MSG(7D) UNICOS 10.0 Last changed: 4-24-98
msg - Text formatting macros for UNICOS and IRIX messages
nroff -msg files
Cray PVP systems
IRIX systems
The msg macros are a package of nroff macro definitions that provides
a formatting facility for the printed documents of the Cray message
system. The Requests subsection defines all available macros.
Virtually all nroff directives should be unnecessary in conjunction
with this macro package. However, they are available if desired and
should work as documented. You also can create tables and equations
by using tbl(1) and eqn(1) directives, respectively; these processors
work with the msg macros.
Requests [Toc] [Back]
Unless otherwise noted, all msg requests (macros) must start at the
beginning of a line. No other text lines or words can start with a .
.2S Starts two-column mode.
.2E Ends two-column mode.
.BL [x] (Bulleted list) Makes an entry in a bulleted list. The x
is either d for double-spaced list or s for single-spaced
list (the default).
.CH x "string1" "string2"
(Column headings) Makes column heads for two-column lists;
x is indent (as in _TL); string1 and string2 are column
heads. x cannot be less than 1.28 or greater than 47. If
x is less than the width of string1, the width of string1
is used as the first column width. If the first column
width would leave the second column less than 5-ens wide,
x is adjusted to keep the second column 5-ens wide.
.CR [x] [y] (Counter reset) Resets the counter that is output by the
\*n string. The x argument is the number at which the
next count will start (default is 1). The y argument is
the type of the counter character (default is Arabic
numerals). For a list of the values that you may use for
y, see the description of the x argument of the .NL
.CS (Code start) Begins a block of non-wrapping code lines.
In two-column mode, lines between .CS and .CE macros
cannot consist of more than 44 characters.
.CE (Code end) Ends a code block started with .CS.
.DL [x] (Dashed list) Makes an entry in a dashed list. The x is
either d for double-spaced list or s for single-spaced
list (the default).
.EQ Starts equation (with eqn); ends equation with .EN.
.EN Ends equation (with eqn).
.GC "group" (Group code) Defines the group code to be used for a set
of messages. You must define the group code because it is
printed as part of the message identifier for each
.MS msg# [b]
(Message start) Starts a message block that, by default,
will not break over columns or pages, unless it is longer
than one column (page). To force a message to break over
a column or page, use the b option. The msg-# is the
message number used in the online message system.
.ME (Message end) Ends a message block.
.NL [x [y [z [d] ] ] ]
(Numbered list) Makes an entry in a numbered list. The x
is either the type of numerals you want (default is
Arabic), or a d to specify a double-spaced,
Arabic-numbered list. The y is the indent between the
numerals and the paragraph. The z is the number at which
to (re)start the count if you want something other than
the first character in the series (1 or i or A, and so
on). If you want a double-spaced list that uses something
other than Arabic numerals (so that you cannot specify d
for x), specify the d as a fourth argument to .NL. The x
argument can have one of the following values:
Value indent Result
1 3.3 Arabic numerals (the default)
a 3.3 Lowercase letters
A 4 Uppercase letters
i 4.5 Lowercase roman numerals
I 5 Uppercase roman numerals
d 3.3 Arabic numerals, with full blank lines
between list entries
You should end numbered lists with the .NN macro.
.NN (Numbered-list end) Ends numbered list (resets numbers to
1 at that level of indent).
.PP [x] (Paragraph (resets indent)) x is the number of (printed)
lines to keep together on the same page; the default is 4.
Use this argument only if you use the b option to .MS or
if your message is longer than one column.
.SP [x] Adds vertical space (leading) without resetting
indentation. Use _SP instead of _PP in indented lists and
examples). The x is the number of following lines to keep
in one block (not break over pages).
.ST "string"
(Section title) string is the section title.
.TL [x [y] ]
(Tagged list) Makes a tagged-paragraph list. The
following line is the tag, and, on only the first entry, x
is the indent; it cannot be less than 1.28 or greater than
47, and if you do not specify it, it defaults to 5 ens.
The y is either d for double-spaced list or s for
single-spaced list (the default).
.TS (Table start) Begins a table to be processed with tbl. Be
sure that tables are 3.3 i. or narrower in width.
.TE (Table end) Ends a table to be processed by tbl.
Font Changes
\fB Change to bold font (can start anywhere on a line).
\fI or \*V Change to italic font (can start anywhere on a line).
\fR Change to roman font (can start anywhere on a line).
\*C Change to Courier font (can start anywhere on a
\*(Cb or \f(CB Change to Courier bold font (can start anywhere on a
\*(Co or \f(CO Change to Courier italic font (can start anywhere on
a line).
\fP Change to previous font (use to undo font change).
Nonprinting Comments [Toc] [Back]
'\" Comment line; entire line is ignored when formatted
(this version is preferred).
/usr/lib/tmac/ Message macro package (UNICOS systems)
/usr/share/lib/tmac/ Message macro package (IRIX systems)
eqn(1), explain(1), nroff(1), tbl(1),
Cray Message System Programmer's Guide
Documenter's Workbench Software Technical Discussion and Reference
Documenter's Workbench Software User's Guide
UNICOS File Formats and Special Files Reference Manual, publication
SR-2014, for the printed version of this man page.
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