atq - Prints the queue of jobs waiting to be run
atq [-c | -n] [-q queuename] [user...]
The atq command prints the queue of jobs waiting to be run
at a later date. These jobs were created with the at command.
Sorts the queue by the time that the at command was
issued. Prints only the number of files currently in the
queue. Specifies the queue you want to use.
With no options, the queue is sorted in the order that the
jobs are to be executed.
When a privileged user invokes the atq command without
specifying a username, the entire queue is displayed; if a
username is specified, only those jobs belonging to the
specified user are displayed.
In order to look at the queue created by the at command,
enter: atq
If there are jobs in the queue, a message similar to the
following is displayed: root.62169200.a Tue Sep
12 11:00:00 1990
The extension specifies an at job.
Main cron directory. List of allowed users. List of
denied users. Spool area. Queue description file for at,
batch, and cron.
Commands: at(1), atrm(1), cron(8)
Files: queuedefs(4)
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