scr_dump - format of curses screen image file.
The curses(3X) function scr_dump() will copy the contents of the screen
into a file. The format of the screen image is as described below.
The name of the tty is 20 characters long and the modification time (the
mtime of the tty that this is an image of) is of the type time_t. All
other numbers and characters are stored as chtype (see <curses.h>). No
newlines are stored between fields.
<magic number: octal 0433>
<name of tty>
<mod time of tty>
<columns> <lines>
<line length> <chars in line>for each line on the screen
<line length> <chars in line>
<labels?> 1, if soft screen labels are present
<cursor row> <cursor column>
Only as many characters as are in a line will be listed. For example, if
the <line length> is 0, there will be no characters following <line
length>. If <labels?> is TRUE, following it will be
<number of labels>
<label width>
<chars in label 1>
<chars in label 2>
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