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license.dat(5)							license.dat(5)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     license.dat - license configuration file for FLEXlm licensed applications

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]


DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     A license file consists of	the following sections:

	  Optional license-server section, with	information about node where
	  the SERVER (or redundant SERVERs) are	running, along with a list of
	  all vendor-specific DAEMON(s)	that the SERVER	needs to run. This
	  section is required if any features are counted.

	  Features section, consisting of any combination of FEATURE,
	  INCREMENT, UPGRADE, USE_SERVER or PACKAGE lines.  This section is

	  Optional FEATURESET section, consisting of at	most one FEATURESET
	  line per DAEMON line in the file.  (Rarely used).

	  Comments. The	convention is to begin comments	with a `#' character.
	  However, in practice all lines not beginning with a FLEXlm reserved
	  keyword are considered comments.

     Vendors and end-users will	read the license file to understand how	the
     licensing will behave: what features are licensed,	for how	many users,
     whether these features are	node-locked, if	the features are demo or
     regular, etc.  The	options	are very broad for what	can be specified in a
     license file.

     End-users often need to edit this file.  Nearly all of the	file is
     encrypted,	and if these portions are edited by the	end-user, LM_BADCODE
     error will	result.	However, end-users often must edit the license file
     for the following reasons:

	       To change the SERVER nodename
	       To change the SERVER TCP/IP port	address
	       To change the path to the vendor	daemon.

SERVER Line    [Toc]    [Back]

     A SERVER line specifies the node on which a license server	process	can
     run.  If a	license	file has three SERVER lines, then two of the three
     servers must be running in	order for the licensing	system to operate. The
     SERVER node name in the license file can be any network alias for the
     node (prior to FLEXlm v2.4	it was restricted to the return	of the
     gethostname() call).
     SERVER nodename id	optional-port-number

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     nodename	    the	string returned	by the Unix "hostname" command.
		    This can be	edited by the end-user.	 As of FLEXlm v5, it can also be an
		    IP address in format "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn".

     id		    the	string returned	by the lmhostid	command. (Case
		    insensitive). In addition, a hostid	of ANY can be specified,
		    which will allow the license to be run on any node.

		    the	TCP port number	to use.	This can be edited by the enduser.

     NOTE: The SERVER line must	apply to all lines in the license
     file.  It is permitted and	encouraged to combine license files from
     different vendors,	but this only works if the SERVER hostids are
     identical in all files that are to	be combined.  See also

DAEMON Line    [Toc]    [Back]

     The DAEMON	line specifies the name	and location of	a vendor daemon, as
     well as the location of the end-user options file.

     DAEMON daemon-name	path [ [port=]port-num ]
	       [ [options=]options.dat ]

		    the	name of	the daemon used	to serve some feature(s) in
		    the	file.

     path	    the	pathname to the	executable code	for this daemon.

     port-num	    TCP	port number that the daemon will use.  This is for
		    sites with firewalls, and is not needed elsewhere.

     options	    the	pathname of the	end-user specified options file	for
		    this daemon.

USE_SERVER Line    [Toc]    [Back]

     USE_SERVER	is normally placed before all FEATURE or INCREMENT lines.
     This indicates to all client applications that they should	not read the
     license file, but perform their checkout directly from the	server.
     USE_SERVER	can also be placed after some uncounted	FEATURE	lines; if so,
     these FEATUREs will still checkout	even if	the server is not running.
     The drawback to this is that, if the server is running, uncounted
     licenses won't be logged in the log files.

     A FEATURE line describes the license to use a product. An INCREMENT line
     can be used in place of a FEATURE line, as	well as	to add licenses	to a
     prior FEATURE or INCREMENT	line in	the license file.

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     Note: If the vendor daemon	has ls_use_all_feature_lines set, then FEATURE
     lines function as INCREMENT lines,	and the	behavior of a FEATURE line is
     unavailable to that application.  If ls_use_all_feature_lines is set,
     read INCREMENT for	FEATURE.

     0nly one FEATURE line for a given feature will be processed by the	vendor
     daemon.  If you want to have additional copies of the same	feature	(for
     example, to have multiple node-locked counted features), then you must
     use multiple INCREMENT lines.  INCREMENT lines form license groups	based
     on	the feature name, version, and node- lock hostid.  If the feature
     name, version, and	node-lock hostid (and optionally, the vendor string,
     if	ls_compare_vendor_on_increment is non-zero) match a prior INCREMENT or
     FEATURE line, the new number of licenses is added to the old number.  If
     any of the	three do not match, a new group	of licenses is created in the
     vendor daemon, and	this group is counted independently from others	with
     the same feature name.  INCREMENT is not available	for pre-v2.61 FLEXlm
     clients or	servers.  A FEATURE line does not give an additional number of
     licenses, whereas an INCREMENT line ALWAYS	gives an additional number of
     licenses.	There are two formats for FEATURE, pre-v3.0 and	current. The
     old format	is still understood and	correct	with new clients and servers,
     but the new format	is more	flexible, and therefore	recommended where
     FEATURE|INCREMENT name daemon version exp_date #lic code \

	       "vendor_string" [hostid]		(Pre-v3.0 format)


     FEATURE|INCREMENT name daemon version exp_date #lic code \

	     [HOSTID=hostid][VENDOR_STRING="vendor-string"] \

	     [vendor_info="..."] [dist_info="..."] [user_info="..."] \

	     [asset_info="..."]	[ISSUER="..."] [NOTICE="..."]  \


	     [SN=serial-number]	[{USER_BASED|HOST_BASED}[=n]] [MINIMUM=min] \

	  [SUPERSEDE] [ISSUED=date] [CAPACITY] [ck=nnn]

	  (Current format)

     name	    the	name given to the feature. Legal feature names in
		    FLEXlm must	start with either a letter, a number, or the
		    underscore character.

     daemon	    the	daemon-name from a DAEMON line.	The specified daemon
		    serves this	feature.

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     version	    the	latest (highest-numbered) version of this feature that
		    is supported. (3 decimal places).

     exp_date	    the	expiration date	in the format: dd-mmm-yyyy, (for
		    example, 22-mar-1988). If you do not want the feature to
		    expire, select an expiration date with the year as 0 (any
		    day- any month-0). (Case insensitive).

     #lic	    the	number of licenses for this feature.

     code	    the	encryption code	for this feature line. The code	is
		    produced by	lc_crypt() in makekey, or lc_crypstr() in
		    lmcrypt. (Case insensitive).  The start date is encoded
		    into the code; thus	identical codes	created	with different
		    start dates	will be	different.  The	encryption code	field
		    can	be made	case sensitive by calling
		    lc_set_attr(LM_A_CRYPT_CASE_SENSITIVE, 1).	Remember to
		    select the "case sensitive"	option when building your
		    daemon, if you use a case sensitive	encryption code

     The following fields are all optional (except for vendor-string in	the
     old format).  For optional	fields of the "name=value" syntax, if the name
     is	lowercase, it can be modified and the license will remain valid.

		    the	vendor-defined string, enclosed	in double quotes. This
		    string can contain any characters except a quote (white
		    space will be ignored in the vendor-defined	string). The
		    application	can retrieve this string by calling
		    lc_auth_data(). [Pre-v3.0 format]

     hostid	    the	string returned	by lmhostid. Use if this feature is to
		    be bound to	a particular host, whether its use is counted
		    or not. (Case insensitive).	If the number of licenses is
		    0, then this field is required. If hostid is DEMO, the
		    hostid is any system. If DEMO, the application can
		    determine this is a	demo license by	calling	lc_auth_data()
		    and	noting the hostid type.	[Pre-v3.0 format]

     HOSTID=hostid  the	node-locked hostid (same as "hostid" in	the old
		    format, above)

		    The	vendor-defined license data (same as "vendor_string"
		    in the old format, above)

		    Additional information provided by the software vendor.
		    Not	encrypted into the feature's "code".

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		    Additional information provided by the software
		    distributor. Not encrypted into the	feature's "code".

		    Additional information provided by the software enduser's
 system administrator. Not encrypted into the
		    feature's "code".

     asset_info="..."	 Additional information	provided by the	software enduser's
 system administrator	for asset management. Not
		    encrypted into the feature's "code".

		    Issuer of the license.

		    A field for	intellectual property notices.

     ck=nnn	    A checksum,	useful with the	lmcksum	utility, which will
		    verify that	the license has	been entered correctly by the
		    end-user. Not encrypted.

		    The	OVERDRAFT policy allows	you to specify a number	of
		    additional licenses	which your end-user will be allowed to
		    use, in addition to	the licenses they have purchased. This
		    is useful if you want to allow your	users to not be	denied
		    service when in a "temporary overdraft" state. Usage above
		    the	licensed limit will be reported	by the FLEXadmin
		    reporting tool. In addition, you can determine if you are
		    currently in an overdraft condition	by calling
		    lc_get_attr(job, LM_A_VD_FEATURE_INFO, members of
		    interest: lic_in_use, lic_avail, and overdraft. If

			 lic_in_use is > lic_avail - overdraft

		    then you are in an "overdraft state".

		    You	can also specify the Duplicate Grouping	parameter in
		    the	license	in FLEXlm v3.2.	If DUP_GROUP is	specified in
		    the	license, this parameter	overrides the dup_group
		    parameter in the lc_checkout() call. If not	specified in
		    the	license, the dup_group parameter from lc_checkout()
		    will be used, as in	prior versions of FLEXlm. The syntax

			      U	= DUP_USER
			      H	= DUP_HOST
			      D	= DUP_DISPLAY

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		    Any	combination of UHDV is allowed,	and the	DUP_MASK is
		    the	OR of the combination. For example "DUP_GROUP=UHD"
		    means the duplicate	grouping is
		    (DUP_USER|DUP_HOST|DUP_DISPLAY), so	a user on the same
		    host and display will have additional uses of a feature
		    not	count.	If SUITE_DUP_GROUP is specified, then the
		    duplicate grouping applies to "parent" of the suite.
		    Otherwise, the parent inherits the same duplicate grouping
		    as the components.

		    This is a optional,	encrypted, string attribute, useful
		    for	differentiating	otherwise identical INCREMENT lines.

		    If USER_BASED is specified,	then all licenses must be
		    INCLUDEd to	USER names via the end-user options file.
		    Similarly, if HOST_BASED is	specified, then	all licenses
		    must be INCLUDEd via HOST names.  USER_BASED cannot	appear
		    on the same	line with HOST_BASED.  If =n appears, then the
		    number of USERs or HOSTs is	limited	to n; otherwise, the
		    limit is the number	of users in the	FEATURE.  Will create
		    new	vendor-daemon pools. (See note about Vendor Daemon
		    Pools later	in this	RELEASE_NOTES.)

     [MINIMUM=min]  If lc_checkout(...nlic...),	nlic is	less than min, then
		    the	server will checkout min.

     [SUPERSEDE]    allows vendors to sum up a set of INCREMENT	lines in a
		    single, new	FEATURE	(or INCREMENT) line, which supersedes
		    all	INCREMENT lines	for the	same feature name with
		    previous start-dates.  Note	that the start date is the one
		    field which	is not readable	in the license file, and is
		    part of the	20-character license key.

     [ISSUED=date]  Make start-date more readable, e.g., ISSUED=1-jan-1996.
		    If the ISSUED date is set, then SUPERSEDE uses it,
		    otherwise it uses the start-date

     [CAPACITY]	     The most common purpose of	CAPACITY is to charge more for
		    a more powerful system.  For example, with CAPACITY, you
		    could automatically	checkout more licenses on a Unix
		    system than	on a PC, thereby effectively charging more for
		    the	more powerful system.  CAPACITY	is a checkout
		    multiplier--if lc_checkout requests	1 license, and
		    CAPACITY is	set to 3, 3 licenses will be checked out.
		    CAPACITY is	set by 1) Adding the CAPACITY keyword to the
		    FEATURE line 2) Setting CAPACITY in	the application	with
		    lc_set_attr(job, LM_A_CAPACITY, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE)value);
		    This value becomes a multiplier to the checkout number IF

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		    CAPACITY is	set in the license file.  If CAPACITY is
		    missing from the FEATURE line, the attribute setting in
		    the	code will have no effect.  Similarly, if CAPACITY is
		    on the FEATURE line, but there is no call to
		    lc_set_attr(...LM_A_CAPACITY), this	will have no effect.
		    The	attribute must be set before the first connection to
		    the	server (usually	lc_checkout), and cannot be reset once
		    set.  CAPACITY will	create new vendor-daemon pools.


     To	illustrate INCREMENT, the two feature lines:

	  FEATURE f1 demo 1.000	1-jan-0	4 ....
	  FEATURE f1 demo 2.000	1-jan-0	5 ...

     would only	result in 4 licenses for v1 or 5 licenses for v2, depending on
     their order in the	file, whereas:

	  INCREMENT f1 demo 1.000 1-jan-0 4 ....
	  INCREMENT f1 demo 2.000 1-jan-0 5 ....

     would result in 4 licenses	for v1 and 5 licenses for v2 being available,
     giving a total of 9 licenses for f1.

     To	illustrate counted vs. uncounted licenses, the following FEATURE line

	  FEATURE f1 demo 1.000	1-jan-95 0 12345678901234567890	HOSTID=DEMO

     has unlimited usage on any	hostid,	requires no lmgrd server or SERVER or
     DAEMON lines (and is therefore a complete license file by itself),	and
     expires on	1- jan-95. In contrast

	  FEATURE f1 demo 1.000	1-jan-0	5 12345678901234567890	      \

     this FEATURE requires the demo vendor daemon to be	running, is limited to
     6 users on	any host with an internet IP address matching 195.186.*.*, and
     never expires.

     Note: Assuming that ls_use_all_feature_lines is 0,	then only one FEATURE
     line for a	given feature will be processed	by the vendor daemon.  If you
     want to have additional copies of the same	feature	(for example, to have
     multiple node-locked counted features), then you must use multiple
     INCREMENT lines.  INCREMENT lines form license groups based on the
     feature name, version, and	node-lock hostid.  In other words, if the
     feature name, version, and	node-lock hostid (and optionally, the vendor
     string, if	ls_compare_vendor_on_increment is non-zero) match a prior
     INCREMENT or FEATURE line,	the new	number of licenses is added to the old

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     number.  If any of	the three do not match,	a new group of licenses	is
     created.  INCREMENT is not	available for pre-v2.61	FLEXlm clients or

     UPGRADE name daemon fromversion version exp_date #lic code	"string" \
	  [hostid] ck=nnn

     All the data is the same as for a FEATURE or INCREMENT line, with the
     addition of the fromversion field.	 An UPGRADE line removes up to the
     number of licenses	specified from any old version (>= fromversion)	and
     creates a new version (version) with that same number of licenses.

     For example, the two lines:

      FEATURE f1 demo 1.000 1-jan-94 5 9BFAC03164EDB7BC0462
      UPGRADE f1 demo 1.000 2.000 1-jan-94 2 1B9A30316207EC8CC0F7 ""

     would result in 3 licenses	of FLEXlm v1.0 of f1 and 2 licenses of v2.0 of
     f1.  UPGRADE will operate on the most recent FEATURE or INCREMENT line
     (i.e., closest preceding FEATURE or INCREMENT line) with a	version	number
     that is >=	fromversion, and < version.

     Note that UPGRADE does not	work for node-locked, uncounted	licenses. A
     new FEATURE line should be	issued in this case, since the license count
     is	irrelevant.

     If	a user has UPGRADE lines for his license file and performs the
     following sequence:

	  start	daemons	WITHOUT	UPGRADE	lines in license file

	  check	out old	versions of software

	  add UPGRADE lines to license file

	  run lmreread

     Then he will have more checked out	licenses of the	old version of the
     software than the FEATURE/UPGRADE or INCREMENT/UPGRADE lines would
     normally allow.  This license overdraft (of the old versions) will	only
     exist for the life	of the old processes.

     The purpose of the	PACKAGE	line is	to support two different vendor	needs:
     to	license	a product SUITE, or to provide a more efficient	way of
     distributing a license file that has a large number of features, which
     largely share the same FEATURE line arguments.  A PACKAGE line, by

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     itself, does not license anything -- it requires a	matching
     FEATURE/INCREMENT line to license the whole PACKAGE.  A PACKAGE line can
     be	shipped	with a product,	independent of any user	information. Later,
     the user can purchase one or more corresponding FEATURE/INCREMENT
     licenses that will	turn on	the PACKAGE.

     PACKAGE pgn_name vendor pkg_version pkg_key \
	  COMPONENTS=pkg_list [	OPTIONS=pkg_options ]

     pkg_name	    name of the	PACKAGE. The corresponding FEATURE/INCREMENT
		    line must have the same name.

     vendor	    name of the	vendor daemon that supports this PACKAGE
		    (VENDOR_NAME in lm_code.h).

		    version of the PACKAGE. The	corresponding
		    FEATURE/INCREMENT line must	have the same version.

     pkg_key	    20-character encryption code.

     pkg_list	    the	list of	components. Format is:


		    The	PACKAGE	must consist of	at least one COMPONENT.
		    version and	count are optional, and	if left	out, their
		    values come	from the corresponding FEATURE/INCREMENT line.
		    count is only legal	if OPTIONS=SUITE is not	set -- in this
		    case the resulting number of licenses will be the count on
		    the	COMPONENTS line	multiplied by the number of licenses
		    in the FEATURE/INCREMENT line. Examples:

			 COMPONENTS="comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4"
			 COMPONENTS="comp1:1.5 comp1 comp1:2.0:4"

		    Currently the only legal option is SUITE. This is what
		    distinguishes a suite PACKAGE from a PACKAGE used to ease
		    distribution.  With	OPTIONS=SUITE, the corresponding
		    FEATURE is checked out in addition to the
		    component/feature being checked out.  If OPTIONS=SUITE is
		    not	set, then the corresponding FEATURE is removed once
		    the	PACKAGE	is turned on, and it also is not checked out
		    when a component/feature is	checked	out.


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			     COMPONENTS="comp1 comp2" OPTIONS=SUITE
	  FEATURE suite	demo 1.0 1-jan-0 5 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX

     This is a typical,	simple,	OPTIONS=SUITE example.	The user will have 2
     features available: comp1 and comp2, which	are each version 1.0, 5	uses
     available,	unexpiring.

     When comp1	or comp2 are checked out, "suite" will also be checked out.
     The vendor	will most likely want to turn on DUP_GROUP (either through the
     FEATURE line, or lc_checkout) so that the same user can use comp1 and
     comp2 while using only one	use of FEATURE suite.

			     COMPONENTS="comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4 comp5"
	  INCREMENT suite demo 1.0 1-jan-0 1 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX \
	  INCREMENT suite demo 1.0 1-jan-0 1 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX \

     This is a good way	to distribute multiple node-locked, counted licenses.
     Rather than requiring 5 INCREMENT lines per node, only one	INCREMENT line
     is	required per node, and the features are	indicated in the PACKAGE line.

	  PACKAGE suite	demo 1.0 \
			     COMPONENTS="comp1:1.5:2 comp2:3.0:4 comp3"
	  FEATURE suite	demo 1.0 1-jan-95 3 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX \

     The component versions override the FEATURE versions, and the uses
     available is the product of the 3 uses for	suite and the components
     count.  The result	is equivalent to:

	  FEATURE comp1	demo 1.5 1-jan-95 6 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX \
	  FEATURE comp2	demo 3.0 1-jan-95 12 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX \
	  FEATURE comp3	demo 1.0 1-jan-95 3 20CHARCODEXXXXXXXXXX \

FEATURESET Line    [Toc]    [Back]

     FEATURESET	daemon-name code

		    the	name of	the daemon used	to serve some feature(s) in
		    the	file.

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     code	    the	encryption code	for this FEATURESET line. This code
		    encrypts the codes of all FEATUREs that this daemon
		    supports, so that no FEATURE lines can be removed or added
		    to this license file.

     The FEATURESET line allows	the vendor to bind together the	entire list of
     FEATURE lines supported by	one daemon.  If	a FEATURESET line is used,
     then all the FEATURE lines	must be	present	in the same order in the
     customer's	license	file.  This is used, for example, to insure that a
     customer uses a complete update as	supplied, without adding in old
     FEATURE lines from	the vendor.

     Any amount	of white space of any type can separate	the components of
     license file lines, and the data can be entered via any text editor.
     Vendors can therefore distribute license data via fax or telephone.

     Only four data items in the license file are editable by the end-user:

	  hostnames on SERVER lines
	  port-numbers on SERVER lines
	  pathnames on DAEMON lines
	  options file pathnames on DAEMON lines

     The SERVER	hostid(s) and everything on the	FEATURE	line (except the
     daemon name) is input to the encryption algorithm to generate the code
     for that FEATURE.

Comments    [Toc]    [Back]

     Comment lines can begin with a `#'.

Continued Lines    [Toc]    [Back]

     Lines can be continued with a "

License	file name limits
     The limits	on names for the major parameters employed in the FLEXlm
     license file are:

     Host Names			   32 characters

     Feature Names		   30 characters

     Date String		   11 characters (dd-mmm-yyyy)

     License file lines	(total)
				   2048	characters

     User Names			   20 characters

     DAEMON Names		   10 characters

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     Version			   10 characters, in floating point format,
				   i.e., nnn.nnn

     All other parameters	   Limited only	by the total length of the
				   license file	line.

     When using	TCP, the maximum number	of spawned daemons is 255, which
     effectively limits	the maximum number of end-users	to 256*25 -(2* #
     servers -1) or approximately 6,400	per vendor daemon. When	using UDP,
     there is no limit to the number of	end-users. Note	that multiple daemons
     can be run	on a single network, making the	number of even TCP end-users
     effectively unlimited.

Example	License	File
     SERVER pat	17003456 1700
     SERVER lee	17004355 1700
     SERVER terry 17007ea8 1700
     DAEMON demo /etc/mydaemon
     FEATURE f1	demo 1.000 01-jan-96 10	1AEEFC8F90030EABF324
     FEATURE f2	demo 1.000 01-jan-96 10	0A7E8C4F561FE98BA073

     This example illustrates the license file for single vendor with two
     features, and a set of three server nodes,	any two	of which must be
     running for the system to function.

Locating the License File    [Toc]    [Back]

     The license file default is: /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat.
     Note that IRIX systems typically install licenses in
     /var/flexlm/license.dat, not in /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat.

     Client applications get the license file location in the following	manner
     (in order of precedence; lowest to	highest):

     Default location -	/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat

     lc_set_attr(LM_A_LICENSE_FILE_PTR,	path)

     End-user or application sets LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to

     LM_A_LICENSE_FILE_PTR set and lc_set_attr(LM_A_DISABLE_ENV,1), which
     makes the application override the	LM_LICENSE_FILE	environment variable.

     Most FLEXlm utilities will	accept a "-c license_file_path"	option,	in
     order to use a different license file.

     The LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable can be used to establish a new
     default location for the license file (note that a	"-c" option will
     override the setting of LM_LICENSE_FILE).	In addition, client programs
     can process a series of license files by setting LM_LICENSE_FILE to a
     path, as in:

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	 % setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE file1:file2:file3:....:filen

     or, on VMS:

	  $ assign file1/file2/file3/.../filen LM_LICENSE_FILE

     Client programs will then try using file1;	if it fails, file2 will	be
     tried, etc.

     Note that the FLEXlm daemons do NOT use the license file path; they will
     only process the first file in a license file path.

     Starting in FLEXlm	v2.4, the license file no longer needs to be
     accessible	on each	client node; it	can be read by the client from lmgrd.
     In	order to do this, specify the license file as "port@host", either in
     the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable or in your call to

     The new syntax is:


     port      The (integer) TCP/IP port number	from the license file

     host      The name	of the server host from	the license file.

     A non-redundant server would have only a single port@host,	whereas
     redundant servers could be	specified as 1,	2, or 3	sets of	"port@host",
     separated by commas.  For example,	if you have a single server node named
     "serverhost", and you are running FLEXlm on port 1700, you	could specify
     your "license file" as:


     You could have a license file path	which looked like the following:


     or, if the	second server was a set	of 3 redundant servers,	the path might
     look like this:


     In	this last example, the "1700@host1,1700@host2,1700@host3" part
     specifies a set of	3 redundant servers.

     Prior to FLEXlm v2.61, client and server could read different license
     files, however, after v2.61, both the client and server need to be
     reading the SAME license file, since the client passes the	encryption

								       Page 13

license.dat(5)							license.dat(5)

     code from the FEATURE line	to the vendor daemon.

								       PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11114444
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