primes(6) -- factor a number, generate primes
The factor utility will factor integers between -2147483648 and 2147483647 inclusive. When a number is factored, it is printed, followed by a ``'', and the list of factors on a single line. Factors ... |
quiz(6) -- random knowledge tests
The quiz utility tests your knowledge of random facts. It has a database of subjects from which you can choose. With no arguments, quiz displays the list of available subjects. The options are as foll... |
rain(6) -- animated raindrops display
The output of rain is modeled after the VAX/VMS program of the same name. To obtain the proper effect, either the terminal must be set for 9600 baud or the -d option must be used to specify a delay, i... |
random(6) -- random lines from a file or random numbers
random reads lines from the standard input and copies them to the standard output with a probability of 1/denominator. The default value for denominator is 2. The options are as follows: -e If the -e ... |
robots(6) -- fight off villainous robots
robots pits you against evil robots, who are trying to kill you (which is why they are evil). Fortunately for you, even though they are evil, they are not very bright and have a habit of bumping into ... |
rogue(6) -- Exploring The Dungeons of Doom
rogue is a computer fantasy game with a new twist. It is crt oriented and the object of the game is to survive the attacks of various monsters and get a lot of gold, rather than the puzzle solving ori... |
rot13(6) -- decrypt caesar cyphers
The caesar utility attempts to decrypt caesar cyphers using English letter frequency statistics. caesar reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output. The optional numerical argument... |
sail(6) -- multi-user wooden ships and iron men
Sail is a computer version of Avalon Hill's game of fighting sail originally developed by S. Craig Taylor. Players of Sail take command of an old fashioned Man of War and fight other players or the c... |
snake(6) -- display chase game
snake is a display-based game which must be played on a CRT terminal. The object of the game is to make as much money as possible without getting eaten by the snake. The -l and -w options allow you to... |
tetris(6) -- the game of tetris
The tetris command runs display-based game which must be played on a CRT terminal. The object is to fit the shapes together forming complete rows, which then vanish. When the shapes fill up to the top... |
trek(6) -- trekkie game
trek is a game of space glory and war. Below is a summary of commands. For complete documentation, see Trek by Eric Allman. If a filename is given, a log of the game is written onto that file. If the ... |
wargames(6) -- shall we play a game?
``Shall we play a game?'' -- computer, wargames Just like in the movie, the computer will happily play a game with you. The likelihood of Global Thermonuclear Warfare resulting is much smaller.... |
worm(6) -- Play the growing worm game
In , you are a little worm, your body is the "o"'s on the screen and your head is the "@". You move with the hjkl keys and the arrow keys (as in the game snake). If you don't press any keys, you... |
worms(6) -- animate worms on a display terminal
A UNIX version of the DEC-2136 program ``worms''. The options are as follows: -f Makes a ``field'' for the worm(s) to eat. -t Makes each worm leave a trail behind it. -d Specifies a delay, in mill... |
wtf(6) -- translates acronyms for you
The wtf utility displays the expansion of the acronyms specified on the command line. If the acronym is unknown, wtf will check to see if the acronym is known by the whatis(1) command. If ``is'' is ... |