colcrt - Filters text processor output for screen previewing
colcrt [- -2] [file...]
The colcrt command filters output from text processors
such as nroff so that it can be previewed on a cathode ray
tube (CRT).
Suppresses underlining; this is useful for previewing
boxed tables from tbl. Causes all half-lines to be
printed, effectively doublespacing the output. This is
useful when printing output with subscripts and superscripts
on a line printer, where half-lines do not normally
The colcrt command provides virtual half-linefeed and
reverse linefeed sequences for terminals without such
capability, and on which overstriking is destructive. The
colcrt command changes underline characters to dashes and
places them and half-line characters on new lines in
between the normal output lines.
colcrt cannot back up more than 102 lines. General overstriking
is lost; as a special case a | (vertical bar)
overstruck with a - (dash) or _ (underline) becomes a +
(plus sign). Lines are trimmed to 132 bytes.
The following command line illustrates a typical use of
colcrt: tbl exum2.n | nroff -ms | colcrt - | more
Commands: col(1), deroff(1), more(1), neqn(1), nroff(1),
pg(1), tbl(1), ul(1)
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