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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     dhclient.conf - DHCP client configuration file

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The dhclient.conf file  contains  configuration  information
     dhclient(8), the Internet Software Consortium DHCP Client.

     The  dhclient.conf  file is a free-form ASCII text file.  It
is parsed by
     the recursive-descent parser built  into  dhclient(8).   The
file may contain
  extra tabs and newlines for formatting purposes.  Keywords in the
     file are case-insensitive.  Comments may be placed  anywhere
within the
     file  (except  within  quotes).  Comments begin with the `#'
character and
     end at the end of the line.

     The dhclient.conf file can be  used  to  configure  the  behaviour of the
     client  in a wide variety of ways: protocol timing, information requested
     from the server, information required  of  the  server,  defaults to use if
     the server does not provide certain information, values with
which to
     override information provided by the server,  or  values  to
prepend or append
  to information provided by the server.  The configuration file can
     also be preinitialized with addresses  to  use  on  networks
that don't have
     DHCP servers.

PROTOCOL TIMING    [Toc]    [Back]

     The timing behaviour of the client need not be configured by
the user.
     If no timing configuration is provided by the user, a fairly
     timing behaviour will be used by default - one which results
in fairly
     timely updates without placing an  inordinate  load  on  the

     The  following  statements  can be used to adjust the timing
behaviour of
     the DHCP client if required, however:

     timeout time;
             The timeout statement determines the amount of  time
that must
             pass  between the time that the client begins to try
to determine
             its address and the time that it decides  that  it's
not going to
             be able to contact a server.  By default, this timeout is sixty
             seconds.  After the timeout has passed, if there are
any static
             leases  defined  in  the  configuration file, or any
leases remaining
             in the lease database that have not yet expired, the
client will
             loop  through  these  leases  attempting to validate
them, and if it
             finds one that appears to be valid, it will use that
lease's address.
  If there are no valid static leases or unexpired leases
             in the lease database, the client will  restart  the
protocol after
             the defined retry interval.

     retry time;
             The  retry  statement  determines the time that must
pass after the
             client has determined that there is no  DHCP  server
present before
             it  tries  again  to  contact a DHCP server.  By default, this is
             five minutes.

     select-timeout time;
             It is possible (some might say desirable) for  there
to be more
             than  one DHCP server serving any given network.  In
this case, it
             is possible that a client may be sent more than  one
offer in response
  to  its initial lease discovery message.  It
may be that
             one of these  offers  is  preferable  to  the  other
(e.g., one offer
             may have the address the client previously used, and
the other
             may not).

             The select-timeout is  the  time  after  the  client
sends its first
             lease  discovery  request  at which it stops waiting
for offers from
             servers, assuming that it has received at least  one
such offer.
             If  no  offers  have  been  received by the time the
             has expired, the client will accept the first  offer
that arrives.

             By  default,  the  select-timeout  is zero seconds -
that is, the
             client will take the first offer it sees.

     reboot time;
             When the client is  restarted,  it  first  tries  to
reacquire the
             last address it had.  This is called the INIT-REBOOT
state.  If
             it is still attached to the same network it was  attached to when
             it  last ran, this is the quickest way to get started.  The reboot
             statement sets the time that must elapse  after  the
client first
             tries  to  reacquire its old address before it gives
up and tries
             to discover a new address.  By default,  the  reboot
timeout is ten

     backoff-cutoff time;
             The  client  uses  an  exponential backoff algorithm
with some randomness,
 so that if many clients  try  to  configure
themselves at
             the  same time, they will not make their requests in
             The backoff-cutoff statement determines the  maximum
amount of
             time that the client is allowed to back off.  It defaults to two

     initial-interval time;
             The initial-interval statement sets  the  amount  of
time between
             the  first  attempt to reach a server and the second
attempt to
             reach a server.  Each time a message  is  sent,  the
interval between
  messages  is incremented by twice the current
interval multiplied
 by a random number between zero and one.  If
it is
             greater than the backoff-cutoff amount, it is set to
that amount.
             It defaults to ten seconds.


     The DHCP protocol allows the  client  to  request  that  the
server send it
     specific information, and not send it other information that
it is not
     prepared to accept.  The protocol also allows the client  to
reject offers
     from  servers  if  they don't contain information the client
needs, or if
     the information provided is not satisfactory.

     There is a variety of data contained  in  offers  that  DHCP
servers send to
     DHCP  clients.   The data that can be specifically requested
is what are
     called DHCP Options.  DHCP Options are defined  in  dhcp-options(5).

     request [option] [, ... option];
             The  request  statement causes the client to request
that any server
 responding to the client send the client its values for the
             specified  options.  Only the option names should be
specified in
             the request statement - not option parameters.

     require [option] [, ... option];
             The require statement lists  options  that  must  be
sent in order
             for  an  offer  to  be accepted.  Offers that do not
contain all the
             listed options will be ignored.

     send { [option declaration] [, ... option declaration] }
             The send statement causes the  client  to  send  the
specified options
  to  the  server  with  the  specified values.
These are full
             option declarations as described in dhcp-options(5).
             that are always sent in the DHCP protocol should not
be specified
             here,  except  that  the  client   can   specify   a
dhcp-lease-time option
             other  than  the default requested lease time, which
is two hours.
             The other obvious use for this statement is to  send
             to  the  server  that will allow it to differentiate
between this
             client and other clients or kinds of clients.

OPTION MODIFIERS    [Toc]    [Back]

     In some cases, a client may receive  option  data  from  the
server which is
     not  really  appropriate for that client, or may not receive
     that it needs, and for which a useful default value  exists.
It may also
     receive  information  which is useful, but which needs to be
     with local information.  To handle these needs, several  option modifiers
     are available.

     default { [option declaration] [, ... option declaration] }
             If for some set of options the client should use the
value supplied
 by the server, but needs to use  some  default
value if no
             value  was  supplied by the server, these values can
be defined in
             the default statement.

     supersede { [option declaration] [, ... option  declaration]
             If  for some set of options the client should always
use its own
             value rather than any value supplied by the  server,
these values
             can be defined in the supersede statement.

     prepend { [option declaration] [, ... option declaration] }
             If  for  some set of options the client should use a
value you supply,
 and then use the values supplied by the server,
if any,
             these  values  can  be defined in the prepend statement.  The
             prepend statement can only be used for options which
allow more
             than one value to be given.  This restriction is not
enforced -
             if violated, the results are unpredictable.

     append { [option declaration] [, ... option declaration] }
             If for some set of options the client  should  first
use the values
             supplied  by the server, if any, and then use values
you supply,
             these values can be defined in the append statement.
The append
             statement  can  only be used for options which allow
more than one
             value to be given.  This restriction is not enforced
- if you ignore
 it, the behaviour will be unpredictable.


     The lease declaration:

           lease { lease-declaration [... lease-declaration] }

     The  DHCP  client  may decide after some period of time (see
     TIMING) that it is not going  to  succeed  in  contacting  a
server.  At that
     time,  it  consults its own database of old leases and tests
each one that
     has not yet timed out by pinging the listed router for  that
lease to see
     if  that  lease could work.  It is possible to define one or
more fixed
     leases in the client configuration file for  networks  where
there is no
     DHCP or BOOTP service, so that the client can still automatically configure
 its address.  This is done with the lease statement.

     NOTE:  the   lease   statement   is   also   used   in   the
dhclient.leases file in order
  to  record  leases  that  have  been received from DHCP
servers.  Some of
     the syntax for leases as described below is only  needed  in
     dhclient.leases  file.   Such  syntax is documented here for

     A lease statement consists of the lease keyword, followed by
a left curly
     brace, followed by one or more lease declaration statements,
followed by
     a right curly brace.  The following lease  declarations  are

     bootp;   The  bootp  statement  is used to indicate that the
lease was acquired
 using the BOOTP protocol rather than the DHCP
             It  is never necessary to specify this in the client
             file.  The client uses  this  syntax  in  its  lease
database file.

     interface "string";
             The  interface  lease  statement is used to indicate
the interface
             on which the lease is valid.   If  set,  this  lease
will only be
             tried  on  a  particular interface.  When the client
receives a
             lease from a server, it always records the interface
number on
             which  it received that lease.  If predefined leases
are specified
             in the dhclient.conf file, the interface should also
be specified,
 although this is not required.

     fixed-address ip-address;
             The  fixed-address  statement  is used to set the IP
address of a
             particular lease.  This is required  for  all  lease
             The  IP  address  must be specified as a dotted quad

     filename "string";
             The filename statement specifies  the  name  of  the
boot filename to
             use.   This  is not used by the standard client configuration
             script, but is included for completeness.

     server-name "string";
             The server-name statement specifies the name of  the
boot server
             name  to use.  This is also not used by the standard
client configuration

     option option-declaration;
             The option statement is used to specify the value of
an option
             supplied  by  the  server, or, in the case of predefined leases declared
 in dhclient.conf, the  value  that  the  user
wishes the
             client configuration script to use if the predefined
lease is

     script "script-name";
             The script statement is used to specify the pathname
of the DHCP
             client configuration script.  This script is used by
the DHCP
             client to set each interface's initial configuration
prior to requesting
 an address, to test the address once it has
been offered,
 and to set the interface's  final  configuration once a
             lease  has  been acquired.  If no lease is acquired,
the script is
             used to test predefined leases,  if  any,  and  also
called once if
             no valid lease can be identified.  For more information, see

     medium "media setup";
             The medium statement can be used  on  systems  where
network interfaces
  cannot  automatically  determine  the type of
network to which
             they are connected.  The media  setup  string  is  a
             parameter which is passed to the DHCP client configuration script
             when initializing the interface.  On UNIX and  UNIXlike systems,
             the  argument is passed on the ifconfig command line
when configuring
 the interface.

             The DHCP client automatically declares this  parameter if it used
             a  media type (see the media statement) when configuring the interface
 in order to obtain a lease.  This  statement
should be
             used in predefined leases only if the network interface requires
             media type configuration.

     renew date;

     rebind date;

     expire date;
             The renew statement defines the time  at  which  the
DHCP client
             should begin trying to contact its server to renew a
lease that
             it is using.  The rebind statement defines the  time
at which the
             DHCP  client should begin to try to contact any DHCP
server in order
 to renew its lease.  The  expire  statement  defines the time at
             which  the DHCP client must stop using a lease if it
has not been
             able to contact a server in order to renew it.

     These declarations are automatically set in leases  acquired
by the DHCP
     client, but must also be configured in predefined leases - a
     lease whose expiry time has passed will not be used  by  the
DHCP client.

     Dates are specified as follows:

          <weekday> <year>/<month>/<day> <hour>:<minute>:<second>

     The weekday is present to make it easy for a human  to  tell
when a lease
     expires  - it's specified as a number from zero to six, with
zero being
     Sunday.  When declaring a predefined lease, it can always be
specified as
     zero.   The year is specified with the century, so it should
generally be
     four digits except for really long  leases.   The  month  is
specified as a
     number starting with 1 for January.  The day of the month is
     specified starting with 1.  The hour is a number  between  0
and 23, the
     minute a number between 0 and 69, and the second also a number between 0
     and 69.


     alias { declarations ... }

     Some DHCP clients running TCP/IP roaming protocols  may  require that in
     addition  to  the lease they may acquire via DHCP, their interface also be
     configured with a predefined IP alias so that they can  have
a permanent
     IP  address  even while roaming.  The Internet Software Consortium DHCP
     client doesn't support roaming with fixed addresses  directly, but in order
  to facilitate such experimentation, the DHCP client can
be set up to
     configure an IP alias using the alias declaration.

     The alias declaration resembles a lease declaration,  except
that options
     other  than  the subnet-mask option are ignored by the standard client configuration
 script, and expiry times are ignored.  A  typical
alias declaration
  includes  an  interface declaration, a fixed-address
declaration for
     the IP alias address, and a subnet-mask option  declaration.
A medium
     statement  should never be included in an alias declaration.


     reject ip-address;
             The reject statement causes the DHCP client  to  reject offers from
             servers  who  use  the specified address as a server
             This can be used to avoid being configured by  rogue
or misconfigured
  DHCP servers, although it should be a last resort - better
             to track down the bad DHCP server and fix it.

     interface "name" { declarations ... }
             A client with more than one  network  interface  may
require different
  behaviour depending on which interface is being
             All timing parameters and  declarations  other  than
lease and alias
             declarations  can be enclosed in an interface declaration, and
             those parameters will then be used only for the  interface that
             matches  the  specified  name.  Interfaces for which
there is no interface
 declaration will use the parameters declared
outside of
             any  interface declaration, or the default settings.

     media "media setup" [, "media setup", ...];
             The media statement defines one or more  media  configuration parameters
  which may be tried while attempting to acquire an IP address.
  The DHCP client will cycle through each  media setup
             string  on the list, configuring the interface using
that setup
             and attempting to boot, and  then  trying  the  next
one.  This can
             be  used for network interfaces which aren't capable
of sensing
             the media type unaided - whichever media  type  succeeds in getting
             a  request  to  the  server and hearing the reply is
probably right
             (no guarantees).

             The media setup is only used for the  initial  phase
of address acquisition
  (the DHCPDISCOVER and DHCPOFFER packets).
Once an address
 has been acquired, the DHCP client will record
it in its
             lease  database  and will record the media type used
to acquire the
             address.  Whenever the client  tries  to  renew  the
lease, it will
             use that same media type.  The lease must expire before the
             client will go back to cycling through media  types.

EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]

     The  following  configuration file is used on a laptop which
has an IP
     alias of, and has one  interface,  ep0  (a  3Com
3C589C).  Booting
 intervals have been shortened somewhat from the default,
because the
     client is known to spend most of its time on  networks  with
little DHCP
     activity.  The laptop does roam to multiple networks.

           timeout 60;
           retry 60;
           reboot 10;
           select-timeout 5;
           initial-interval 2;

           interface "ep0" {
               send host-name "andare.fugue.com";
               send dhcp-client-identifier 1:0:a0:24:ab:fb:9c;
               send dhcp-lease-time 3600;
               supersede    domain-name   "fugue.com   rc.vix.com
               prepend domain-name-servers;
               request subnet-mask, broadcast-address,  time-offset, routers,
                       domain-name,   domain-name-servers,  hostname;
               require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;
               script "/etc/dhclient-script";
               media "media 10baseT/UTP", "media 10base2/BNC";

           alias {
             interface "ep0";
             option subnet-mask;

     This is a very complicated dhclient.conf file - in  general,
yours should
     be  much  simpler.   In  many cases, it's sufficient to just
create an empty
     dhclient.conf file - the defaults are usually fine.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     dhclient.leases(5),     dhcp-options(5),      dhcpd.conf(5),
dhclient(8), dhcpd(8)

     RFC 2132, RFC 2131.

AUTHORS    [Toc]    [Back]

     dhclient(8)  was written by Ted Lemon <[email protected]> under
a contract
     with Vixie Labs.

     The current implementation was reworked by
     Henning Brauer <[email protected]>.

OpenBSD     3.6                         January      1,      1997
[ Back ]
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