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terminfo(4)							   terminfo(4)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     terminfo -	terminal capability data base

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]


DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     terminfo is a database produced by	tic that describes the capabilities of
     devices such as terminals and printers.  Devices are described in
     terminfo source files by specifying a set of capabilities,	by quantifying
     certain aspects of	the device, and	by specifying character	sequences that
     effect particular results.	 This database is often	used by	screen
     oriented applications such	as vi and curses programs, as well as by some
     UNIX system commands such as ls and more.	This usage allows them to work
     with a variety of devices without changes to the programs.

     terminfo source files consist of one or more device descriptions.	Each
     description consists of a header (beginning in column 1) and one or more
     lines that	list the features for that particular device.  Every line in a
     terminfo source file must end in a	comma (,).  Every line in a terminfo
     source file except	the header must	be indented with one or	more white
     spaces (either spaces or tabs).

     Entries in	terminfo source	files consist of a number of comma-separated
     fields.  White space after	each comma is ignored.	Embedded commas	must
     be	escaped	by using a backslash.  The following example shows the format
     of	a terminfo source file.

	  alias	 | alias  | ...	| alias	 | longname,
	  <white space>	am, lines #24, n
	  <white space>	home=\Eeh,

     The first line, commonly referred to as the header	line, must begin in
     column one	and must contain at least two aliases separated	by vertical
     bars.  The	last field in the header line must be the long name of the
     device and	it may contain any string.  Alias names	must be	unique in the
     terminfo database and they	must conform to	UNIX system file naming
     conventions [see tic(1M)];	they cannot, for example, contain white	space
     or	slashes.

     Every device must be assigned a name, such	as "vt100".  Device names
     (except the long name) should be chosen using the following conventions.
     The name should not contain hyphens because hyphens are reserved for use
     when adding suffixes that indicate	special	modes.

     These special modes may be	modes that the hardware	can be in, or user
     preferences.  To assign a special mode to a particular device, append a
     suffix consisting of a hyphen and an indicator of the mode	to the device
     name.  For	example, the -w	suffix means "wide mode"; when specified, it
     allows for	a width	of 132 columns instead of the standard 80 columns.
     Therefore,	if you want to use a vt100 device set to wide mode, name the

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     device "vt100-w."	Use the	following suffixes where possible.

     Suffix   Meaning				     Example

     -w	      Wide mode	(more than 80 columns)	     5410-w
     -am      With auto. margins (usually default)   vt100-am
     -nam     Without automatic	margins		     vt100-nam
     -n	      Number of	lines on the screen	     2300-40
     -na      No arrow keys (leave them	in local)    c100-na
     -np      Number of	pages of memory		     c100-4p
     -rv      Reverse video			     4415-rv

     The terminfo reference manual page	is organized in	two sections: "DEVICE

     Capabilities in terminfo are of three types: Boolean capabilities (which
     show that a device	has or does not	have a particular feature), numeric
     capabilities (which quantify particular features of a device), and	string
     capabilities (which provide sequences that	can be used to perform
     particular	operations on devices).

     In	the following table, a Variable	is the name by which a C programmer
     accesses a	capability (at the terminfo level).  A Capname is the short
     name for a	capability specified in	the terminfo source file.  It is used
     by	a person updating the source file and by the tput command.  A Termcap
     Code is a two-letter sequence that	corresponds to the termcap capability
     name.  (Note that termcap is no longer supported.)

     Capability	names have no real length limit, but an	informal limit of five
     characters	has been adopted to keep them short.  Whenever possible,
     capability	names are chosen to be the same	as or similar to those
     specified by the ANSI X3.64-1979 standard.	 Semantics are also intended
     to	match those of the ANSI	standard.

     All string	capabilities listed below may have padding specified, with the
     exception of those	used for input.	 Input capabilities, listed under the
     Strings section in	the following tables, have names beginning with	key_.
     The #i symbol in the description field of the following tables refers to
     the ith parameter.

   Booleans    [Toc]    [Back]
				Cap-	Termcap
     Variable			name	Code	  Description

     auto_left_margin		bw	bw	  cub1 wraps from column 0 to
						  last column
     auto_right_margin		am	am	  Terminal has automatic
     back_color_erase		bce	be	  Screen erased	with background

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     can_change			ccc	cc	  Terminal can redefine
						  existing color
     ceol_standout_glitch	xhp	xs	  Standout not erased by
						  overwriting (hp)
     col_addr_glitch		xhpa	YA	  Only positive	motion for
						  hpa/mhpa caps
     cpi_changes_res		cpix	YF	  Changing character pitch
						  changes resolution
     cr_cancels_micro_mode	crxm	YB	  Using	cr turns off micro mode
     eat_newline_glitch		xenl	xn	  Newline ignored after	80
						  columns (Concept)
     erase_overstrike		eo	eo	  Can erase overstrikes	with a
     generic_type		gn	gn	  Generic line type (e.g.,
						  dialup, switch)
     hard_copy			hc	hc	  Hardcopy terminal
     hard_cursor		chts	HC	  Cursor is hard to see
     has_meta_key		km	km	  Has a	meta key (shift, sets
						  parity bit)
     has_print_wheel		daisy	YC	  Printer needs	operator to
						  change character set
     has_status_line		hs	hs	  Has extra "status line"
     hue_lightness_saturation	hls	hl	  Terminal uses	only HLS color
						  notation (Tektronix)
     insert_null_glitch		in	in	  Insert mode distinguishes
     lpi_changes_res		lpix	YG	  Changing line	pitch changes
     memory_above		da	da	  Display may be retained above
						  the screen
     memory_below		db	db	  Display may be retained below
						  the screen
     move_insert_mode		mir	mi	  Safe to move while in	insert
     move_standout_mode		msgr	ms	  Safe to move in standout
     needs_xon_xoff		nxon	nx	  Padding won't	work, xon/xoff
     no_esc_ctlc		xsb	xb	  Beehive (f1=escape,
						  f2=ctrl C)
     non_rev_rmcup		nrrmc	NR	  smcup	does not reverse rmcup
     no_pad_char		npc	NP	  Pad character	doesn't	exist
     over_strike		os	os	  Terminal overstrikes on
						  hard-copy terminal
     prtr_silent		mc5i	5i	  Printer won't	echo on	screen
     row_addr_glitch		xvpa	YD	  Only positive	motion for
						  vpa/mvpa caps
     semi_auto_right_margin	sam	YE	  Printing in last column
						  causes cr

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     status_line_esc_ok		eslok	es	  Escape can be	used on	the
						  status line
     dest_tabs_magic_smso	xt	xt	  Destructive tabs, magic smso
						  char (t1061)
     tilde_glitch		hz	hz	  Hazeltine; can't print
						  tilde	(~)
     transparent_underline	ul	ul	  Underline character
     xon_xoff			xon	xo	  Terminal uses	xon/xoff

   Numbers    [Toc]    [Back]
			    Cap-     Termcap
     Variable		    name     Code      Description

     buffer_capacity	    bufsz    Ya	       Number of bytes buffered	before
     columns		    cols     co	       Number of columns in a line
     dot_vert_spacing	    spinv    Yb	       Spacing of pins vertically in
					       pins per	inch
     dot_horz_spacing	    spinh    Yc	       Spacing of dots horizontally in
					       dots per	inch
     init_tabs		    it	     it	       Tabs initially every # spaces
     label_height	    lh	     lh	       Number of rows in each label
     label_width	    lw	     lw	       Number of columns in each label
     lines		    lines    li	       Number of lines on a screen or a
     lines_of_memory	    lm	     lm	       Lines of	memory if > lines; 0
					       means varies
     magic_cookie_glitch    xmc	     sg	       Number of blank characters left
					       by smso or rmso
     max_colors		    colors   Co	       Maximum number of colors	on the
     max_micro_address	    maddr    Yd	       Maximum value in
     max_micro_jump	    mjump    Ye	       Maximum value in	parm_..._micro
     max_pairs		    pairs    pa	       Maximum number of color-pairs on
					       the screen
     micro_col_size	    mcs	     Yf	       Character step size when	in
					       micro mode
     micro_line_size	    mls	     Yg	       Line step size when in micro
     no_color_video	    ncv	     NC	       Video attributes	that can't be
					       used with colors
     number_of_pins	    npins    Yh	       Number of pins in print-head
     num_labels		    nlab     Nl	       Number of labels	on screen
					       (start at 1)
     output_res_char	    orc	     Yi	       Horizontal resolution in	units
					       per character
     output_res_line	    orl	     Yj	       Vertical	resolution in units per

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     output_res_horz_inch   orhi     Yk	       Horizontal resolution in	units
					       per inch
     output_res_vert_inch   orvi     Yl	       Vertical	resolution in units per
     padding_baud_rate	    pb	     pb	       Lowest baud rate	where padding
     virtual_terminal	    vt	     vt	       Virtual terminal	number (UNIX
     wide_char_size	    widcs    Yn	       Character step size when	in
					       double wide mode
     width_status_line	    wsl	     ws	       Number of columns in status line

   Strings    [Toc]    [Back]
				 Cap-	   Termcap
     Variable			 name	   Code	     Description

     acs_chars			 acsc	   ac	     Graphic charset pairs
     alt_scancode_esc		 scesca	   S8	     Alternate escape for
						     scancode emulation
						     (default is for vt100)
     back_tab			 cbt	   bt	     Back tab
     bell			 bel	   bl	     Audible signal (bell)
     bit_image_repeat		 birep	   Zy	     Repeat bit-image cell
						     #1	#2 times (use
     bit_image_newline		 binel	   Zz	     Move to next row of the
						     bit image (use tparm)
     bit_image_carriage_return	 bicr	   Yv	     Move to beginning of same
						     row (use tparm)
     carriage_return		 cr	   cr	     Carriage return
     change_char_pitch		 cpi	   ZA	     Change number of
						     characters	per inch
     change_line_pitch		 lpi	   ZB	     Change number of lines per
     change_res_horz		 chr	   ZC	     Change horizontal
     change_res_vert		 cvr	   ZD	     Change vertical resolution
     change_scroll_region	 csr	   cs	     Change to lines #1	through
						     #2	(vt100)
     char_padding		 rmp	   rP	     Like ip but when in
						     replace mode
     char_set_names		 csnm	   Zy	     List of character set
     clear_all_tabs		 tbc	   ct	     Clear all tab stops
     clear_margins		 mgc	   MC	     Clear all margins (top,
						     bottom, and sides)
     clear_screen		 clear	   cl	     Clear screen and home

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     clr_bol			 el1	   cb	     Clear to beginning	of
						     line, inclusive
     clr_eol			 el	   ce	     Clear to end of line
     clr_eos			 ed	   cd	     Clear to end of display
     code_set_init		 csin	   ci	     Init sequence for multiple
     color_names		 colornm   Yw	     Give name for color #1
     column_address		 hpa	   ch	     Horizontal	position
     command_character		 cmdch	   CC	     Terminal settable cmd
						     character in prototype
     cursor_address		 cup	   cm	     Move to row #1 col	#2
     cursor_down		 cud1	   do	     Down one line
     cursor_home		 home	   ho	     Home cursor (if no	cup)
     cursor_invisible		 civis	   vi	     Make cursor invisible
     cursor_left		 cub1	   le	     Move left one space.
     cursor_mem_address		 mrcup	   CM	     Memory relative cursor
     cursor_normal		 cnorm	   ve	     Make cursor appear	normal
						     (undo vs/vi)
     cursor_right		 cuf1	   nd	     Non-destructive space
						     (cursor or	carriage right)
     cursor_to_ll		 ll	   ll	     Last line,	first column
						     (if no cup)
     cursor_up			 cuu1	   up	     Upline (cursor up)
     cursor_visible		 cvvis	   vs	     Make cursor very visible
     define_bit_image_region	 defbi	   Yx	     Define rectangular
						     bit-image region (use
     define_char		 defc	   ZE	     Define a character	in a
						     character setdelete_character
		 dch1	   dc	     Delete character
     delete_line		 dl1	   dl	     Delete line
     device_type		 devt	   dv	     Indicate language/codeset
     dis_status_line		 dsl	   ds	     Disable status line
     display_pc_char		 dispc	   S1	     Display PC	character
     down_half_line		 hd	   hd	     Half-line down (forward
						     1/2 linefeed)
     ena_acs			 enacs	   eA	     Enable alternate character
     end_bit_image_region	 endbi	   Yy	     End a bit-image region
						     (use tparm)
     enter_alt_charset_mode	 smacs	   as	     Start alternate character
     enter_am_mode		 smam	   SA	     Turn on automatic margins
     enter_blink_mode		 blink	   mb	     Turn on blinking
     enter_bold_mode		 bold	   md	     Turn on bold (extra
						     bright) mode
     enter_ca_mode		 smcup	   ti	     String to begin programs

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						     that use cup
     enter_delete_mode		 smdc	   dm	     Delete mode (enter)
     enter_dim_mode		 dim	   mh	     Turn on half-bright mode
     enter_doublewide_mode	 swidm	   ZF	     Enable double wide
     enter_draft_quality	 sdrfq	   ZG	     Set draft quality print
     enter_insert_mode		 smir	   im	     Insert mode (enter)
     enter_italics_mode		 sitm	   ZH	     Enable italics
     enter_leftward_mode	 slm	   ZI	     Enable leftward carriage
     enter_micro_mode		 smicm	   ZJ	     Enable micro motion
     enter_near_letter_quality	 snlq	   ZK	     Set near-letter quality
     enter_normal_quality	 snrmq	   ZL	     Set normal	quality	print
     enter_pc_charset_mode	 smpch	   S2	     Enter PC character	display
     enter_protected_mode	 prot	   mp	     Turn on protected mode
     enter_reverse_mode		 rev	   mr	     Turn on reverse video mode
     enter_scancode_mode	 smsc	   S4	     Enter PC scancode mode
     enter_secure_mode		 invis	   mk	     Turn on blank mode
						     (characters invisible)
     enter_shadow_mode		 sshm	   ZM	     Enable shadow printing
     enter_standout_mode	 smso	   so	     Begin standout mode
     enter_subscript_mode	 ssubm	   ZN	     Enable subscript printing
     enter_superscript_mode	 ssupm	   ZO	     Enable superscript
     enter_underline_mode	 smul	   us	     Start underscore mode
     enter_upward_mode		 sum	   ZP	     Enable upward carriage
     enter_xon_mode		 smxon	   SX	     Turn on xon/xoff
     erase_chars		 ech	   ec	     Erase #1 characters
     exit_alt_charset_mode	 rmacs	   ae	     End alternate character
     exit_am_mode		 rmam	   RA	     Turn off automatic	margins
     exit_attribute_mode	 sgr0	   me	     Turn off all attributes
     exit_ca_mode		 rmcup	   te	     String to end programs
						     that use cup
     exit_delete_mode		 rmdc	   ed	     End delete	mode
     exit_doublewide_mode	 rwidm	   ZQ	     Disable double wide
     exit_insert_mode		 rmir	   ei	     End insert	mode
     exit_italics_mode		 ritm	   ZR	     Disable italics
     exit_leftward_mode		 rlm	   ZS	     Enable rightward (normal)
						     carriage motion
     exit_micro_mode		 rmicm	   ZT	     Disable micro motion
     exit_pc_charset_mode	 rmpch	   S3	     Disable PC	character
						     display mode

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     exit_scancode_mode		 rmsc	   S5	     Disable PC	scancode mode
     exit_shadow_mode		 rshm	   ZU	     Disable shadow printing
     exit_standout_mode		 rmso	   se	     End standout mode
     exit_subscript_mode	 rsubm	   ZV	     Disable subscript printing
     exit_superscript_mode	 rsupm	   ZW	     Disable superscript
     exit_underline_mode	 rmul	   ue	     End underscore mode

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