ypbind finds the server for NIS domains and maintains the NIS binding information. The client (normaly the NIS routines in the standard C library) could get the information over RPC from ypbind or rea...
ypinit builds the domain subdirectory of /var/yp for the current default domain. After building the domain subdirectory, ypinit builds a complete set of administrative maps for your system and places ...
yppush copies updated NIS databases (or maps) from the master NIS server to the slave servers within a NIS domain. It is normally run only on the NIS master by /var/yp/Makefile after the master databa...
The Network Information Service (NIS) provides a simple network lookup service consisting of databases and processes. The databases are gdbm files in a directory tree rooted at /var/yp. The ypserv dae...
In order to run ypset, ypbind must be initiated with the -ypset or -ypsetme options. See ypbind(8). ypset tells ypbind to get NIS services for the specified domain from the ypserv(8) process running o...
ypxfr copies an NIS database from one NIS server to the local host by using the NIS service. ypxfr is generally invoked by ypinit or by ypserv, when ypserv receives a map transfer request from yppush....
Zic reads text from the file(s) named on the command line and creates the time conversion information files specified in this input. If a filename is -, the standard input is read. These options are a...