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  man pages->NetBSD man pages -> wscons (9)              



NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     wscons - machine-independent console support

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The wscons driver provides a machine-independent framework for workstation
 consoles.  It consists of several cooperating modules:

     +o    display adapters (see wsdisplay(9))

     +o    keyboards (see wskbd(9))

     +o    pointers and mice (see wsmouse(9))

     +o    input event multiplexor

     +o    font handling (see wsfont(9))

     +o    terminal emulation (see wsdisplay(9))

     The wscons framework replaces the old rcons workstation framework and the
     various machine-dependent console implementations.

CODE REFERENCES    [Toc]    [Back]

     This section describes places within the NetBSD source tree where actual
     code implementing or utilising the machine-independent wscons subsystem
     can be found.  All pathnames are relative to /usr/src.

     The wscons subsystem is implemented within the directory sys/dev/wscons.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     wscons(4), driver(9), intro(9), wsdisplay(9), wsfont(9), wskbd(9),

BSD                             October 7, 2001                            BSD
[ Back ]
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