SSL_SESSION_get_time() returns the time at which the session s was established. The time is given in seconds since the Epoch and therefore compatible to the time delivered by the time() call. SSL_SESS...
SSL_SESSION_get_time() returns the time at which the session s was established. The time is given in seconds since the Epoch and therefore compatible to the time delivered by the time() call. SSL_SESS...
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode() returns the verification mode currently set in ctx. SSL_get_verify_mode() returns the verification mode currently set in ssl. SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth() returns the verificat...
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode() returns the verification mode currently set in ctx. SSL_get_verify_mode() returns the verification mode currently set in ssl. SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth() returns the verificat...
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode() returns the verification mode currently set in ctx. SSL_get_verify_mode() returns the verification mode currently set in ssl. SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth() returns the verificat...
SSL_get_rbio() and SSL_get_wbio() return pointers to the BIOs for the read or the write channel, which can be different. The reference count of the BIO is not incremented.
SSL_get_fd() returns the file descriptor which is linked to ssl. SSL_get_rfd() and SSL_get_wfd() return the file descriptors for the read or the write channel, which can be different. If the read and ...
SSL_library_init() registers the available ciphers and digests. OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms() and SSLeay_add_ssl_algo- rithms() are synonyms for SSL_library_init().
ERR_load_crypto_strings() registers the error strings for all libcrypto functions. SSL_load_error_strings() does the same, but also registers the libssl error strings. One of these functions should be...
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback() sets the callback function for ctx to be used when a temporary/ephemeral RSA key is required to tmp_rsa_callback. The callback is inherited by all SSL objects newly crea...
SSL_new() creates a new SSL structure which is needed to hold the data for a TLS/SSL connection. The new structure inherits the settings of the underlying context ctx: connection method (SSLv2/v3/TLSv...