ufmFreeFontInfo(3w) ufmFreeFontInfo(3w)
ufmFreeFontInfo - free font information
#include <ufm.h>
int ufmFreeFontInfo(ufmFont *font)
ufmFreeFontInfo frees the memory ufmGetFontInfo allocated for a data
structure of the type ufmFont.
When ufmGetFontInfo allocates a data structure of the type ufmFont, it
returns the address of that data structure (font). When you are finished
with that data structure, you can free it by calling ufmFreeFontInfo with
the address that was returned by ufmGetFontInfo.
If you specify a NULL pointer for font, ufmFreeFontInfo will return the
value UFM_INVALID_VALUE. Else, it will return the value UFM_NO_ERROR.
UFM_INVALID_VALUE and UFM_NO_ERROR are defined in the header file
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