occurred.
In the following example, the evminfo -lc command lists
the names of all event channels configured in the EVM
channel configuration file, and the user invokes evmget to
retrieve events from two of the listed channels. $
evminfo -lc syslog binlog misclog evmlog $ evmget -A -C
misclog,evmlog This example illustrates the use of evminfo
-vp in a shell script to determine the first two components
(by convention, the vendor and product components)
of the names of system events in the host system. The
script then uses evmwatch to monitor system events.
VP=`evminfo -vp` evmwatch -f "[name $VP]" | evmshow The
following example checks the syntax of the EVM daemon configuration
file. evminfo -verify daemon
The EVM channel configuration file. The EVM daemon configuration
file. The EVM logger configuration file.
Commands: evmget(1), evmpost(1), evmshow(1), evmsort(1),
evmwatch(1), evmd(8), evmchmgr(8), evmlogger(8), evmreload(8)
Files: evmchannel.conf(4), evmdaemon.conf(4), evmlogger.conf(4)
Event Management: EVM(5)
EVM Events: EvmEvent(5)
Event Filter: EvmFilter(5)
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