installfoliofonts - Install POSTSCRIPT outline font and font metric file
from Adobe Font Folio CD-ROM.
installfoliofonts fontname
installfoliofonts extracts the specified POSTSCRIPT outline font and its
associated Adobe Font Metric (AFM) file from the Adobe Macintosh Font
Folio CD-ROM and installs them for use with Adobe POSTSCRIPT software.
Consult the documentation for your Adobe POSTSCRIPT system software for
instructions on how to make use of the new fonts.
$ installfoliofonts Banco
Installed Banco in /usr/lib/DPS/outline/base
The first read from the CD-ROM after the caddy is inserted into the drive
sometimes fails causing installfoliofonts to abort. A second attempt
usually works and installfoliofonts proceeds normally.
unixfont(6f), makepsres(1)
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Typeface programs are licensed for use with individual POSTSCRIPT
interpreters either in a printer or on a workstation. To use a typeface
program with multiple POSTSCRIPT interpreters, a multiple-printer license
is required.
POSTSCRIPT is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated registered in
certain jurisdictions.
Copyright (c) 1989-1991, 1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights
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