strip - Discard symbols from object files.
strip [-F bfdname | --target=bfdname]
[-I bfdname | --input-target=bfdname]
[-O bfdname | --output-target=bfdname]
[-R sectionname | --remove-section=sectionname]
[-s | --strip-all] [-S | -g | -d | --strip-debug]
[--strip-unneeded] [-x | --discard-all]
[-X | --discard-locals]
[-K symbolname | --keep-symbol=symbolname]
[-N symbolname | --strip-symbol=symbolname]
[-o file] [-p | --preserve-dates] [-v | --verbose]
[-V | --version] [-V | --help] objfile...
GNU strip discards all symbols from the object files
objfile. The list of object files may include archives.
At least one object file must be given.
strip modifies the files named in its argument, rather
than writing modified copies under different names.
-F bfdname
Treat the original objfile as a file with the
object code format bfdname, and rewrite it in the
same format.
--help Show a summary of the options to strip and exit.
-I bfdname
Treat the original objfile as a file with the
object code format bfdname.
-O bfdname
Replace objfile with a file in the output format
-R sectionname
Remove the named section from the file. This
option may be given more than once. Note that
using this option inappropriately may make the
object file unusable.
Remove all symbols.
Remove debugging symbols only.
Strip all symbols that are not needed for
relocation processing.
-N symbolname
Remove symbol symbolname from the source file. This
option may be given more than once, and may be
combined with other strip options.
-o file
Put the stripped output in file, rather than
replacing the existing file. When this argument is
used, only one objfile argument may be specified.
Preserve the access and modification dates of the
Remove non-global symbols.
Remove compiler-generated local symbols. (These
usually start with ``L'' or ``.''.)
-K symbolname, --keep-symbol=symbolname
Copy only symbol symbolname from the source file.
This option may be given more than once.
-N symbolname, --strip-symbol=symbolname
Do not copy symbol symbolname from the source file.
This option may be given more than once, and may be
combined with strip options other than -K.
Verbose output: list all object files modified. In
the case of archives, strip -v lists all members of
the archive.
Show the version number for strip and exit.
`binutils' entry in info; The GNU Binary Utilities, Roland
H. Pesch (October 1991).
Copyright (c) 1991, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This document is distributed under the terms of the GNU
Free Documentation License, version 1.1. That license is
described in the sources for this manual page, but it is
not displayed here in order to make this manual more
consise. Copies of this license can also be obtained
Free Software Foundation 5 November 1991 strip(1)
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