AliasDB - add alias for an afs cell in dynroot
The file AliasDB add aliases for afs cellnames in dynroot,
useful to add
readwrite mountpoints in dynroot.
Each line in the file contains at least two elements with an
third element. The first element is the cell name to make
the alias for.
The second element is the alias. The optional third element
is describing
properties of the mountpoint.
By default, an alias is a readonly mountpoint, which means
that afsd will
use readonly replicas of volumes, if they exist. If an
alias set to
readwrite, afsd will disregard the readonly replicas and use
the readwrite
volumes only. This will seriously limit performance,
but maybe
necessary to install software packages etc.
Each line that starts with a `#' is a comment
# This is a comment
# cell alias [property] readwrite rw cs readonly andrew #andrew is a readonly alias
CellServDB(5), DynRootDB(5), afsd(8)
The Arla Project April 30, 2001
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